The One Where Shit Happens

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I try not to look but I can't. Why is he doing this with here. Why is she dressed like that. Why is he tied up. Is this some 50 Shades Of Grey crap??? Aubrey is dressed in some black linger thing and Jessie's shirt is off with his hands tied to the bed frames with a bandana tied in his mouth.

"What the hell???" I ask with my hands still on the door knob. "Aubrey what are you doing to him??" I say walking over to jesse and untying him. "What does it look like we're doing. We're about to confess our love for each other in a glorious way." She says breathing heavily. "No it looks like you're about to rape Jesse." I say finally getting the bandana off his mouth.

"GET OUT! Aubrey, just get the fuck out. I can't have you my home. It's not safe for me or anyone. Please. Your...something is going on in your head. Please go rest help or something. I care for you but what have you become. Just go." Jesse says going to his bathroom and locking himself.

"Aubrey. I'm gonna call the fucking cops if you don't get the hell out. GO! Jesse doesn't feel safe with you here." I yell at her but she isn't moving. "If you really love him then give him his space. Give him time. And leave his house. Right now. Can't you see he was literally about to cry because you were about to rape him. " at least that made her go. She wrapped her coat on and left. I looked out the window to make sure and she did.

I go over to the the bathroom door and it's locked.

"Jesse open up." I try opening the door again and nothing. UGHHH. I take out a bobby pin from my hair and try to unlock the door. Yesss I got it. I open the door and see jeese's head in the toilet throwing up.

I grab a towel and quickly sit beside him. I'm rubbing his bare back to make him feel better. "Are you okay?" I ask when he sits back up. He shakes his head no and I move over to his side. "Izm sorry I didn't come sooner." I say whipping his mouth and cheeks. "Im glad you came." He looks at me and I look at him with a everything's-gonna-be-okay smile. "I'll be right back." I say getting up and going to his room. I go to his closet and grab him a shirt. And go to my bag and take out my water bottle.

I go over to him and try to pick him up but he refuses and taps the spot next to him so I can sit down.

"Beca I need to tell you something." He says. I give him an I'm-listening-look and he talks.

"When I was twelve, stacie was at hers friends house and mom and dad we working. So they called our regular babysitter. Daphne. She was really sweet and I liked her. Well I went to go sleep and when she thought I might of been sleeping she went under my covers and....."I look in his eyes knowing what he's about to say. Tears well up. Instead of him telling me the rest I just hug him. He hugs me back and I can feel his tears on my shoulders. He cries harder. "It's alright jesse I'm here. It's okay...." He hugs me tighter.

I don't want to push him to talk but I need to know what happened to her.

"Jesse...please tell me where she lives. I don't care if I go to juvie or something bad. That bitch is going to play for what she did to you." I say. He lets go and shakes his head.

"Don't worry she's already locked up. They caught her doing it to a 7 year old." He says sniffing and whipping his eyes. I whip a tear that is falling from his cheeks with my thumb. I feel so bad. "Do your parents know??"

"I told them 6 months later when she was locked up. They were yelling at me ask me why I didn't tell them sooner. I felt really bad. The parents of my friends found out and their kids stopped hanging out with me. The older kids started making fun of me and the older guys were telling me I'm the man. Getting a 17 year old to have sex with me. I assumed hey didn't know the real story and I just got tired of it all. We moved the next to weeks here to Georgia and nobody's knows except my parents and Stacie. And you."

"Look if anything like that happens to you again or worst,call me. I don't care at what time at night and I don't care where you're at. I'll be there. I promise." I tell him with my hand on his thigh. We look into each other's eyes for a bit. This time I lean in.

Then we hear a crash. We quickly get up and look door the stairs. Some idiots broke 8 vases and a guy nocked out but still laughing.

"Whoa Jesse! Getting in on the new chick! MY MAN!" A guy says and other guys putting they're hands up and down. Realizing Jesse isn't wearing a shirt and we both came out at the same time.

"You wanna go somewhere....quiet?" I ask jesse in his ear because with all this loud music we can't even hear shit. He shakes his head and we go back to his room. I lock his door so no one would come in. He brushes his teeth to get all the vomit after taste out and puts on a sweat shirt. We make our way out of his house but there are sooo many people! It's like a fucking club/prom/concert/John Tucker's birthday party. Finally we make it my car and we just drive two street down so we won't here the noise.

"So where do you wanna go Swasnon?" I ask him taking the keys out of my car.
"Well I did say somewhere quiet." He says. "Here's perfect" I look down and its a comfortable silence. He takes out his phone and is texting someone. I put my seat down and lay down with my eyes closed.

"Hello?" I hear jesse. "Mom? Uhhhh Stacie is with Jessica and I'm with one of my friends from school. I'm not lying. Home? Tomorrow? When?......I know but what time?.......9......okay we will. No Aubrey and I broke up didn't dad tell it's not because of her it's because oh Aubrey and I didn't work together.....okay. you too."he hangs up the phone and tries calling stacie. No answer. answer.

"Beca we need to go back home like right now." He says. "Okay" I say putting my seat up and starting the car.

We make it to his house which we could hear from down the street

I park down 7 houses because there's a lot of people and jesse and I run to his house. I go over to Luke and stop the music. "Becky what the fuck?!" Luke say because I plugged him off. I grab to mic."Everybody needs to get the fuck out of here!!" I say really angry.

"FUCK YOU GOTH SHIT!" Some dude yells. I'm about to go all "sharkisha" on him but jesse holds me back

(A/N I Sharkisha I know right😂😂)

"Everybody get the hell out before i call the cops!" Jesse yell. "Don't worry about that dud they're already coming I can hear their sirens.

Holy shit the cops are coming. "YOU ALL DUIN THE PARTY BUTTWHOLES!!" Everyone yells at us and throws us drinks and alcohol. I am soaked all over my neck and so is Jesse.

As soon as they cops get here everyone starts running. We can't get through people and I see stacie. She's stuck. It's only us four and they cops put flash light in our faces.


They grab us putting us in hand cuffs and put us in cars. Thankfully we all fit in one and stacie looks like she's about to cry. Jesse looks like well-shit and Luke looks like my-mom-is-going-to-kill-me and I'm over here like..holy-fuck.

HELLO! Well the picture up there is The Swanson Family. I don't know when I'm gonna update but I'll try twice a week. Tell me what you thought in the comments. Bye little weirdos💜-Alondra

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