5. A storyline

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"So what does it say?" Alberto was putting pressure on Luca, he'd say stuff like read faster, tell us sooner. In vain. Luca was hooked up on the story the secret ink told him. Almost all of the documents had to be laid in the correct order again. Slowly but surely, on the sidelines of the paper was written a story, a story only Luca was reading now. Alberto would never admit it publicly, but his reading skills were kinda... Lacking.

Giulia was fine with Luca firstly putting the papers in the correct order to make the story complete. "Where are the notes for after the sixth of January?" "Aren't any, I guess." Alberto anxiously replied while he frantically looks through the papers. "It ends on the sixth."

"Let me see." Giulia took the papers out of his hand and inspected them again. "He's right, it ends there." "How is that possible, the story isn't even finished yet!" Luca exclaims. "There must be a part two somewhere." "Or he lost his imagination." Alberto was slowly losing hope on finding something useful. "No no no, impossible. These scribbles are someone's life story. But it ends so suddenly, the beginning is odd too."

Giulia bends down and looks under the shelf, suddenly she pulls out another paper. Dated before all the others. "Thought so!" She triumphantly said as she gave the document to Luca. He let his eyes scan the words. When he was finished he looks at Alberto excitedly: "Alberto, this isn't a random biography... It's Bruno's." The face he made after that was hilarious. His mouth fell open and his eyes almost popped out of his head. Full unbelief he stared at his mate. "You're kidding." "Nah ah, we found our second clue!"

"Before you're going to read that out loud Luca, you guys need to enlighten me. Give me some context will ya." Giulia was already confused as it is. They are looking for a Bruno, in Alberto's tower. But Alberto claims he is not his father?

"Yeah yeah, sure. Listen closely." Alberto's mood could not be destroyed right now. "Everyone has a voice in their head that tells them they can't do shit, right?" Giulia nods. "We called ours Bruno, it was my idea. However we have no idea where it comes from. It was keeping me up at night so we decided to look for this Bruno-person." "AHEM." Luca adds. "Fine." Alberto giggles, "I forced Luca to help me search." He sticks his tongue out to his best friend.

"Aha," It was all a lot clearer now for Giulia. "I won't ask why you wouldn't tell me, so Luca take it away with Bruno's story!" "Yeah yeah," Luca waves with his hand vaguely in not really any direction in particular. "Pronto? (Ready?)" They both nod with enthusiasm.

"Hello, my name is Bruno, from El Encanto and this is my story. I don't remember much from my childhood. I got my mothers gift and just helped people around town..." "Is this all that is written on those two pages?" Alberto shouts in disbelief. "Yeah, he only wrote on the margin. I will continue now: My visions slowly tore my family apart. I thought about leaving, but I never could set myself to. Years passed and I finally found someone to love, a beautiful lady crossed my path. She left out of nowhere, leaving me all alone. The next four years went by too quickly, a weird vaguely mess in my brain. My heart was broken. Until that faithful night that changed it all. Mirabel her ceremony flopped terribly. My vision failed and I met you. I was so certain that my family wouldn't accept me, not even thinking about accepting you. I left. I traveled a long time and..." Luca pauses. "The story stops here." "How could there be so little text? I remember someone writing all the time?" Alberto questioned aloud. This just left him with more answers to find.

The whole story was one open ending, who is Bruno. What are those visions he talked about. Who is the 'you' character? Why did he stop so sudden? None of the friends could lay a finger on it. What did this mean?

"Guys. It is getting late, we've been here the whole day already. Tomorrow we'll come back and think of the next step. For now it's time for dinner." Giulia wisely said, she isn't the top of her class for nothing. "Not hungry." Alberto grumbles, so does his stomach. This caused the three of them to burst out laughing as the make their way home. "Not hungry he says!"

"Mangiamo! (Let's eat!)" They all dug in collectively. "Ah I missed your pasta!" Giulia speaks her mind about the pasta her father made. It truly was the best in town. She could eat tons of this stuff without getting sick a bit. Her father smiled brightly at her. "So kids, made any vacation plans? Locations? Activities?"

"YES." Luca stood up from the table. "I have got a suggestion." He caught the attention of all who were present. "Let's go to El Encanto!"

{when worlds collide. Anyways, I hate fillers. My ideal story is just a summary of the big plotpoints lol. Still hope you enjoyed :)

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