Chapter 15: House Cup

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Sirius figured out why his actions and words had been so wrong fairly quickly. He apologized to his roommates, especially Remus and assured them that he would do his best to make sure it didn't happen again.

He did not promise them anything. Promises were weak words, used to get people off your back. Sirius was better than that. At least, he wanted to be.

He served his detention with diligence and stayed out of trouble for a while. In detention, he had whispered conversations with Peter pettigrew. The boy was funny and smarter than Sirius had previously given him credit for. He made good company that week.

Over the next few weeks, he and James made an effort to include Remus and Peter into their plans. Every quidditch scrimmage, wizard's chess game and prank, had the other two boys involved in one way or another.

It was found that Remus and Peter added wonderfully to their group. Both loved pranking and were creative in a way he and James could only dream to be. They could creep down the corridors after hours without a single sound. The four of them were going to make a brilliant team.

With time their roles were decided.

Peter and Sirius were the idea men, they came up with everything, even the outrageous stuff, and ran it by the others.

Remus was the planner. He shot down ideas or tweaked them to make them more efficient. He was the one who mapped out the strategy to carry such things to completion.

James... James was the one crazy enough to go through it. He was the leader. He led the crew through corridors, broke into common rooms and dormitories, and cast the spells. James Potter was a Gryffidor through and through, he had no fear and everything needed to be tried at least once.

Remus and Peter continued to sketch out pieces of their map as they explored deeper parts of the castle. It was nowhere near completed, but progress was definitely being made.

But alas, exams were coming upon them with haste and so the pranks and plans had to come to a halt.

The four of them had strengths in different areas of study.

James was a Transfiguration genius but also excelled in DADA too. Professor McGonagall was constantly frustrated with him for answering every question correctly and mastering each spell on the first try despite being seemingly distracted and off task each class.

Sirius' strengths were DADA, Potions and Astronomy. Astronomy reminded him of home, especially his baby brother Regulus, so he was naturally drawn to the subject. He studied star-charts like James did with quidditch plays. He knew where every star was at each moment, the phases of the full moon, the astrological theories of every planetary and star position that were far from true science but interesting nonetheless. Sirius hadn't missed how Remus disappeared every full moon and came back scratched and bruised. It was easy to figure out what he was. But the boy was harmless and Sirius had no reason to rat him out at this point.

Remus' strengths were DADA and Charms. The incantations came easy to him. Spell-work was far preferred over the practical work done in Herbology and Potions. The talent Remus held was hidden from most. He didn't want to be arrogant, didn't want to bring attention to himself. The less eyes the better. But he had no problem offering to help his new friends. They were helping him with the subjects so it was only fair to aid them as well.

Peter held his strengths in Herbology and History of Magic. They were the quote-un-quote boring subjects that no really bothered to pay much mind to. Peter found it fascinating, and loved being able to have an upper hand over his friends who seemed to excel in everything. While his friend could help him with Transfiguration and Potions he could speak for hours of Goblin wars, the mass spelling of the late nineteenth century that affected hundreds, the war between Grindelwald and Dumbledore, Hogwarts' founding, and more.

So it was settled; the study group was founded and everyone would teach and get taught. James covered Transfiguration and DADA, Sirius was Potions and Astronomy, Remus was Charms and Peter handled Herbology and History.

The Gryffindor girls had a similar system. Lily covered Potions and Charms. She rivaled Severus Snape constantly in Slughorn's class. The professor even joked that she should have been placed in Slytherin instead. Mary handled Herbology, History and Astronomy, and Marlene taught DADA and Transfiguration. A few hours of studying each day and the girls were certain they could ace their exams without a problem.

Lily took a deep breath as she entered the slowly filling Transfiguration classroom. The time had come for end-of-year exams. So far everything else had been a breeze but this course made her worry. Despite pouring her heart and soul into studying, she just could not feel confident about Transfiguration. It was frustrating. No matter what she did, the topics just would not stick. Lily hoped for an E at least. Any lower than that would be utterly discouraging.

She felt a hand on her arm. It squeezed softly. "You're going to do great, Lils," Mary assured her. "We studied for weeks. You couldn't fail this even if you tried."

Lily chuckled but she was still wheezy and was certain her pale face was tinged with green. Well aware she was that her hair was still in messy braids that she'd slept in the night before. She'd woken up at dawn and had done nothing but study except for when Alice had shoved a granola bar down her throat. Her mouth still hurt from that.

An anxious energy permeated the air as students awaited instruction from their professor. Only James and Sirius were unbothered, leaning back in their chairs, nearly tipping them over, bursting into poorly contained fits of laughter every few minutes.

"Would you shut it!" Lily snapped when this happened for the third time.

Potter and Black rose their hands in mock surrender. "Ooh you told us," Sirius said between laughs.

"Just because you two don't care about your marks doesnt me the rest of us don't. I, for one, want to be prepared for this exam. If you don't care then leave."

The boys mocked her again before bursting into laughter yet again.

Marlene rolled her eyes and leaned forward from the desk behind Lily. "Ignore them. They'll fail. We'll show them."

Those were the last words Lily heard before Professor McGonagall began reading off instructions while passing out large sheets of parchment.

The next two hours were a blur. When the papers were passed back up, Lily hoped she'd managed to write her name right at the very least. They wouldn't get their scores back until the end of summer.

"Another year done. You should all be very proud of yourselves," said Dumbledore on the night before everyone went home for the summer holidays.

Trunks were packed and everyone was buzzing in excitement, ready to see their families and rehash all the stories the year had brought upon them.

"As most of you know, we have a point system here at hogwarts. Whoever has the most points at the end of the year receives the house cup and bragging rights." Dumbledore winked, his blue eyes sparking mischievously. "Shall we begin?"

There was an uproar of students shouting and clapping. This was the event that everyone had been waiting for since the first day of term back in September.

"In fourth place, with 1182 points, we have Hufflepuff."

There was a low hum coming from the table of gold but no outbursts. Their Headboy, Amos Diggory, looked quite disappointed but clapped with the rest anyway.

"Next, with 1247 points, is Gryffindor."

Dumbledore looked pained at this announcement. The Gryffindors booed the Headmaster but it was all in good-spirit. They'd get it next year.

"In second place with 1468 points is Ravenclaw."

The Slytherin table went into a frenzy, screaming and causing a ruckus. Dumbledore's announcement that they had won with 1774 points was barely heard over their deafening celebration. The banners over the hall were turned from the Hogwarts crest to green with silver snakes. An older student shot out a stream of confetti from their wand.

"Congratulations everyone. Have a wonderful holiday."

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