16. In the room where it happened

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"You guys!" Luca came running back to Alberto and Giulia, they were sitting on a fallen tree resting a bit. Luca already went to explore ahead of them. They had nearly walked all day, not a clue where they were on the map. Just hungry and exhausted. "I heard music! Vaguely but I heard it. The town cannot be much farther." Alberto got up with a painful grimace. "Alright let's go then." The tallest of them all almost fell right back down. 

"Woah, steady." Giulia als rose from her seat, immediately supporting Alberto. On the second day of walking it quickly became clear he had worked too hard these past days. Yes, Luca was very sore too and even Giulia was mentally exhausted. However Alberto had taken the full responsibility of this trip, mentally and physically. Getting up before them to get that little extra work done everyday. Going to bed the latest, because of his worries and his regrets that he brought his precious friend with him on a fucking suicide mission. Travelling across the seas, who could even pull that off without grown-ups. 

He started taking more shifts to compensate his feelings of guilt, practically overworking himself. That had reached his limit. His body gave up and gave out. From one moment to another he was laying on the ground experiencing immense pains throughout his body. His heart was pounding so loudly he couldn't hear anyone but himself. The light of the world became too bright for his eyes, his legs started cramping and his back ached. 

Yet he didn't give up. A foolish mistake.

He stood up and continued the walk, telling Giulia and Luca he had tripped over some sort of branch. Flaming lies, because seconds later his eyesight became blurry, his body felt like it started floating and periods of seeing black. He passed out. His right leg in an ungodly position. His full weight landed on the oddly twisted leg. It caused him to restore his consciousness. He yelped out in pain. Fucking great, he had thought. Feeling like he's holding his friends up. Like a useless little shit. 

They decided to set up a little camp, in turns Luca and Giulia would explore the area. That way Alberto could rest and heal up while they were still using their time efficient. Now Luca returned with the great news of hearing music, there must be a town close. 

"How long do you think it will take us to get there?" Giulia asked Luca so she could come up with a strategic plan. "About an hour or two." He replied, "However with..." He eyed Alberto. "I'm not so sure." "Alright then, it is around six or so?" She checked her pocketwatch, it was indeed 5:47 PM. "We can make it, do you think you can walk Alberto." Giulia kindly smiled in Alberto's direction, not wanting to rush him or anything.

Alberto carefully took a step or two. It was painful, but bearable. And even if he did push his limits he would never straight up admit it anyway. That's how their journey continued. They packed their stuff and started walking. Or in Alberto's case hopping to relieve the pressure off his right leg. They were significantly slower than before, but eventually they reached the music. 

A happy upbeat tune met their ears and they followed it without saying one word to each other. Alberto getting behind faster than expected, breathing heavily and sweating a lot. He was basically at the brink of falling ill. He had to learn the hard way that one must not overdo it and take care of oneself. Giulia and Luca encouraged him with loving words. "You're doing great." "Just a little bit more." "We're almost there."

It helped. They finally arrived on the edge of a small town. No one was on the streets, but there was loud music coming from the huge house at the head of the town. They figured that that must be where they had to go. But in all honesty they were too tired to expose themselves to social interactions. Besides, Alberto wasn't looking too good for a first impressions. Giulia suggested that they would spend the night in a small hidden alleyway. Luca agreed and Alberto was too weak to even talk back. 

God, he felt so useless and it was his own stupid fault too. He regretted many things, but this will definitely be found in his top 5 most regretted actions. He was so grateful for his friends, carrying all of the stuff they had brought along. Making sure he didn't have to carry anything. 

Alberto slowly let himself down on the clean tiles of the alleyway. As soon as his body hit the ground his eyes became heavy and his mind clouded again. Despite the aching he fell asleep in an instant. Luca and Giulia were equally tired, so they laid close to Alberto. Making sure the boy had a blanket and a sweater as pillow.

That morning Alberto was burning up like crazy. Giulia woke up first as usual. She immediately felt the heat emitting from the older boy. They needed help as soon as possible, she roughly shook Luca awake. "What's up." He rubbed his eyes. "What is this heat?" 

"It's Alberto, he's burning up like crazy." Giulia explained. "What the actual- We need help." Luca exclaimed when he laid his hand gently on Alberto's forehead. The said boy turning and twisting on the stones. "That's what I thought." Giulia went ahead to feel Alberto's temperature too. "You know, I'll go look for someone who can help us. You stay with Alberto." Luca nodded and Giulia did not waste a second, she ran off to find them some help. 

Luca sweetly lifted Alberto's head a little bit, placing it on his lap. Alberto seemed to calm down at the touch of Luca's soft hands. He used his shirt to wipe away the sick one's sweaty face. Luca couldn't help but ruffle through Alberto's wild curls. 

In the meantime Giulia was running for her life, or rather, she was running for Alberto's life. Who could possible try to help them in a place they didn't know anyone? She went to the first person she could see, telling them her friend was dangerously ill. For some reason the person referred to some Julieta-woman and they walked away. 

Second person she saw, a brightly smiling bubbly girl. Once again Giulia explained the situation. This girl once again referred to Julieta, saying that that was her mom and that she could heal basically anyone! Giulia followed her to the big house from before. Unknowing of who was in that house all along.

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