29. The back of a page

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Another dimension, a simulation or a curse. In one or more of those was Bruno, he was sure of it. A lovely lady stood before him, he knew he had been in this scenario before. It was a flashback after all. Large trees surrounded the young couple, Bruno felt young again. He heard himself say, "Let's get married someday." The girl nodded fiercely and then laid her head to rest on his shoulder. 

Scenery changed, time passed.

"I now declare you husband and wife." 
The woman before him had aged, she had grown more beautiful. Experience in life looked good on her, a knowingly glow in her sparkling eyes. Bruno looked around the room, or rather the spot in the woods where they supposedly got married. There was only one witness and a guy to wed them. The witness was an old pal of Bruno, one of the few he cared for a lot. The man had decided to travel the world shortly after their marriage. Bruno still missed him everyday. 

"You may now kiss the bride." 
Their lips found their way to each other. Adelaide was a great kisser, he remembered. She always had been. He just didn't know where she was now, if this was truly her kid or basically anything from the last two decades or so. 

Scenery changed again, so did the time. Time is a lovely concept: You never have enough, but when you do it can't go by fast enough. Either you love time or you hate it. Bruno hated it. It was a social construct and rather relative. Time. 

"I hate you, you're the worst!"
"Not if I hate you more."
"I-, why couldn't you just be there for me. I asked you to be there, just this time."
"Mi vida, this town needs me. My prophecies give them hope."
"You only told some lady her fish will die, ALL FISH FUCKING DIE." 

Bruno reached out to Adelaide, he intended to put a strand of hair behind her ear. She slapped his hand away, but held it dearly. She came closer to Bruno, her head lowered in defeat, shame and pain. 

"Bruno, you care so much for this village. I know you do and I'm so proud of you. I just, it's selfish of me I know that too. I just can't take it. I need some time for myself."
"I understand." 

Suddenly Bruno was in the house, his head was almost flooding with the amount of visions strung together. This was yet another one. He wasn't in it, he knew so because his dirty nails showed up again. He'd forgot to clean them the morning before. 

"Abuela Madrigal, please you can't do this to your son."
"I can very much, Brunito is unhappy with you. Can't you see that? I want you to leave this instant, it'll be better for the family and for him."
"But he needs me and I need him?"
"I don't want to hear it Adelaide. Pack your stuff and leave, I don't want you near my boy again."

What was going on here? His own mother decided his faith, even though he was all grown-up and basically doing everything she asked of him? This wasn't fair. His vision brought history in a new light. A dark one. 

Scenery changed to his room. He changed too, he was younger now. Bruno really prayed this was the last time this would happen. Adelaide stood before him, holding a five year old to her chest. Bruno looked in her direction questioning who he was and what they were doing here.

"Please take him, he is your son." 
She handed him the little boy.
"Ad, I can't. Mirabel didn't get her gift and the magic might die and Abuela-"
"Screw her. Listen Bruno, he is your boy. He's not human, he is like me. Where I live now the won't accept him and I can't deal with it. I know I might seem heartless, but I am desperate." She was full on crying now. Tears flowing freely down her cheeks. "His name is Alberto."

Bruno took the boy, he took him and ran. Ran for hours. He traveled far and somehow he ended up in the small hamlet called Porto Rosso. He found an abandoned tower and started raising a child there. There were hard times, Alberto wasn't the easiest kid and Bruno wasn't the most ideal father. Often they collided. 

But Bruno also told Alberto thousands of fairytales and stories. Alberto loved those. They'd go on adventures together too. Bruno decided to leave Alberto's last name as the same as Adelaide. Alberto Scorfano.

The visions were moving fast, it was coming to an end really soon. This was the last one, Bruno was sure of it.

Rain and thunder collided in the skies. Dark, lightning and fear. 
"Do you really have to go dad?" Alberto asked him. "Yea, am sorry boy. The bird won't save himself." 

They said their goodbyes and Bruno started to chase after a bird. The poor thing had fallen down from the sky and it had felt like his duty to tend to the animal. A wave washed over him. The boat he was in to retrieve the bird capsized. He hit his head incredibly hard on the rocks. Black was the only thing he could see.

Until a fisherman fished him out of the waters. 
"Where are ya from, man?"
"I uhh, El Encanto I suppose."

That is how his memory loss started. This is his full story. The last bits of the puzzle have connected and he regained his memory. Now truly, a new life could begin for the both of them.

My apologies for not updating frequently. Stuff and stuff and shit. 

Any corrections on spelling or grammar are welcome. 
See ya next time :p

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