Chapter 4

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Rachel couldn't stop thinking about wanting to get Blaine and Kurt together. On Wednesday, she started a group chat with only some of the glee club. It didn't include Kurt and Blaine because it was about them, or Finn because he'd throw a fit.

Rachel: Guys, Mercedes and I have a proposition

Santana: What is it hobbit? Does it include you getting that nose of yours fixed cause I'm all in if so

Artie: Santana, that was rude

Puck: Come on, we are all thinking it

Brittany: I like Rachels nose

Rachel: Lets stop talking about my nose, please

Mercedes: We wanna get Kurt and Blaine together

Tina: Isn't Blaine straight?

Mercedes: Apparently not

Quinn: I'm in. They would be cute together and Kurt needs someone. Poor guy seems lonely. Only hangs out with Rachel and Mercedes. 

Rachel: We are fun though sat least he has fun

Santana: Yeah, lady Hummel probably enjoys their spa days

Rachel: Okay, I'm about to take you out of this chat Santana

Santana: Fine, I'll stop

Mike: What are we gonna do?

Mercedes: Well, I'm not sure just yet

Puck: You guys suck at this. You don't even have a plan?

Rachel: No but we will. We'll brainstorm this weekend.


Once Friday rolled around, it was brainstorming time and they all continued to text, figuring out their first plan. Many ideas were given, some horrible some okay but none perfect, until Puck chimed in.

Puck: You are all thinking too deep into this. Just leave them alone at lunch or something so they're alone and can talk. Finn is going out for lunch Monday for his birthday so how about we just say we all need to work on classes and boom, they're alone

Rachel: Thats actually a good idea

Mercedes: Okay so everyone think of a random class and Monday we will say we need to work on that. We can all meet up in the choir room and chill though so we aren't bored.

Everyone agreed and their first plan was set into action. Let's just hope it's a good first start and they actually talk. They'll probably be suspicious but hopefully go along with it.


Everyone sent their messages saying they won't be making it to lunch because of whatever class. Kurt made it to the table first and then Blaine a few minutes later.

"You skeptical too?" Kurt asked. Blaine laughed and nodded.

"Whatever. I just want to eat."


"So, how is your day?"

"Good. You?"

"Good." Kurt and Blaine don't talk much so none of them really knew what to say. Blaine started laughing after a minute of silence. "I'm sorry. I just realized I know nothing about you so I don't know what to say." Kurt joined in on the laughter.

"It's okay. Same." Maybe this will be a good time to get to know Kurt. Blaine thought.

"Uhh-- what else do you like other than singing?"

"Fashion, watching movies, hanging out with friends... uhh, yeah."


"Do you have any siblings?"

"I have a brother. He was from my dads last marriage so he's a lot older and doesn't live close. Lives with his mom."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. We call all the time."

"Where does he live?"


"Ooh, fun! Ive always wanted to visit!"

"Same. I never go because he always comes here." Kurt nodded and took a bite of his salad.

"How do you like it here so far?" He asked after swallowing his food.

"It's great! Everyone is so nice."

"Yeah. Do you like football?"

"Yeah. Puck, Mike, and Finn are nice but there a few mean people."

"Karofsky? Azimio?" Blaine nodded, looking down. He looked so sad and Kurt felt really bad for him. "Don't listen to them. I've dealt with them all of High School and the best thing to do is ignore them. Okay?"

"Alright. Finn said they're only mean if you aren't their friends. I thought being on the team made you their 'friends'" Blaine said, putting quotes around the last friends.

"Well, that's nice considering you're in glee club. They think glee is a feminine group and if you're a part of it you're inferior."


"I'm sorry they're mean."

"It's okay." They continued to talk and get to know one another until the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

Kurts next class was with Rachel and Mercedes. He walked up to them, crossed his arms, and gave them a look.

"You don't think I know what you did?"

"What do you mean?" Mercedes asked.

"I know you all skipped lunch so Blaine and I would talk."

"I had to work on math. Sorry I'm struggling in school."

"I know what's going on. I'm not stupid." He walked away and sat in his seat. Mercedes and Rachel looked at each other, nervously.

"You think he actually knows?" Mercedes asked.

"Definitely. We just have to keep going on with our plans and lie. We can't break."

"Even though he's our best friend?"

"Just stay strong!"


"It'll all be okay and worth it when they get together."

"If they get together."

"They will!"

"Or he will find out we lied and planned this all and hate us for life."

"He won't. If he finds out somehow, he will forgive us. If he truly loves us, he will forgive us. Right? Cause I have a feeling that's where this is heading."

"I mean, maybe." Rachel took a deep breath in and out, the ring of the bell following it.

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