I'm so tired

321 11 3

I drive my motorcycle as fast as I can until I see the entire base now rubble.

"Shit" I said as my motorcycle came to a complete stop and I quickly got off of it.

I then clicked the button on my earpiece.

"Vasily. Vasily! What happened? Where are you?" I ask, there was no response until.

"We have found a new base luckily but we lost a lot of guards. I'll send you the coordinates of our next base" he said.

"Okay, I'm on my way" I sigh

Time skip

I entered a garage then I parked my motorcycle and quickly got off to see Vasily waiting for me.

"Strucker wants to see you and please hurry because he's not in a really good mood" he said

"Okay which floor?'' I asked

"He's on the 10th floor"he said as I nodded as I walked out the garage.

I finally made it to the 10th floor as the elevator door opened and I stepped out, ironically there was only one door.

I opened the door and entered the room, closing the door behind me only to see the entire room was destroyed.


"You needed to see me?" I ask, in a monotone voice.

He turn around to look at me and then approached me.


"Can you please consider that you're being irrational, because I have no backup and you expect me to eliminate the Earth mighty heroes in one day" I said emotionless as he then grabbed my face.

"You will do whatever the hell I tell you to do! And never I mean never question my decision" he said venom trickling from his mouth.

"I will never doubt your decision, but you are really angry right now which caused you to make irrational decisions. All I'm telling you is that you need to calm down and figure out a plan to get them back" I said as he then punch me in the stomach and I groaned in pain as I collapse on my knees.

'I forgot you took that strength enhancement serum' I thought, he then started punching and kicking me for 30 minutes.

I curled myself up in a ball but the thing is he kicked me everywhere except for my head, during this time I bit on my lip in pain as I didn't want to make any noise but just then he grabbed my hair and pulled my hair, so I can look up at him.

"I want them dead by tomorrow. Don't disappoint me, you know what happens when you do." He said as he slammed my face into the ground then let go of my hair and started walking towards his desk.

l slowly sat up resting my back against the wall as my stomach rumbled and I groaned in pain.

"I'm sick of seeing your face" he said, I slowly stood up, blood running down my nose.

I made my way out of the office to the elevator wiping the blood off my face but it was futile.

Once I reach the ground floor, I limp all the way to the garage and got on my motorcycle since my suit and weapons are in a warehouse that Hydra made just in case.

The next day at night (Peter POV)

I slammed the beer bottle on the table as MJ does the same.

"I'm still sad that Ned had to leave earlier" I said, I look at MJ, her pink cheeks and nose.

"You can't really blame him since him and Betty are financially stable and are having a kid" she said as I nodded in agreement.

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