21. Good morning Family

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"Wake up sleepyheads." Camilo knocked, or rather said pounded on the door. "uhjhjhgh, come in." Alberto sighed, his eyes barely open. Luca stretched his arms behind his back and Giulia was in another room, Mirabel thought that she should come stay with her. Giulia agreed, she didn't mind some girl time. 

"We haven't informed Abuela yet of your presence. So uhhh." He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly as if he was ashamed of his own cowardice. "Do you guys mind to stay here for tonight until, like, the storm has passed." Luca and Alberto looked at each other worriedly, where have they stranded now? What was this for crazy place, everyone seemed so afraid of one old woman.

"I don't really mind, do you Alberto?" Luca was the first one to answer Camilo's question. "Well..." Alberto's stomach rumbled, "I don't mind, but.." "I'll bring you some food. I promise!" He solemnly put his fingers in the air, taking his promise to heart. Suddenly Camilo's eyes lit up. "How about a boys night???" He excitedly asked. 

Neither of them found that to be a bad idea. There was only a few obstacles, their extreme tiredness, the jetlag and the fact that they still had to process everything that was happening. Luca and Alberto politely declined, it did upset Camilo a bit. After all, the shapeshifter didn't really have boys from his age to communicate with.

He truly loved his family, don't get him wrong. But he longed for friendship and just plain making fun. They now agreed to have a boys night the one. Tomorrow night will be their first official sleepover in Columbia. However, surviving the day was their top priority.

"Rise and shine!" Abuela welcomed the day with an unusual smile. She felt happy, a rare feeling for her. People would often described her as a neutral person, not particularly evil but not entirely good either. She could get very angry if she needed to be, irrational even. Saying stuff that impacted others, perhaps without the intention to hurt the other. Perhaps she did intent to wound someone's feelings. Outsiders will never know. 

And even yours truly, the narrator had no clue how the mind of that old woman worked. She was a mystery. Deep traumatic events deeply intertwined with her rational thinking, abandonment issues, issues with not being perfect. Feeling like she needed to step up and help her town, no matter what. Regardless of her own feelings, or her kids. 

"Breakfast time, dear!"  Abuela softly knocked on all of the doors, customary never skipping one of them. Her kids and grandkids would then open the door- they were expecting her already and were standing fully clothed, waiting for her to knock- and greeting the woman with a bright smile. This time was no different. In order Abuela knocked on all the doors, except for Julieta's. She was preparing the breakfast for all of them after all. 

Alma knew that there were guests present, she knew everything about what was going on in and around the house. She strangely enough expected them. Since casita had an odd preference for the older woman, they had no secrets. That meant Abuela knew all about Bruno's secret relationships too. About the sneaky meetings, lovely dates they went on and intimate actions. 

However this time too, nothing was left to the chance. Adelaide was Bruno's setup, the families had an agreement. Alma thought that the man should be the one to make the first move. When Bruno was still single by the age of 30, it started to concern her. She made contact with a powerful family that had a beautiful daughter, perfect for her amazing family. Abuela secretly paid the family an enormous sum and that's how their story started off. 

Adelaide was married off to a man she never met, to not let the shock overwhelm her. They decided to let them meet first, as hoped they clicked. Bruno enjoyed the company of the humorous and confident woman, Adelaide liked the way Bruno presented himself as well. Meetings became dinners, dinners became dates and dates turned into long nights well-spent activity. 

Abuela knew all about it, all along. 

Alberto showed up a little late at the breakfast table, his bedhead not brushed in the slightest and eyes half-closed. Luca did look a little more awake than his friend and Giulia had been awake since 8, she kept her rhythm. They kindly greeted the rest of the family, Bruno avoided making eyecontact with all of them, and they sat down. A delicious plate full of food was placed in front of them, they thanked for the meal and started digging in.

As long as they could avoid making conversation with the head of the family, they would. Sadly enough their plan didn't work for very long. As soon as their plates were empty a deadly silence was welcomed by the table. None of the people present knew where to look or what to think. None of them were looking forward to seeing Abuela have an outburst. 

"Hello, travelers." She raised her voice. Very unnecessary since it was already quiet. "What gives you the right to stay in my beloved casita?"

{I'm sorry it's short. And late. And messy. 
I'm working on some one-shots that will be released soon (hopefully). 
Goodbye loves.} 

Disappeared once or twiceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें