A long night (Part 1)

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Scarlet POV (5 years since Wanda 'died')

"What day is it?" I said looking around my blood on the cell wall "Oh right how would I know" I said emotionless as my stomach rumble and I groaned in pain 'I haven't eaten in almost I don't even know anymore but it's gotten to the point that it's starting to hurt but I can't sleep and they barely feed me and once I ask for food they ignore me so I learn is to keep my mouth shut I had to learn the hard way cuz I was grieving over Polaris and they took me out of my cell and punished me so I learned to conceal my emotions. Everyday of silence reminds me of the day I killed-I killed Polaris, it's been hard without someone to talk to and I just been alone with my thoughts. I think I'm going insane because I smear or even draw weapons on the wall with my blood since I have nothing to do. Everyday after practice my feet feels like there going to break off every day and the pain makes me notice I'm still alive when I really don't want to be alive, I used to wish that I will one day I would escape but it seems no one would care about someone like me but I had a vision or memory of someone smiling at me and it was the most beautiful thing I have seen that's why if I ever get out of here and be free I'll go and search for that person' I thought as I grab the necklace and I smiled sadly at the times me and Polaris used to talk all the time 'Every day I don't want to get up' I thought but just then my cell door open "You have a new mission but first it's your hygiene day" he said as he turned around and I stand up to follow him to the bathroom. Once we entered the bathroom I grabbed a towel and rag "You have 25 minutes" the man said as he handed me my underwear and bra and he then exited the bathroom, I walked to the shower and took off my clothes as I then put them on the counter and walked into the shower turning on cold water. I look down at the ground to see blood coming off of me and arms to see multiple scars as I sighed 'This is the only time I can truly relax but why do I feel so numb' I thought as I turn off the shower and got out, I dried myself off and put on my bra and underwear and I've been stand in front of the mirror and turn around to see a Hydra symbol on the left side of my lower back

One year ago

I walked into a hot room with the more advanced power dampener on my neck and the guards having a tight grip on me as they lay me down on my stomach as they metal chains and wrapped them around my waist, ankle and torso so I couldn't move. I've been here the door of the room open "Congratulations Scarlet finish your training" as I knew it was Mr.Strucker "And what better way celebrate than to give you a present" he said early something metal being picked up and I looked to my side but can't see much because my arm is in the way, I saw that Strucker put a metal stick with a logo on the bottom into a some sort of boiler and after a few minutes he took it out "Congratulations for graduating" he said as he walked close to me and lifted up my shirt and I didn't even have time to prepare as he put it on the left side of my lower back "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" I screamed in agony

Back to present

I touch the Hydra symbol remembering the pain but I shake my head snapping myself out of a daze and start putting on my suit. After I finish putting on my suit I open the sink cabinet to get the blow dryer. I plugged the blow dryer in and started drying my hair as I didn't want to get sick or have to deal with wet hair during the mission unless it's raining. After a few minutes of drying my hair my hair was finally dry and I looked at myself in the mirror.

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