The One Where They Hate Them

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Oh my god we all fucked up this time. Stacie is crying quietly on jesses shoulder.Luke's hands are on the bars with his head leaned in it. I'm over here sitting playing with my bracelets. None of us have said a word. I can hear Luke quietly saying "I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead." We've been here for over 34 minutes. One of the guards said we each get one phone call. Luke went first. For where we are I can hear Luke is yelling "IM SORRY IM SORRY! I didn't expect it to get that crazy....Well who would've thought Jesse was popular...his sisters only popular because she sleeps with guys and has a lot of friends.....Aubrey????-"

Luke then starts whispering and up i can't hear him. Stacie finally stopped crying. It's her turn to call as soon as Luke comes back. Jesse keeps shaking his leg,it's like he's nervous.

"Girl Swanson." The guy calls for her when Luke comes back. He stays at his regular spot. I look over to jesse and he looks like he's about to throw up. I slide down the bench to be next to him. We don't say anything,I just hold his hand in comfort. I know he's okay because he wraps his thumb around mine.right here we know that we're gonna be okay. Stacie comes back. Nose red,eyes watery,one part of her hair is behind her ear and the other is covering her right eye her arms are crossed. It's my turn. Breathe Beca. Everything is going to be okay. I dial the one person who I trust more than anybody.

"Hello? Adam if this is you I swear I will fucking come down there and kick you ass." She says. "No mom it's me Beca. Listen I can explain all of this. But I need you to bail me out. I miss you and I called you because I knewn you would understand." I say starting to choke a little with tears that are wanting to come out. "Baby it's okay. Listen Im gonna call John and I'm coming over there. I'll speed so I'll be there in 1 and a half hour." She says. "Mom please don't tell dad. That is the last thing I would want you to do." I say with my voice breaking even harder. "Baby I'm sorry but u have to. He is your dad and he is the only one who is literally close to you." She says caring. I hear honks everywhere and sirens. "Mom are you being chased?" I ask. "No remember david the guy I told you about. He's a cop and I took his car." I laugh at her and her craziness. "Alright I have to go because someone else is waiting for the phone. I love you."
"I love you too Becs." She hangs up. I pretend I'm still on the phone so I can while my face.

I get back to our sail and jesse sees how I look. I mouth,"I'm okay" and he nods and gives me a warm smile. He then leaves and I sit next to Stacie.

"How did it go? Was you dad mad?" She asked. "Ummm I called my mom. She's on her way here from Florida." I say. "Whoa isn't that like 6-8 hours." She ask. "Well knowing her badass skills I figured she might of skipped all the red lights but she took her friend's cop car and is on her way. She'll be in in and hour or two. What about you? How did your parents react." I ask her. She raises her eyebrows and let's out a sigh.

"Not good. They kept yelling at me. Especially my dad. He wouldn't even let me explain what happened. He said he's never been more disappointed but he's more mad at jesse because jesse is my big brother and he should be the responsible one. He was in charge after all. I tried to tell him it was my idea but he was like "why princess,why?" " she says. He head is down at her knees and hands in her hair.

"It's alright. At least you and Jesse have it more easy. When my dad finds out he will flip. I'm not his favorite child. I'll probably be grounded for life." I say. Jesse comes back and he tells us what happened. It's basically the same as stacie's but much worst. Stacie wrapped both her arms around us and she calls Luke. Luke comes over and wraps his arm around both Stacie and I and puts his head on my shoulder.

"Well at least we're all fucked together." Luke's says.

3 hours later.

The bars open and the man tells us we're free to go. We all walk out at the same time. We see out parents. Half of them look pisses and the other her look happy/disappointed to see us.

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