18. Y'know

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"I suppose so, but I need to talk to this kid and-" 
"Later. He needs help first." Julieta was a cold and demanding woman when she put her priorities straight. In this case it was helping the little strange boy two kids brought to her. Luisa carried Alberto upstairs, quickly followed by Giulia and Luca. 

Bruno was left behind, downstairs. He couldn't believe what he had seen, the boy from his prophecies. The kid whom he will supposedly let down to fall. The one boy who he had never expected to be here, because he had presumed he was dead. What did this mean, where had he seen this kid before. He looked back at Camilo, his nephew was staring at him with a hint of worry in his brown eyes. "Are you doing well?" He asked. 

"Yeahyeah." Bruno dismissed the question, strangely he had never felt better. "Camilo, can you do me a favor? Or actually two?" "Let me guess." The young shapeshifter said. "You want me to change into that sick stranger tía just brought in AND you want me to spy on them." Camilo sighs, this was what people always wanted of him. They wanted him to change into someone to help themselves, to benefit themselves. Camilo didn't care. Or at least he thought he didn't care.

Bruno nodded at Camilo's words, that was exactly what he wanted. He was very lucky the chameleon was good with faces, cause this boy had his eyes on the fierce redhead most of the time in the short moment they were here. "Fine." He grumbled, changing into Alberto. His copy wasn't exactly perfect since he only saw him pale. But it was close enough for Bruno who studied the face thoroughly. 

"This boy..." He mumbled. "He reminds me of someone, someone very important." "Now that you mention it." Dolores entered the room. She heard the commotion and wondered what it was all about. Camilo, still transformed into Alberto, rolled his eyes at the entry of his sister. "Yes, now I'm sure. He looks a bit like your lover doesn't he?" "You know about her?" Bruno sounded so confused it made her giggle a bit. 

"Yes silly, you weren't exactly quiet on your secret adventures. So I decided to follow you and voila. She was really pretty by the way." If only Bruno could remember everything about her. If only Bruno could remember what this boy meant for him. If only Bruno could remember he would be so much closer to the truth. If only. 

"So what do you think about him?" Bruno gestured to the fake Alberto. "Yeah what do you think about me?" Camilo winked and made kissy-faces in the air. "Ew gross, you're transformed in, and you are, a minor. But in my humble opinion it might be family or not. HM." After her little squeak she walked away. Camilo was trying to get on her nerves, well not this time, she thought. 

"Well, you can change back Camilo." The young boy did as he was told and added a little twirl to the show. "And now time for some spying. The spykids are nothing compared to me." He let out an honest laugh that even made Bruno chuckle nervously. "I'll get the scoop or hot tea for you tío, you just relax will ya." Camilo practically skipped upstairs to the spare room. He looked back one more time to see his uncle standing in the middle of the room. Bruno was deep in thought, these events were too much for him to handle.

"Oi! Watch where you're going primo." Someone collided with the yellow-coded character. "Ah Mirabel, just the person I was looking for." He flashed his charming smile in her direction. "Not now Camilo, I need to deliver the water to our patient." This was the perfect opportunity. "I'll do that for you, you deserve to relax!" Mirabel didn't believe his sugarcoated words one bit, nevertheless she agreed. She still needed to finish a new stuffed animal for Tonito. He had requested a monkey and she said that she'll make one as soon as possible, so this was her best opportunity to make some time for it.

Camilo carefully took the water out of her hands and watched as Mirabel went into her room. Then he sneakily changed into his cousin, this way he could get all the information he wanted. All this shapeshifting was tiring him out, but he knew this was important to Bruno. So he put up with it. 

"I'm back." Camilo or actually Mirabel announced. "Took you long enough! We'll wait for him to wake up and then he can eat some of my freshly made arepa's." Julieta explained to Giulia and Luca. They were watching her like she was some sort of wizard. She noticed and said: "Mirabel will explain everything to you, however it might be more convenient if your friend is awake as well. That way she can cover it all in one go. Will you do that for our guest sweetheart?" 

"Of course mama." The girl nodded. Unsure of what to do with the cup of water in her hands until he saw a cloth laying closely to the bed Alberto was in. The two strangers in the room where staring at him and he started to feel useless so he just picked up the cloth. After making it wet he attempted to lay it on the forehead of the sick boy, to reduce his heavy fever and to wake him up. However he stopped midway when he heard the other boy in the room yell, "Stop!" 

He assumed it wasn't for him and continued. Something weird happened when the water touched the boy's skin. It turned blue and the skin became fishy and scaly. Julieta jumped up from her seat. "What is happening-" Camilo said in a very high-pitched voice, stepping backwards. Due to the sudden shock he had panicked and changed into a baby. Julieta shook her head as his cover was blown. The chameleon innocently rubbed the back of his neck in his natural form. 

Giulia and Luca looked at him in wonder. "Well, guess Camilo isn't the only one who can change around here." Julieta stated. "Ah yes," Luca said. "I was meaning to tell you before, Alberto and I are seacreatures from Italy. We came here to look for a man named Bruno." 

The shock when they found out Alberto changed was nothing with what the two Madrigals experienced now. "What are the fucking odds." Julieta had a clue what was going on, but she would keep her speculation quiet.

{sorry to disappoint, I just really like avoiding confrontations I guess :P } 

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