2. Flashes

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Thunder, a lightning bolt searches it's way to earth. What will conduct him the best? Who or what will he target? Destiny unknown, but determined he is. The closer the thunder gets, the more it transforms. A young boy appears on the place the lightning hit. Barely a second later a deafening thundering could be heard. In the moment the room turned dark, the boy found a chance to move closer. Dark curly hair covering his face and a hurtful expression drawn on his face. He reached out to him. Their hands almost scraping each other, fingers touching. The black hole appeared, their hold wasn't strong enough. The smaller boy fell down, in a matter of seconds he was out of sight.

Bruno shook awake from his nightmare. Sweat running across his back and forehead. Ever since he was back in his old room, renovated by casita themselves.
He had had symbolical prophecies before, however he couldn't quite figure out what this one meant. He actually had forgotten for a long time that this foreseeing existed. The one where Mirabel destroyed the house had taken up so much space in his mind that this one fell into the background. Until recently, the family Madrigal was once again the perfect imperfect constellation and the prophesy became the past. Bruno once again dared to look into the future, but now he wished he hadn't. The boy looked so familiar, however it wasn't Camilo. His nephew looked slightly different. He just couldn't lay a finger on it. Was the prophecy symbolic or just how it was. A random black hole would appear and he would fail saving a kid. He knew it had some importance to him, because he couldn't fall asleep as easily anymore. This unknowingness was killing him. He needed answers and there were only a few ways to get them. One of the options: asking Dolores if she had heard anything, was rejected. Bruno didn't want to let the whole house know what was going on. If he told her anything the whole family was bound to find out something was troubling him.

Basically Bruno's whole life consisted of conundrums, questions and vague answers. His prophecies never giving him a rest. Their gifts were a curse and a blessing, Bruno knew everyone in the whole household suffered. They suffered from his prophecies and their own abilities. But he couldn't imagine a world without them. His gift would help him solve this puzzle. He would solve a prophecy by having another one.

Step by step he walked up the stairs. The trip was long and exhausting. But if he wanted to have the most optimal vision he needed to go back to where it all begun. His tower, with the endless stairs and the falling sand. All those years having an almost impossible route to his room paid off. Bruno's muscles in the legs were not to be missed. After a while he reached the top. Casita had successfully restored the bridge that lead him to his meditation room. Bruno sat down carefully, breathing in the vanilla scented room closing his eyes to stimulate his other senses.

Another deep breath filled his lungs, when his eyes once again opened they were vibrant green. Wide open as if they could pierce you with ease. The sand began to spin around him, faster and faster. Imagines forming on the wall made of sand. Firstly the presentation was muffled and blurry, however the whole picture gradually changed and became clear.

The young boy from before was there, it wasn't hard to acknowledge that he was the main character. Even though right now he had companions, by the looks of it one boy and one girl. They were looking for something.
Bruno zoomed in on the unknown boy, he looked older in this vision. Had that one already come true? Then it must be metaphorical. He fell because of Bruno, because Bruno let him down somehow. The older man's brain was spinning around in circles, or so it felt that way. However the vision had not ended yet.
A boat, a plane and a bike. Ways to transport. The most important conveyance seemed to be a Vespa. An older model, two boys on the vehicle. Laughing and smiling.

A plate appeared in Bruno's hand and he decided he had seen enough. This prophecy didn't give him the information he needed anyways. He hadn't set a step closer to unraveling the truth and solving the mystery. Talking to Delores was a good second option. That had to wait until tomorrow, because right now Bruno had duties to fulfill in his beloved hometown.

His job was to play a fortune teller for everyone who wanted one, not very original. To do so Bruno had let them fill out a whole paper: 
* Sir Bruno is not responsible for what happens (Not even if your fish dies) 
* You cannot refund or 'give back' your prophecy. 
* Bad information is still information
Those are a few point of the form people have to fill in. Not wanting to ever get the blame again, being forced by his own anxiety to leave the house. Fearing of what they would blame him for now. It was always Bruno this, Bruno that. Never in a positive way. He made bad things happen. Or so Bruno thought.

On the other side of the ocean awaited something, or rather someone whom Bruno made. And oh boy, let me tell you: Don't think that was a bad thing. 

Disappeared once or twiceWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt