1. Silenzio Bruno

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"Silenzio Bruno." "Silenzio Bruno."
"Can you still hear him?" "Nope, just you!"
"good, now hang on."

"What is your best memory of us." Alberto asked, the sun shone bright, the summer had made its entry. They were waiting for Giulia to arrive, the vacation had started and she notified the boys that she would arrive shortly. "All three of us or just us two?" Luca replied.  "Both." The wild curls danced in the wind as they laid on a sun-warmed rock. Alberto turned his head to his partner in crime. "I think, with all of us the race was the absolute coolest. Until, yeah, we got revealed and stuff. Nevertheless it did work out in the end!" The enthusiasm could be read off of the boys glistening face. "And uhh with just you... The moment you had faith in me when it felt like nobody else had. When we just yelled silenzio Bruno like nothing mattered. I treasure that moment."

The memory was sweet and wonderful to relive, both of them not knowing who Bruno was and why he was the annoying voice in their mind. Just happy he vanished. Bruno equaled intrusive and unhappy thoughts.

Suddenly the honk of a train could be heard, the two fishes rose up from their almost asleep state and looked up at each other excitedly. Giulia had arrived. Wasting no time and reading each others mind they sprinted as fast as they could to the station. Giulia was already waiting for them to come pick her up. A thousand questions were fired at her. She had to stay behind at school for a couple of days while Luca was already sent home. No one knew the exact reason why, but they were eager to find out. These past days Luca and Alberto had spend making new and reliving old memories.

"Giulia!" Luca happily exclaimed, it felt like ages since he last saw her. Though it had only been a couple of days. Alberto greeted her with a soft raised hand, a little insecure of their relationship. Last summer didn't start off as good as he'd hoped. It was obvious that Luca was way closer than he was to her, it made him almost nauseous. His jealousy turned on him, it was hard to let either of them travel far and leaving him behind. Yet he was very glad they took this opportunity to study abroad. He himself had not taken an interest in going to a school of any kind. It just didn't feel important enough. He felt like he himself had greater things to discover and achieve. Another destiny was waiting for him. Another adventure. And hell he was in for a ride.

{ I know it's short, but it's a slight introduction. Next chapters will be more adventurous I promise. I'm not so sure if my writing style is the most pleasant to read, so any tips are welcome. ENJOY!}

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