An assassin is born

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Scarlet POV (2 years since Wanda 'died')

'I don't know how long I've been in here it seems like a long time every day has just been the same wake up they give me still / expired bread and give me one minute to eat it all, then if I don't eat all the food that they gave me I get punished and is considered ungrateful or wasting their food and time.  I get trained for 6 days a week in hand-to-hand combat, my mastery in all weapons, ballet so I can be graceful on my feet,how to hack into a security database, engineering and learning to do parkour. Is what it called? Mr.Strucker says I have powers but can use them only when I have to so on my rest days I train on to control my powers. After training once I get back to my cell five guards come in and one inject me with this type of fluid then the next thing I know it's the next day But they didn't inject that fluid into me….. weird but throughout all this madness the only thing that keeping me sane is that I have someone to talk to. ' I thought, resting my head on the concrete wall "Polaris" I said, closing my eyes as there was a few minutes of silence until "Yes" she responded "Do you ever wonder how different our lives would be if we weren't here?" I ask as everything fell silent "Yes everyday" she said "Oh so if you weren't here what do you think you'll be doing?" I ask "Maybe have a family with someone I love. What about you?" she ask "Well I don't know maybe to fight the fights normal people can't" I said as I got an idea "Maybe one day after they get finished training both of us we can do all the things we hope for" I said as she just chuckled "Yeah" she  said as the room felt silent "You know your my best friend right" I said "Yes I know and you are mine" she said as the room fell into a comfortable silence until I saw my door swing open and three guards enter my cell as they then tightly grab my arms me and started drag me out of my cell as I heard another cell open but it sounded too far away as I was all the way down the hall.

They dragged me into a dark room and then felt my collar loosen, they then threw me on the ground in the process my head hit the ground hard as I groaned in pain "Ow" I said, I clutch my head in my hands as I let go of my head and stand up on my feet when one light in the middle of the room turn on. I look around to see I'm in some kind of arena and the rest of the room is dark but I can feel eyes on me "What is this?" I said under my breath as I heard shuffling coming from the dark and then I saw Polaris being thrown into the arena with me, I quickly rushed over to her "Hey you okay?" I ask concerned as I helped her up. "Yeah" she responded "What is this place?" She ask "That's what I want to know" I said in a low voice but loud enough for her to hear me "You're probably wondering we're are you and why are you doing here" a man said as hear the voice coming from everywhere in the room "Well you two are going to fight to the death to see who's better of course and if you don't you'll both die, so put on a good show because we have some very important guest here" the man said now as I saw daggers being thrown on the arena and there was silence until I felt someone shove me from behind as I fell down to the ground on face first. I lifted my face off of the ground as I felt blood running from my nose and "Why?" I ask knowing who pushed me "I'm sorry but I can't die" she said as I then get a flashback


I'm fighting so flying robots when a sort of jet fly around shooting like a maniac and once it came towards me I used my magic to surround me creating a force field protecting me and this weird machine but flies away It disappear as I put my hand on my knees breathing heavily and I felt proud of myself for creating a force field but that all stopped as I see someone get shot protecting a man and kid. I stop in terror as I saw this and I collapse in my knee crying out my magic coming out of me destroying all of the flying robots around me.

+-+Ended Flashback+-+

I felt the caller around my neck break and my eyes turn red as I slowly turned around to see Polaris but her expression change once she saw my face, I stand up on my feet grabbing a dagger in the process as my eyes turn back to normal ran towards her I jump and wrap my body around her's landing her on the ground as I did a weird pose beside her which weirdly the pose made me feel cool and some sorts of way

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