12. Rock steady hard

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{Funfact: The titles are made before any ideas occur. Before I start writing stuff down.}  

The sun blessed the earth with her presence, she was followed by beautiful skies and colors. Red, orange, purple and pink morningskies. A sight to behold, dawn. Giulia was the first to wake up, that was a usual thing, she didn't do any physical labor after all. One could ask what she even had to be tired about. Significantly less than Luca and Alberto, but she also thought about the journey ahead of them a big part of the day. She tried to figure out what the best way was to calm Luca down. It was very hard for her to watch him enter a state of pure panic and anxiety. 

She missed her father already of course, she missed her friendship with the boys, she missed a normal schedule. She too was very relieved when Alberto woke them up last night, to deliver the good news that they had reached the shore of a small town. A harbor was just outside, from what she could see when she peaked outside. It was very windy so she rapidly closed the door again to give them a little more sleep. Both of them had major bags under their eyes and Giulia was sure that they would pass out on the spot if this continued any longer. 

Besides, the sun was just starting to set. No one in the right mind would believe a couple of kids who had crossed the whole ocean to get here at an ungodly time. Giulia sighed and let her body fall on her mattress, glancing at the one next to her. Alberto and Luca were all cuddly under the covers, comfortably snoring next to each other. Luca had unconsciously laid his head on Alberto's chest, who had in his turn pulled an arm around the younger fishman. 

Giulia just stared at the ceiling, the boat swayed gently back and forth, left and right. Following the movements of the sea. Suddenly someone let out a groan, it was Luca, he was stretching his arms above his head as he had just woken up. He turned around to meet the face of Alberto just inches away. Bewildered and startled he jumped back, but because of the arms wrapped around him he experienced resistance. Luca climbed out of Alberto's grip, who was magically still asleep. He tried to stand up, but his feet slipped away and he fell back down.

Giulia grinned at the sight of Luca struggling, he noticed and a reddish blush started to form on his cheeks. His eyes embodied his embarrassment as well. "I'm sorry if I've woke you up Giulia." He softly apologized as he found his balance and sat up straight. "Not an issue at all, I was already awake." She responded. Luca sighed in relief, this man was too self-conscious for his own good. 

They decided to wake up Alberto when it became busier at the beach. Which it quickly did, the area was pretty crowded so they'd find someone to ask their location with no doubt. Alberto rubbed his eyes when Luca shook him awake. The memories of last night flooded back, they had reached the mainland! He sat up straight a little too quickly. Headbutting Luca in the progress, they both apologized immediately. Alberto said sorry for headbutting Luca and Luca apologized for being in the way.

"So you guys, since I've been awake I have thought of a solid plan to go to El Encanto. Firstly we've got to know where exactly we are, then we'll set out a plan. Sounds good?" Giulia asked them, they nodded in unison. "Alright, let's go! Go lift our anchor." Giulia said as she started the motor. Luca ran outside to pull the heavy thing back on board. "Pronti, ai posti, via! (ready, set, go!)

Soon enough they reached a small place where they could secure their boat, they were lucky that Massimo thought of placing a lock on their cabindoor. That way their precious stuff was protected. They slowly stepped in the sunlight and jumped off the boat, Giulia was just happy to stretch her legs after all those days clammed up in the small boat. They basically ran to the first person they saw, but Luca called them back. Explaining that they would probably startle the locals if they went on doing stupid stuff like that. 

Alberto didn't listen to him, he was way too eager to find out his location. To find out how long it would approximately take for them to reach Bruno. Not even thinking about the possibility that Bruno may not even be there. However he did stop running, his muscles were way too sore for that anyway. He reached a kind-looking man, walking his dog between the colorful houses of this town. 

"Good day sir." Alberto tried to say it as accentless as he could, failing miserably. But the male seemed to understand him, so he continued. "May I ask you where we are, we come from far." His sentences were simple and understandable. The male figured out rather soon what he was trying to say, he laughed warmly. "You're in Georgetown, my friend! On the coast of Guyana." He replied. "Thanks!" Alberto waved him goodbye. 

Georgetown, where the fuck is that even?

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