Chapter 15

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Kurt, Rachel, and Mercedes were having their graduation party together. Kurt still hadn't told Blaine about getting into Aveda Institute in New York. He told Finn not to bring it up at school and he would when the time was right. Kurt was sitting at the table, zoning out.

"Kurt?" He looked up.

"Hmm?" Rachel and Mercedes were staring at him.

"You okay?"

"Oh, yeah."

"What's wrong?"


"You keep zoning out and have just seemed off recently."

"I'm fine, honestly."

"Okay." They nodded. Everyone started arriving soon and Kurt talked to them all. His family would come and he'd say hi, thanks for coming, and talk for a bit before moving on. He saw Blaine come in and went upstairs, sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall. Blaine appeared in the hallway after seeing that he was upset.

"What's wrong?"

"Sit, please."

"Okay." Blaine walked over and sat next to him, also leaning against the wall.

"I got into Aveda Institute." Blaine's face dropped.

"In New York."


"We knew this was gonna happen."

"But it didn't feel real until it did."

"It's okay."

"I just don't wanna leave you."

"I know but you need to move on. New York is where you belong." Kurt looked over at him, tearing up.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." That's when Blaine started to break too. He wanted to be strong for Kurt but when he was breaking, Blaine couldn't stay put together.

"I'm gonna miss you too. I love you."

"I love you." They kissed before hearing a shuffle. Both of them looked towards the steps and saw Finn looking PISSED!

"What the fuck..."

"Finn, hey." Kurt said, standing up. Burt and Carole walked up.

"What is going on?"

"SO WHAT?! YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER OR WHAT?!?!" Burt looked at Kurt, confused.

"Finn, how about we go downstairs and leave them alone." Carole said, trying to pull him away.

"No! They need to explain themselves."

"Finn, this is none of your business. I knew you'd throw a fit so I didn't tell anyone. We didn't tell anyone. Because of you and your temper, I couldn't even tell my dad. They found out on their own. So I'm not sorry but you don't have the right to get mad at us."

"Who knows?"

"The glee club, Blaine's parents, and his brother."

"Anyone else?" I glanced up and saw Carole behind him.


"Me." She said, immediately after.

"WHAT?!" Burt yelled.

"I'll explain later. Finn, downstairs." He huffed and walked down, angrily.

"You knew?" Burt asked.

"Only because I caught them and I made sure they were being safe which is all that matters."

"Wait, you're having sex?" He asked us.

"No..." Carole said, knowing she messed up.

"Yes but who cares. I'm 18."

"I need a minute to let this all sink in."

"Boys, go downstairs." Carole said so Burt could have a minute and so they could talk. Finn and Puck were talking in the corner, calming him down, and the rest of their group was talking anxiously in the corner.

"How'd he find out?" Rachel asked as we walked over.

"Heard us talking about me leaving."

"You- did you get in?" Kurt nodded. "OH MY GOD, KURT!"

"I don't wanna talk about it right now, okay?" She nodded.

"Are you okay?"

"I just— feel like I'm gonna be sick." Blaine's hand was on his back but Kurt felt a hand tap his leg. He looked down, remembering he invited Elena because she wanted to come. He babysat many times so she loved him.

"Hey!" He said, putting on a smile.

"Hi!" Kurt then looked up, seeing Ross and Lina smile at him and Blaine.

"How've you been?"

"Good! I was so excited to come see you."

"I was so excited for you to come!" Blaine smiled and chuckled. They couldn't help themselves when around her.

"Where's your dad?" Ross asked.

"Oh, you might not wanna talk to him right now."

"Why? What's wrong? Is he okay?"

"Just found out information and now my stepbrothers throwing a fit and he's shocked and can't process it all." I glanced at Blaine.



"What information?" Elena asked. He picked her up.

"You want cake?" She looked at her parents for permission and they nodded.


"Yeah? Okay, let's go." They walked to get cake and he kept her entertained while she was there.

Blaine left after a bit and no one was really the same the rest of the time. Finn, Burt, Rachel, Mercedes, and Kurt were all on edge now. Finn also refused to talk to Kurt.

That night, Burt called Kurt and Finn into the living room to talk. They all had time to unwind and get their thoughts together after the party and cleaning up so now it's talk time.

"Kurt, I'm really sorry you felt you had to keep this a secret from everyone. I wouldn't have told anyone if you didn't want me to though and it makes me feel sad that you felt you couldn't trust me with that information."

"It's not that I couldn't trust you but I didn't want anyone knowing cause I knew it'd get to him. Now everyone knows so... probably won't even last much longer because I'm leaving and long distance relationships never work."

"I'm sorry bud."

"Thanks." He sighed and leaned back, feeling sad from thinking about all this.

"And Finn, you're acting like a 5 year old. You're able to share your friend and ignoring your brother because of it is childish and immature. Talk to him right now."


"I'll take your license away..." Carole added to Burt's speech.

"Kurt, I love you and we can share him. I'm really sorry I got so mad." He said, turning to Kurt.

"You have issues." Kurt said, rolling his eyes.

"I know."

"Can I go back upstairs now?"


"Can I too?" Finn asked.

"Whatever..." They both rushed up, staying up there the rest of the night.

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