Getting closer

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Scarlet POV

'Pete that's right Spidey name is Peter' I thought as I then have a vision or memory


"Now that I realize that I don't know your name" I said looking out into the city as I seen him in the corner of my eyes looking at me "Ummm" he said as I look towards him "Y-you don't have to if you don't want to Spidey" I said nervously "It's fine my name is Peter" he said and I nodded "Peter...... I like it" I said "What's your name?" He asked 'Should I tell him? Well it would only be fair since he told me his name' I thought "My name is-

+-+End of Flashback+-+

I was snapped back into reality as Vasily snapped his fingers in my face "Scarlet. Scarlet! Focus" he ask as I nodded hesitantly at him and he seemed to notice that " You okay Scarlet?" He ask "I'm fine is there a reason that I'm following him" I said in a monotone voice after composing myself "He's has been looking into HYDRA for a couple of years and is starting to get some information about us but that we don't know what that information is, so we need you to follow him and figure out what it is then kill anyone in your way" he said as I nodded "Oh and this guy knows Tony Stark the guy I mentioned 2 years ago" he said "Wait but didn't he have a lot of security at that party and you said he lives with dangerous people..... The Avengers right?" I ask "Yes he lives with the Avengers as well as the target arrived there everyday except the weekend" he said "Since I'm dealing with the Avengers why isn't Viper or Sin here because what you told me is that the avengers are very dangerous and I couldn't fight them alone" I said "That was 2 years ago and Strucker thinks you're ready and I can't go against that" he said as I nodded "When do I start?" I ask

Time skip

I was walking into a clothing store and looked through all of the interesting clothes 'Are the things called dresses but they're not as elegant as dresses Viper and Sin we're wearing. It's really beautiful' I thought as I continue to walk around the store and I grab a white shirt, black jacket and High rise dark blue jean 'This clothes are very common so I should get this also I need shoes' I thought as I go to the shoe aisle and just grab a size 9.5 combat boots '9.5 should be enough since it is the average shoe size of my height which is 5'6' I thought as I walked up to the check out countertop I grabbed some black socks and a hair tie, I then put all the clothes on the counter "You have really long hair" the woman said at the counter trying to make conversation "Thank you" I said as she finish getting all of my items and put them in a bag then hand them to me "Have a good day" she said "Thank you and you too" I said as I grabbed the bag and walked out the store into the streets of New York 'Wow I never have a conversation that isn't professional well except for Viper and Sin but those are the only two I talk to' I thought as I walk through the streets of New York City and I came across a store called 'Victoria's secrets? Who's Victoria?' I thought as I walked into the store. 'I never thought of this but everything is so pretty and colorful, not a single blood drop in sight' I thought as I continued shopping, grabbing two sets of bra and underwear. I checked everything out and started walking to a warehouse AKA my base of operations for the next 3 days.

I make sure no one was following as I entered the building 'But I really do have very long hair I wonder why it hasn't gotten in my way when I'm on my missions' I thought as I touch my hair which I estimated to be at least 40 inches long 'I need a haircut but after this mission or I can just cut it off with a knife whatever I decide I'm just going to do it later' I thought as I started putting on the clothes I just bought taking off my suit as well as the jacket I stole from a random guy on the street. 'People really didn't look at me weirdly by wearing my suit they probably thought I what they called a emo' I thought and after a few minutes I finish putting on the clothes I just bought and put my suit down on the floor, I put the earpiece in my ear and click the button "I have on my disguise and will now be following Peter Parker" I said "Good just remember what I said" Vasily responded.

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