Chapter 6

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It was a week later and Kurt and Blaine had another French lesson. They sat on his bed, going through the teachers lessons from that week. They passed by the ones he knew and worked on the ones he had no clue about.

"How confident do you feel now?" Kurt asked in French at the end to see where Blaine was.

"Highly" He responded.

"Good. Then I think we are done."

"Cool. Can I talk to you real quick?"

"Sure." Blaine got up and shut the door. "My dad will kill you."

"It's just for a second."

"Okay. Are you alright?"


"So what's up?" Blaines heart was racing as he was about to tell Kurt his feelings. He wasn't sure how he would feel back but it's been weeks. He knew him more now and if its at all possible, likes him more than before.

"You're really nice—" Kurt chuckled.


"—and I appreciate how you helping me without anything in return. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to do that."

"Well, it's no big deal but you're welcome!"

"I uhh— really like you. I don't know if you feel the same but I just wanted to tell you because I've been keeping it in for a while." He was looking at his feet, fearing he was about to get turned down.

"Blaine..." He looked up, not moving his head. "I think you're sweet and funny and a great guy."

"But?" Kurt sighed.

"But you're one of Finns best friends now. I just feel like it would cause too many problems. Not just if things don't work out but with the relationship in general. He'll get jealous and things will just be complicated." Blaine had looked back down by the end. He was so embarrassed. Probably the most embarrassed he had ever been.


"I still wanna be friends though."


"This shouldn't change anything."


"Can you look at me?"


"Why?" No response. "Please don't be embarrassed. I don't care. I mean, I think you're hot and like you too. I would totally date you if it weren't for Finn."

"I should go..."

"No, please don't."

"I just need time to get... unembarrassed." Kurt felt horrible but also knew things would go downhill if he admitted he thought Blaine was super hot and all he could think about while around him was kissing him.

"Alright" Blaine left and went home, going straight to his room. He didn't eat dinner and felt bad for leaving his mom alone but also needed alone time.


Blaine and Kurt were walking out of school after glee the next day. Silently walking side by side. Little did they know, there was a set up. Another set up. Their backpacks were taken away, they were pushed into a closet, and the door locked. Santana and Puck looked at each other and smiled.

"We did it." She mouthed.

"You think they saw us?" Puck then asked silently. Santana shook her head. They sat against the locker, letting nature take its course. Blaine started banging on the door.

"LET US OUT!!!" After a minute, he gave one more big bang before huffing. "GOD!"

"Calm down."


"Maybe it will give us the chance to talk."

"No. We aren't doing this now."

"Then we aren't ever doing it because you refuse to talk to me. Hell, you refuse to look at me." Kurt sighed. "LOOK AT ME!" Blaine kept his gaze on the wall. Kurt didn't know how else to make him look at him so he walked over, moving his head with his hands. "Look at me..." Blaine glanced at Kurt's lips before looking back at his eyes. Kurt found that extremely sexy even though it was a 2 second thing. Thoughts entered his brain once again. Thoughts about the two making out, exploring tongues and roaming hands. He crashed his lips against Blaine's after getting overwhelmed by them. They stumbled and backed up into a wall before hearing footsteps and freezing. Come on, just a little bit longer. Kurt thought. His dreams are just coming true and now someone's coming? They separated before the door opened.

"Hey guys. Why are you in here?" Santana asked.

"Thought it'd be a fun place to hang out." Puck laughed at Kurt's sarcastic response.

"Someone locked us in here." Blaine said.

"Football team?"


"Come on." They walked out and saw their bags thrown across the hall. After picking them up, they headed to their cars. Blaine wanted to know what happened but knew he wasn't getting answers for a while. It's Friday so he wouldn't see Kurt until Monday. Couldn't go to Finns and sneak away to talk to Kurt because he has loads of homework.


Kurt wanted to know what made him think it'd be a good idea to kiss Blaine. Sure, he has urges but why peruse them? Why do that and maybe ruin everything good in his life. His relationship with Blaine, Finn, and his other friends. If him and Finn didn't get along, their parents would be stressed and unhappy. That's never a good thing. He hated himself for doing that. His dad walked into his room when he got home from work and saw Kurt pacing and fidgeting with his hands. He knew this only happened when he was stressed, sad, or angry. In this case, it's all 3.

"You okay? Carole said you haven't been down since you got back from school."

"I'm fine. Just need time alone."

"Okay. I'm making dinner soon. I'll let you know when it's ready."

"I'm not hungry."

"Oh, alright."

"Goodnight." Kurt said, not planning on going down the rest of the night either.

"Night bud." And then he left, leaving Kurt back to his thoughts.

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