Chapter 18

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Blaine walked into the glee room before school started. All the glee seniors decided to meet there to catch up before their first day back.

"Hey Blaine!" Finn yelled.

"Hey!" It had only been about a week since the breakup so he was still a little fragile.

"How've you been?" Finn asked as he walked up to him.

"Good. And you?"

"Good! It's just mom, Burt, and I now so it's really quiet."

"I bet. How's Kurt doing?"

"He's okay. Starts school next week."

"Is he excited?"

"Yeah." Blaine nodded.

"Good. I'm gonna go talk to other people too."

"Okay." Blaine walked away and started catching up with everyone else as well. Everyone asked 'how are you' and Blaine knew it was because of the breakup because of the way they asked it.


The day passed quickly and then everyone headed home. Burt was on FaceTime with Kurt when he got back.

"Can I talk to him?"

"Yeah." He replied, handing Finn the phone.

"What's up Finn?"


"How was school?"

"Good. Everyone misses you."

"I miss them too!"

"Blaine asked how you were doing?"

"Oh. Really?"

"Yeah. I think he feels bad and misses you."

"Well he's the one who broke it off so..."

"Doesn't mean he can't miss you. It's all part of getting over it."

"I know."

"So is Rachel there?" Kurt laughed.

"That why you wanted to talk to me?"


"Mhm. Sure."

"Shut up and give her the phone."

"Okay." Finn and Rachel talked for a while until she had to go.


The next day at school, Finn saw Blaine at his locker. He got an idea and walked over.


"Oh, hey!" Blaine said, smiling.

"You wanna come over after school? We can hang out. I mean, we haven't in a while."

"Oh, well I don't know."


"Umm— sure."

"Great!" He nodded and Finn walked away. Blaine didn't know how he'd feel being in the place with so many memories. Guess he'll see when he gets there.

After school, Finn saw Ross getting out of his car as he pulled up. Blaine was behind Finn and saw him too. They got out and Ross smiled and waved.

"Hey! What are you doing here?"

"Dropping something off to your dad."

"Cool. Follow me." He nodded and smiled at Blaine.


"Hi." He walked inside behind Finn and Ross, being led to the living room. Blaine looked around the house, getting flashbacks. Making out in the mud room, Kurt teaching Blaine how to bake over the summer in the kitchen, and then the living room... he looked at the couch and thought of the multiple times him and Kurt have cuddled, had make out sessions, and other things. He then looked at the mantle and saw several family pictures, obviously including Kurt.

"Blaine?" He turned around quickly and realized everyone had been watching him reminisce.

"I'm sorry, what?" Burt, Carole, and Ross all had sympathy written all over their faces.

"You okay dude? I've called your name like 10 times."

"Yeah. Just— yeah."

"Okay. Wanna go upstairs?"

"Mhm." They headed up to Finn's room and Blaine hung his head the whole time.

Ross sighed as the two boys left the room. He felt bad for Blaine, as did Carole and Burt. They knew it had to be hard to be back here after everything. And it wasn't even long ago. Just a week.

"Poor guy." Ross said.

"I know." There was a moment of silence before Ross looked at Burt with a question in mind. Totally off topic.

"You think he'd wanna babysit for me?"

"Maybe. I can ask?" Ross already knew he would want to because he came with Kurt once but didn't know if it would bring up memories like being here.


As Blaine passed by Kurt's room, he looked at the door, wondering how empty and different it was. He didn't wanna see though. He wanted the memory of how it was when they were dating. It was so him. Expressed him perfectly. Creative, smart, artistic, musical, and comfortable. Just the thought of Kurt could make you all warm inside. He kept walking until he got to Finn's room and they walked inside, playing video games like usual.

As Blaine was leaving, Burt stopped him to ask the question for Ross. Blaine looked back when he heard his name.


"Ross wanted to know if you wanted to babysit while K— he didn't have a babysitter."

"Oh. Umm, sure."

"Okay. Want me to give him your number?" He nodded and wrote his number on a post it, giving it to Burt. "Well, I'll see you around."

"Mhm. Bye, thanks for having me!"

"No problem. Bye!" He headed out, getting into his car and taking deep breaths. That was much harder than he imagined. His anxiety definitely made it worse. Maybe him and Finn could hang at his house next time.


A/N- This is going to be the last chapter before epilogues. I am planning on doing 2 parts though

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