13. The things we don't talk about

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"So, I looked it up on the map." Giulia starts, "And we're quite a walk away from Encanto." Luca watched over her shoulder to take a look too. "Our best shot is to go in a straight line, crossing Venezuela." He states. "However I'm unfamiliar with the amount of mountains Venezuela has, so it might be a safe option to go through the State of Roraima, in Brazil." "Aren't you unfamiliar with the height differences there too?" Giulia asked him. "Yup." He cheerily answered.

"So it doesn't really matter?" Alberto's voice entered the conversation. Luca and Giulia looked in his direction immediately, when they confirmed it was him they relaxed. They were lowkey traumatized from what happened a few hours ago, before they got safely back to their boat. A local simply walked up to them and said something they couldn't understand. They had thought it was Alberto so they said stuff like: Go fuck off and what in the freaking hell are you sayin'.

To specify the 'Go fuck off' they were talking about him, only good stuff of course. How they were both happy that he and Luca were back to talking with each other. But that wasn't the point. The point is is that the man began yelling at them in a language they did not understand. Even though Guyana's official language is English, they were sure as hell that this wasn't English.

When they later told the story to Alberto, minus the fuck off, he laughed so hard that every passerby stopped what they were doing and stared at him like he had lost his mind. Which he probably did. Giulia and Luca quickly pulled him back to the boat, scolding him for the possibility that he could've attracted more creepy strangers. They luckily did not, however they avoided it just barely.

"Hmm, I might have an idea." Alberto said after he also inspected the map carefully, Giulia looked at him in disbelief. "What if we go by boat still, we came here pretty fast and even though it was very hard. I'm sure we can do it again. I'll work even harder." He promised, too humble to tell his friends that he felt responsible for taking them on such an exhausting and dangerous journey. "That might just work. You're a genius Alberto!" Luca exclaimed after processing everything Alberto just said. 

Alberto was then pulled in a big hug by his friend. "You truly are amazing." 

"Ahem." Giulia interrupted this tender moment and the boys let each other go. "Ah yes, the plan. We can take the boat following the coast of Venezuela very closely. It might be an idea to go to the Lago de Maracaibo. However an even better plan is to go a little bit further, to Barranquilla. That way we can follow the river called Magdalena to the point where it is the closest to Encanto. Right here." He pointed to a certain spot on the map. Alberto and Giulia both nodded approvingly. 

That is how the plan went, they stayed in Georgetown for another night and another day. New supplies were bought and improvements/ repairs were done by Alberto. The boat could easily slide through the water this way. Or at least, that is what Alberto claimed. They started their journey that night, Alberto taking the night-shift as usual. Both of the boys prepared for sleepless night, a lot of worrying and sobbing to Giulia. 

Roughly a straight 2000 kilometres away (about 1200 miles), Bruno was struggling with falling asleep once again. He had already heard Camilo go for his nightly snack and he also heard Dolores scolding him for doing so. Her door wasn't entirely closed so she could apparently hear him opening the fridge and taking a bite of the cake Mariano made for her. Somehow she recognized it by the way it sounded in Camilo's mouth. It increased Bruno's headache significantly. 

As of lately thoughts were pestering him when he was trying to feel asleep. Something in him said to have another vision, but he was too afraid to do so. At the same time he really wanted to know what he did in the gaps of his memory. It could be something very important, probably not since important memories were less likely to be forgotten.

He was doubting his choices, is it really a good idea to sit around and wait. It costed him ten years the last time he did that too. Maybe it was time for another vision, even if it could mentally destroy him. It could never be worse than a sibling fight. Which was still going on for your information. 

"I'm going to tell dad and Abuela you go to the kitchen every night." 
"Well, than am I going to tell them that you sneak out every night to see Mariano."
"OH PUHLEASE, that was one night. You're still not over the sight of me kissing handsome boys."
"I can easily make it more than one night. And maybe the end of your relationship." Bruno could imagine Camilo's grin while shape-shifting into Dolores.
"You wouldn't dare."
"Try me." That damned smile. A soft click and the door had been closed. Victory Royale for Camilo this time. That kid could get away with almost anything when he used his characterizing smirk.

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