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The day began as I was used to. Get up, make the bed, brush teeth, eat, brush teeth again, brush hair, get dressed, and brush hair again. I liked routine, it wasn't confusing or new, and it brought a sense of comfort to my generally frightening day. I had donned my large sweater and slid glasses up the bridge of my nose, grimacing at the cold metal touching my skin- I itched to call my mother but I knew he was busy with my dad's promotional meet and brushed it off for later when I really needed it. I had already made a fuss when moving out of the house- this was the least I could do... I just... didn't like change. It was hard to say that, my words were limited, the thoughts I could think never came out right. It made me upset- I just wanted them to understand but would end up hyperventilating in a closet somewhere instead. 

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulders, heading out the door and sliding a surgical mask onto my face- it blocked out the overwhelming scents of the world and the weird omegas who would try and touch me. I didn't like when they did that. I locked the door and shuffled down the stairs, shrinking away from people and making it to my first class. 

There was a new teacher. I tensed and went to sit in my usual seat before realising someone else was there, my heart beating faster as I took soft breaths, trying to calm down. I shivered and walked up to the new teacher, tugging gently at his sleeve, he turned and raised a brow "Yes?" I blinked and collected my words, thinking through as I said them "There is... a person in my seat" he nodded and scanned the list "Name?" I mentally cheered myself on and continued "Daniil" he read it over and nodded, pointing to the left corner "You sit there now." 

I was more upset and tugged at his sleeve again, a bit to overwhelmed to speak right "I can't please" I stammered out, blinking away the tears in my red eyes as he looked at me for a second. I began to shake, anger at myself and the situation rising up- why couldn't I just EXPLAIN? It's not that hard in my head! Not many students were in the room as I liked to get there early, much to my relief. 

He glanced me for a quick second and led me to his storage room, sitting me down on a bean bag chair and shutting the door, his voice low and soothing. "Daniil? Can I get close to you? Just nod, don't worry about words right now. I began to cry and nodded, pulling at my hair as I became overwhelmed- it was new, everything was new, I was scared, my clothes felt weird, I can't breathe. The man's words reached my ears again as my mask was slipped off, sudden fresh air filling my lungs and the lovely scent of pine needles and hay joining it. Gentle hands moved my fingers away from my hair, a few short strands going with it as my head throbbed, I was still heaving as he held me close. 

I wasted no time snuggling into him, the familiar scent of forest calming me. This guy was stronger than me and I liked it. I felt safe with him. I didn't want him to let me go. "Name" I demanded, rubbing my tearful face along the silky side of his fancy neck tie- it also smelt like him. He sighed "I'm Professor Keagan" I didn't reply and gently pet his tie, relaxed in the current atmosphere. 

The bell ran and I jumped a bit, tugging the tie (and Keagan) down with it, growls leaving my chest. Nervous hands pet my back "Daniil, we both need to attend class now. Will you be okay?" I realised his responsibilities and loosened his tie, sliding it off and tucking it into my arms as I curled up back on the bean bag. My mother had taught me this- people have things they need to do, so take a little piece of them for yourself and let them go. I didn't really like that motto, but I had learned to live with it. Keagan looked confused and ruffled his hair "Daniil?" I curled further up and tearfully looked at him "Go away" he looked upset- was it because I took his tie? I though I did good though? I was confused and sniffled, hugging the silky fabric to my face and dozing off into a light sleep, inhaling the lovely scent gently as to try and savour it. I really really liked Keagan. 

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