The One Where Its Opening Night

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"5 6 7 8!" Gail yells. We're rehearsing the group number. This play is opening in 3 days and people are messing up. Someone is in the wrong position and keep making blow fall.

"Guys! It's the same thing we've been practicing for over 1 month now! Chloe stop falling. Greg your suppose to be over there,and Cynthia your not in this scene." Gail says to us. "Take five everybody."

I walk off the stage and get a water bottle.

"Hey" Jesse says popping up behind me. "So are we really that bad?" He asked. "I don't know. Who the fuck can't remember the middle dance routine that we've been practicing non stop like last Friday." I snapped. "Stacie keeps getting pushed by Chloe because Chloe is getting frustrated with Greg." He says.

"Opening night is in 3 days. My mom is coming and so is Sheila's mom who is a bitch to me. She doesn't know about us or about everything that's happened because I don't like talking to her. She's always like,"why do you have those tattoos? Why don't you dress like a girl and not a lesbian? Why don't you get a boyfriend? Are you gay? Is that why you have that ear spike?" Like what the fuck"

"I can assure her that you are definitely not a lesbian." He said and kissed me. "My whole family's coming. My aunts and uncles and cousins and one of my grandpa's."

"5 6 7 8!"

Gail yelled. We've gotten better I guess. Stacie has stopped messing up from others. And fail as settled down a bit. Oh no I knew this was too good to be true. I feel really hard

"Owwwwww!" I scream in pain. "On my god are you okay?" Jesse asked kneeling down by my side. "My ankle!" I cried. "Oh my gosh Bec I'm so sorry." Greg said scared. "BECA! Holy shit are you okay?" Gail asked running towards us. I shake my head because if I open my mouth I'll let out pain. I hold my knee up because my ankle fucking hurts!

I can't take it. I just scream out in pain."OWWWW! Jesseeeeeeeeee!!!"

"Okay Jesse carry her to my car. We're taking her to the hospital. Umm everybody practice and go home." Gail told everyone. Jesse carefully picked me up and took me to Gail's car.

"Is it broken? Can she still participate in the musical?" Gail asked the doctor. "Nope it's definitely broken." He said showing us the ex Ray. I put my head up sad. "I'm sorry kido but it looks like Anna will be leaving Tony...or Toby....I don't know." He said.

"Bec you okay?" Jesse asked. "No. My ankle is fucking broken and I can't play in the musical when it comes out in 3 days. See this is why I should've had an understudy." I told both of them. "Bec don't worry it's okay. At my old school I taught at I met this girl. I keep in touch with her still and she partially knows every part. So I think we're in good hands." I would be lying if I said I wasnt jealous. I don't want another girl kissing my jesse, I don't want another girl being in love with him,I don't want jesse with another anna.

"What's her name?" I asked. "Gabriella Montgomery. I thinks she's your age." I saw that Jesse had froze.he looked like he was about to barf.

"Jess you okay?" I ask him. He's in the same position until Gail slaps him.

"Huh?" He asked. "Oh um Beca you remember those videos Stacie showed you about me and ex ex girlfriend. That's the one she's talking about." He said. He looking at me trying to a reaction. "Will that be a problem?" Gail asked,Jesse still looking at me.

"Nope. Not at all." I said faking a smile. She exited the room and jesse opened his mouth. "Bec-"

"I said everything okay. It's just a girl. A girl you were madly in love with. That broke you heart. And if I wasn't in the cast you would never have to see her again and I could use my fighting skills on someone else."

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