3. A discovery

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"You awake?"
"Yes Alberto, you've asked me the same thing three times now."
"Oh, yeah."
"What's up buddy, you're never this anxious"

Alberto sits up straight, the three of them were having a sleepover in the treehouse. Giulia was fast asleep, the journey sucked the energy out of her. However Alberto couldn't seem to fall asleep. First of all he was pumped with adrenaline, they had given a small celebration for the news Giulia brought. She had to stay behind because she was at the top of the class. So the principle and her decided it would be good to speed up her lessons so she'd be able to graduate a little earlier. Saving her a great deal of time. 

Thus to that a lot of changed had to be made to her schedule. Alberto couldn't even imagine someone wanting to have more schoolwork and more studying. Yuk. He was happy for her nonetheless, seeing a friend happy, made him happy. Life is a simple construct, only to be made complex by ourselves. 

As of lately he had made his life a little more difficult, by thinking about stuff he can't wrap his head around. His smarts didn't reach that far, but he was certain even Giulia wouldn't have answers for his conundrum. Hell, she would probably just laugh at him. 

Therefore Alberto concluded it might be better to just gently introduce Luca to his thoughts instead of full-out rattling. The only yet to figure out is how to bring it, without sounding completely insane. His bestfriend would support him. Right? He wouldn't make fun of his ideas and theories? Well, it wasn't really an idea or theory. More like an uncertainty, the question why and who?

"Y'know Luca," Alberto hesitated. "I never knew why I said Bruno." 
"Mhm? You mean the bad guy who tells us not to do stuff." "Yeah, that Bruno. I never once before wondered why he's called Bruno." Alberto continues as Luca interrupted. "We didn't really think it through. Just Bruno. It's Bruno and he makes bad things happen." 

"Yeah, but I feel like there must be more to Bruno, the name is so specific. I thought I heard it before, never wondered where it came from until now." Alberto locked his eyes with Luca's, to make sure he could see that he was dead-serious. "Alberto, I don't know..." The sentence begun. "But I do need to know. Luca, I can't sleep at night. I need to know who Bruno is." "If it's that important to you, we will look through your tower k?" Not the answer Alberto hoped for, however it is an answer he is satisfied with. "Would appreciate."

"Buona Notte."
"Good night."

Alberto went to lay back down and he turned his back to his friend. Waiting for the darkness of the night to engulf him. Not even ten minutes passed by as Luca found his friend asleep. The request had set him to thinking. Why did we even use Bruno? He as well hoped for answers. However even he could not stay awake forever, his eyelids became heavier and heavier. The warmth of the blanket cozier and comfier. Sleep washed over him. 

The next morning when Giulia woke up, she was surprised to see that the beds next to her were already empty. She didn't have to think for too long until she figured out where they could be. They (probably Luca) left a note saying that they'll be at Alberto's place. Giulia doubted if she'd come, Alberto did appreciate his alone time with Luca. However Giulia hadn't seen the boys until yesterday and she would like to spend time with the two of them. So she decided to get up, make an attempt at fixing her hair, saying a quick goodbye to Massimo, grabbing her bicycle and speed to the tower.

"God it was so hard to let you guys go." 
"Really? I'm glad I've been going to school. Did miss you a bunch though." 
"Yeah, living with Massimo has been fantastic! I finally have a home" 
"Giulia, you can show yourself you know?"
"Ahh Luca, it was fun to spy on you." Giulia walks closer with the bike in her hand, the handlebar of course. "It's not friendly in the slightest." Luca sighs as Giulia sticks her tongue out, wondering how someone so ... What is the right word.. Impudent, could be so smart.  "What are you guys doing?" "Oh we're looking for Br-" 

"Brand new glasses, we're looking for brand new glasses." Alberto kicked Luca lightly on his shin, just to shut him up. Luca shot him a confused glare. Giulia didn't seem to notice, or at least she pretended not to. "I can help you guys out if you want?" Before Alberto could decline, Luca had already assented. 

The curly head let out a big sigh but let Giulia in his house anyway. She immediately began searching for glasses, frantically going around the room until she spotted something looking like a frame with glas in it. Normally called glasses. 

While the two seamonsters were looking around the documents that had been on the dusty shelve for, what seemed like, over a decade. Trying to even find a hint of Bruno. Alberto didn't have a memory of the creature called Bruno, nor does he have any memory of his parents. 

"Yo guys, is this what you were looking for!" Giulia turned around with some funky looking glasses. Star-shaped with yellow lenses, she makes a funny face with them. Luca started laughing to release the tension coming from Alberto. Said boy was snapping his fingers repeatedly, deeply searching in his brain to find an answer. There was no doubt that they had dig up some useful information. 

"Those glasses..." He started, "I remember them. Well yeah I've seen them my whole life." Giulia takes them off and hands them to Alberto, he mutters a small thanks. He lets the material hit his palms, it feels like plastic. But where in his memory belong these. The confused seamonster looked at the documents Luca and him were spitting through, then back to the glasses. He knew. 

"My old man!" His exclamation was loud and energetic. Both of the two present looked at him in excitement, had they finally found a clue? Giulia knew it wasn't about the glasses, but since she decided to play along. They did need the glasses didn't they?

"I remember some man wearing these when scribbling on the docs we went through. His face is a blurry memory but still. Maybe it's a clue for Bruno." Alberto explains the situation to his best friend. "Bruno huh." Giulia says with a sly smile, "it wasn't about those glasses. You were just searching for your father." 

"Yes and no, I am for real not looking for my dad. He can fuck off. I have no father. He left me here alone and sorry I'm just super emotional right now. We found a clue." He holds the glasses up in the air, before giving them to Luca. Giving him an encouraging look, "you read." 

Oh boy, did they laugh when Luca put on those glasses. They were way to big for his head and it wasn't a complimentary color in the slightest. Giulia and Alberto quickly became serious again when Luca told them that there had been written on the papers in invisible ink. That those glasses made the ink visible, that they were one step closer to their new task. A step closer to their new adventure. With weeks of summer vacation left. 

 Hi! I just wanna leave this note here hehe. In the movie Alberto is like 14, Luca 13 and Giulia 12. Since one year has passed they are all one year aged up (duhh). Alberto is now 15, Luca is 14 and Giulia is 13. Bruno however is still 50 since I imagine my story starts a couple weeks after the movie ended. 

ALSO I have no idea how I'm going to combine Italian and Spanish. Since they live in Italy and the Madrigals live in Columbia. Either they magically learn Spanish or it's something they learned at school. OR Alberto is a bilingual raised kid. So it's rusty but present.

We'll see. Any tips are welcome :p

PS. I have 5 tabs standing open with information to keep this story going (mostly information about the movies and stuff)

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