17. What the heck

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"Where are we?" Alberto managed to get out, his voice raspy and quiet. "Shhh, it's OK. We're in Encanto." Luca tried to comfort his best friend. He had recently woke up from his slumber, mind foggy and clouded. Giulia was still out searching for someone to help them, another night on the streets might do some serious damage to Alberto. Luca always thought Alberto's immune system was insanely strong, he had never seen the other guy fall ill. But for everything is a first time, they were just incredibly unprepared for something like this on their trip. 

"Hang on just a little bit more." Alberto closed his eyes again, seeing light and movements was too hard on his brain. He leaned in Luca's touch, who kept on letting the curls move through his fingers, brushing them slightly. He really hoped Giulia was on her way back already. 

In the meantime Giulia was in deep conversation with a bubbly looking girl, about where to find Julieta. The woman who apparently heal anyone and anything. It happened to be her mother. She introduced herself as Mirabel before she led Giulia the way to their home. Giulia told her her name as well and stated why she was in such a hurry. Mirabel told her she understood and that Julieta would take care of it. 

What kind of wonderwoman was this Julieta even? 

The house Mirabel led her to was beautiful and... Moving without help of any human or machine? Giulia was genuinely shocked, never seen such frightening house before. Could you imagine the tiles sneaking up on you when you are fast asleep? Brr, Giulia couldn't shake the thoughts off of her. "Ah you're new here aren't you?" Mirabel only just noticed that the girl in front of her had never heard about the family Madrigal. Giulia nodded shyly, taking back by this girls energy. "Oh well, then I guess I should start the story from the beginning. It starts with-"

"How much I'd like to hear your story sometime, now is not that time. My friend needs help, remember." Giulia interrupted Mirabel's moment. "I suppose you're right, I'll explain the magic of Casita and my family later. Let's get mom." Giulia sighed, she luckily prevented delay. Even though she still was very curious about the house and the supposedly things the family could do. 

Mirabel knocked on the door and proceeded to let herself in. A small open area showed before them, surrounded with walls and nicely decorated doors on the second floor. "My mother is probably in the kitchen." Mirabel motioned, pointed to the kitchen door. Giulia followed her closely. A wonderful homey woman was cooking something, flipping the arepa's with her fingers. Her blue dress suited her loving face. 

"Hola mama." Mirabel greeted her with a kiss, which the woman returned. "Hola Mirabel." She replied, "Who have you brought with you." She looked at Giulia curiously. "Where are my manners. Hola, I am Julieta. Nice to meet you!" "A pleasure to meet you too, my name is Giulia." She introduced herself, not wanting to sound rude by just stating what she came here for. Luckily Mirabel saved her out of that awkward position. "Mama, Giulia is here to ask help for her precious friend." Giulia nodded as confirmation. 

"Well then, I've just finished making these." She points to her batch of food. "Lead the way, muchachas!" Mirabel grabs her by the hand excitedly, Giulia was just relieved that this woman seemed to be able to help them. They have came too far to give up. Bruno must be around somewhere. "Good morning hermano." Julieta yells on her way to the exit. A man with loose curls and an oversized green, Giulia had no idea how they called this piece of clothing, a poncho?

"Buenos días." The man waved to her lightly. She chuckled and quickly focused again as Mirabel was pulling her hand. "Come on mom, we've got to go. You'll lead the way." The last part was directed to Giulia, she felt slightly insecure about people older than her giving her the lead. However she kept a straight face and did what was asked of her. She had remembered the exact place they had spent the night, so she could bring them even with her eyes closed. 

"There you are! It seems worse now." Luca had laid Alberto on the ground who was fast asleep again. "He woke up for a bit and he couldn't even recall where we were." The little boy was filled with concern for his fellow seacreature. "Yeah, I brought these amazing women. They surely can help him."

"We sure can." Julieta stepped forward. "Hola, I'm Julieta Madrigal and I can heal anyone with a meal." Luca looked at Giulia confused, she just shrugged. Like she had a clue what was going on, she had never heard of the Madrigals before or what any gift could mean. "Hi, I'm Luca. This is Alberto. We came from far and he suddenly fell ill, I'm not an expert but it looks serious." He led them to Alberto's sleeping body. Julieta laid her hand on his forehead, checking his temperature, noticing he was steaming hot immediately. "We need to get him to our home. I can treat him there." She decided. 

Luca and Giulia were fine with basically everything, as long as their buddy would get better. "Mirabel, can you call Luisa for me." The fifteen year old girl nodded and sprinted off. The two friends started gathering their stuff, since they weren't leaving Alberto behind in a strange house. 

In a matter of minutes Mirabel returned with a buff woman, she was aesthetically pleasing to look at and showed them great kindness by lifting Alberto carefully and carrying him to the house. Bruno and Camilo were discussing some important manner or something while the sick one was brought in. They looked at the commotion. Bruno locked eyes with Alberto, while the curlyhaired cousin was having eye contact with someone completely different. 

"Wha-" Bruno started his question, but Julieta shut him off. "This boy is sick and needs our help, is the spare room empty?" 

The moment we've all been waiting for is finally here. 

Little list of translations in case you did not know: 

Muchachas: Girls
Hermano: Brother
Buenos días: Good morning

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