Chapter 9

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Kurt walked up to Blaine one morning, having some news for him. Blaine looked over, smiling.


"Hi! So, my dad and Carole are both working after school and Finn is going to Pucks so you wanna come over?"


"Okay, great. See you at lunch."

"Okay." Kurt walked away. Blaine wished he could be with Kurt for more than a minute so people don't get suspicious. Every time they wanted to see each other they had to say it was because of French questions. At least he'd get to be with him later today though.


The day passed too slowly for both Kurt and Blaine. All they wanted to do was be let out of school and go hang out. Kurt and I rushed to our cars before heading to his house, walking inside together.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Kurt asked Blaine, grabbing fruit out of the fridge.

"Let's just talk."

"Alright." They sat on the couch, cuddling and eating a snack.

"How was your day?"

"Good. Tiring but good."

"Yeah, I'm kinda tired too."

"Have a lot of homework?"

"Thankfully, no." Blaine chuckled and looked up at him. They made eye contact, looking deeply at each other. There was definitely tension. "What about you?" Kurt whispered.

"No." There was a long silence as they just stared into each other's eyes.

"You and your ex dated for a couple years?" He asked, changing the conversation.

"Yeah. Why?" Kurt then gave Blaine a lingering kiss.

"You hit a lot of milestones?"


"Well, what if I want to with you? I mean since we are dating and I really like you."


"You don't want to?"

"No, I do! It's just- you've never dated anyone and I don't want you doing this unless you're sure."

"I am! I love you and I know we've only dated for a month but you're just the most amazing person I've ever met." Blaine slowly grew a smile.

"I love you too." Kurt smiled as well.


"Yeah." They kissed one more time before Kurt sat up, climbing on top of Blaine. Kurts hands landed on his shirt buttons which reminded Blaine of that day in his room when the same thing happened. Had he been thinking about this since then?

"We should probably go to my room just incase." Kurt suggested.

"Yeah." They both got up and scrambled upstairs.


Kurt interlaced his and Blaine's fingers before looking over, smiling. Blaine looked over and smiled back.

"You okay?"


"Good." Kurt sighed, putting a hand over his face.

"It's pretty pathetic I was still a virgin."

"No it wasn't."

"You weren't and I'm older."

"Well, ever having sex with my ex was a mistake. I wish this was my first time because you're a much better person than him. Much more special to me."

"Aww... you're so sweet." Blaine laughed.

"Well, you are too." Kurts phone then went off.

"I'm sorry. Hold on." He reached over and picked it up, wanting to punch whoever was interruptng their moment.

Hey, I'm heading home now and getting a drink on the way. Do you want anything?

Finn texted. Thats when his anger turned into worry. He knew Blaine couldn't be here when Finn arrived. He shot up and looked at Blaine.


"What? Why?"

"Finns on his way home."

"Shit." Kurt texted Finn no before him and Blaine got dressed. Blaine stood in front of the door, kissing Kurt before he had to leave.

"Okay, I'm enjoying this so much but Finns gonna be back any minute so seriously you need to go. Like now." Blaine sighed.

"Fine." He opened the door just as Finn was about to doing the same.

"Blaine? What are you doing here?"

"Oh. I uhh-- was coming to see you but Kurt told me you weren't here."

"Well now I am. Wanna hang?"

"Sure." He turned and gave Kurt a wink.

"Wanna watch tv?"

"Sure." They sat on the couch, Kurt sitting in a chair on the side. The tv flipped on and both Blaine and Kurt looked up when they heard the words,

"Yeah yeah, but you can't tell anyone, not even your brother."

"I promise." Replied a man before it started getting dirty.

"Gross. Love." Finn said, changing the channel.

"Heh, yeah. Love. So stupid." Blaine scoffed. Kurt laughed at his reaction.

"You had a boyfriend so you definitely don't think it's stupid."

"Yeah. You caught me." Finn laughed.

"Stupid Kurt's never had a boyfriend."

"That's rude." Kurt said.

"Well, is it not true?"

"I mean— it is."

"Exactly. You're never gonna get one." Kurt sighed quietly and of course Blaine noticed. He felt bad and wondered if that was part of why he's insecure.

"You're being really rude to him..."

"Well he's rude. And annoying. And boring."

"It's fine." Kurt mouthed to Blaine, not wanting him to make a big deal.

They watched tv for a while and Blaine kept his eyes on Kurt. Luckily Finn didn't notice but after a while, Kurt looked up and smiled.

"What?" He mouthed to Blaine.

"I just can't keep my eyes off of you." He mouthed back. Kurt giggled and Finn looked at him.


"Oh, nothing. I just thought of something funny."

"You're weird."

"I know. I'm just gonna go to my room."


"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Blaine said, following Kurt up. Finn kept flipping through the channels.

"I might punch Finn if he says something rude about you one more time." Kurt laughed.

"It's fine, I promise. We are rude to each other."

"You're just amazing and it makes me sad when he's mean to you."

"Aww..." Blaine laughed. "You should probably go back down but I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay." He headed downstairs, leaving Kurt but not keeping him out of his mind.

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