Chapter 54

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The team was finally having their final training session with Constantine and Zatanna. They were all doing well, but some of them needed a bit more work. Laurel, Thea, Diggle, and Tommy were doing the best, where Oliver, Sara, Roy, and Emiko were doing well, but they were having a problem with the darkness that was in them at some points during the training.

"Ok mate, I am going to give you a strong dose of my dark magic. If you can repeal this. I think you are ready." Constantine said to Oliver.

"I am ready. Let's do this." Oliver said as Constantine used his magic on him and Oliver's eyes turned yellow and he repealed the magic.

"Good job. You are good to go Oliver." Constantine said as he shook Oliver's hand.

Zatanna was working with Sara and the same thing happened. She now had full control of the tattoo. Constantine went to work with Roy now, who was having more trouble because he had not had the same type of training that the other heroes had. He finally got a hold of what he needed to do and was able to control the tattoo as well. Emiko was more like Oliver and Sara because of her training with the Ninth Circle, so it didn't take her long to learn to control the tattoo either.

"Well, It looks like you guys are ready to go. If you ever need any help from me, just give me a call and I will get here as soon as I can." Zatanna said.

"We will be sure to do that. So, where are you off to now?" Laurel asked.

"I have a performance in New York in a couple of hours. We have to find ways to make money somehow, right?" Zatanna said.

"That's right. Well, if the two of you ever need anything don't hesitate to give us a call. We owe you." Sara said.

"We will let you know if we ever need any help with anything. See you guys later." Zatanna said as she opened a portal and entered it, leaving the bunker.

"So, what about you, John? What are you working on now?" Oliver asked.

"I probably need to go to hell and make sure everything is going well there." Constantine said.

"That's a joke, right?" Thea asked.

"Unfortunately no, it is not a joke. Some people like to cause problems down there for me and I have to go and stop them, kind of like you do here in Star City." Constantine said.

"You have a weird life. You make it sound like it is a natural thing to go to hell." Thea said.

"Well, it is natural for me. Anyways, let me know if you ever need anything." Constantine said and opened a portal to leave the bunker just like Zatanna did.

"That guy is weird, Ollie. Your life became so weird once you got trapped on that island." Thea said.

"Tell me about it. So, let's go and patrol some. We can't let the criminals think that we took the night off, now could we." Oliver said as they all went to change into their suits so that they could leave and stop whatever crime was going on that night.

. . .

There wasn't much for the team to do once they got out there in the field. All of them had to stop a mugging or something of the sort while they were out in the field, but they didn't come across any Ghosts on this night. They decided to head back to the bunker after a while and discuss what they were going to do next.

"So, when are we going to go after Darhk?" Emiko asked.

"I think it is time. We will go after him tomorrow night and hopefully end HIVE once and for all." Oliver said.

"I am glad that we are going to be done with them soon. I think anyone with the kind of magic that Darhk has needs to be stopped as soon as possible." Laurel said.

"I don't disagree with you. It is much too dangerous for him to remain free and able to use his powers." Oliver said.

"So, what is the plan?" Diggle asked.

"We need to take down Darhk, while at the same time destroying his underground city. How we do that, I am up to suggestions." Oliver said.

"Well, I think that most of us could go after Darhk, where one or two of us could go to the underground city and destroy it." Sara said.

"Any ideas on how to do that without destroying part of the Glades, like what happened last time?" Laurel asked.

"I think I might have an idea." Thea said.

"I am all ears." Oliver said.

"I was thinking that I could finally use my ride to its fullest ability. I was thinking that I could fly out over the bay and let a bomb hit where the water would enter under the Glades and we could flood their little city. It should be able to hold the water so that it doesn't destroy the Glade." Thea said.

"I like that idea. We will send two people down into the city first to make sure that no one is left down there to get hurt, then Thea will bomb it." Oliver said.

"I am so excited that I finally get to use my vehicle to its fullest ability." Thea said with a smile.

"I am glad that you are excited about this Speedy, but you need to make sure that you don't cause too much damage." Sara said.

"I know. I will only use one bomb. I won't go overboard. I promise." Thea said.

"I trust you Speedy. So, let's go and get some rest. I think that we are going to have a busy night tomorrow night." Oliver said and the team went to change back into their civilian clothes so that they could go home and prepare themselves for what they would be doing the following night.

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