24. AHA

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Slowly but surely the day went by, they had spend the entire morning figuring out their talents, in the afternoon they put them to use. Giulia and Luca settled on teaching the kids. They were in luck, the teacher was absent this week so they could take over the classes. The children they worked with were so loving and curious, those little monsters were never satisfied with the answer, always wanting to look beyond and find the actual meaning. They were so motivated that they even decided to go to school in the summer holidays. Only for two days per week that is.

They were eager to learn about the stars, the burning suns and the shifting constellations. Giulia and Luca gladly shared their knowledge with them. Telling them wonderful stories of the telescope they had back in school. Luca also expanded their knowledge of the sea, the fish and the dangers.

Alberto decided that it would be best for him to stick with Camilo, for multiple reasons. First of all, he simply wanted to find out more about this crafty guy. Second of all, Alberto was quite good at bringing a smile to everyone's face. He was fairly strong for his age too, building muscle by helping Massimo out. He would silently observe Camilo and copy his behavior, helping the townsmen with small tasks.

It all went very smoothly, except for the late-afternoon. A little kid's ball had fell in the small stream the Encanto had, he had played too close to the edge, kicked a little too hard and it caused the ball to roll down. The boy came crying to Alberto, explaining to him what had happened. Alberto looked around frantically for a glimpse of Camilo, the chameleon was nowhere to seen. He was probably off helping another person.

The teary eyes looked up so hopefully, pleading for Alberto help out. The fishman agreed, under one condition. The little boy mustn't look. The child assented with those terms and he turned around as Alberto moved closer to the water. He looked around for people watching him, no one was. He took a deep breath and jumped in, his skin turning a beautiful deep blue. His ears and hair changed and a tail appeared. In a heartbeat he reached the ball, grabbed it quickly and swum back to the shore.

As he climbed out, he once again scanned the area, no one had taken notice of this sudden transformation. He quickly transformed into his human form again, letting out a relieved breath. "You can turn around now." He told the boy. The kid did as told and happily took the ball out of his hands. "Thank you sir! You aren't even wet. How did you-"

"Alberto, there you are!" Alberto was saved by Camilo, the Madrigal appeared out of nowhere. One of his many talents. "I'm sorry kid, I've got to go." Alberto ruffled the tiny boy's hair and walked off with Camilo.

"It's almost five." Camilo whispered. "We've made sure Abuela is out of the house. Tonight is the night it will happen. Or not." Alberto nodded, "Yea or whatever." "My apologies if I come off as rude, but how is it to not have a father?"

The question was insensitive, even with the apology. You simply don't go around asking people how their life is with something you have, but they don't. Alberto didn't understand that concept. "I have no memory of him, so I feel like I've raised myself.... If that makes sense?" It was Camilo's turn to nod. He associated with the feeling of not missing something you've never had.

If you grew up with the TV, you would always want the Tv. You've seen the possibilities the screen possesses and you'll miss those when you don't have a TV anymore. People who grew up without a TV, never missed the TV, since they do not know what kind of euphoria the TV can give them.

"There you guys are!" Julieta hurried towards the two teenagers. Her pace fast and smooth on the tiles surrounding the house. Casita's windows greeted them with excitement, the same way they had waved Abuela goodbye when she and Dolores went for a walk. They decided to pick up Mariano and discuss some formalities, so it would be a very long walk.

Bruno followed Julieta a little slower. His steps were cautious and collected on the same tiles his sister had walked seconds before him. "We found the perfect door for you." The older man looked Alberto in the eye, if this kid was his son... Then his mind would have a lot of explaining to do, he was now at the point he could remember the early times with Adelaide. However what her last name was? No idea. Bruno simply remembered things from the first couple of dates, like her favorite color, her favorite animal and her Hogwarts house.

Julieta signed something that meant, follow me. She did so to not make any other family member suspicious of them, Pepa, Felix, Agustin, Antonio, Luisa and Isabella were still clueless about the true meaning of these travelers. Giulia and Luca were still in town, getting to know the people. They decided to let them do as they please, it would cost too much time to gather them and they weren't exactly sure how long Abuela would be gone.

They took the stairs, located as the centerpiece of the small plaza. Second floor, about three or four doors further, there was an empty one. The door started glowing when Julieta brought out the candle and handed it to Mirabel, who had stood there waiting for them. Mirabel was the new generation house-protector after all. She didn't get one room, she got the whole casita!

She carefully repeated the words Abuela would say at Antonio's gift ceremony. Alberto touched the candle ritually and reached out for the doorknob. Moments like these last forever. Time seemed to stop. If a dramatic zoom-out would be a thing in real life, it would have happened.

There in the corner of the majestic house stood five people, two grownups and three kids. Flowers surrounded them, paintings on the wall. Up the stairs, to the right, turn the corner and walk straight. This moment could be crucial, for Alberto as well as the Madrigals.

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