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I was pregnant.

The two blue lines said as much and the morning sickness I'd had for the past few weeks explained quite a bit. I sighed and curled up on the toilet, holding my legs tight as to try and hide from the world. I had managed to get over Keagan as much as I could and moved back out into my own apartment, far away from the school. 

I was still doing online classes, and had no thoughts of returning- I had gotten multiple threats from Keagan to stay away of which I obliged. I picked up my phone and snapped a picture of the test, sending it to my mother. I slumped off to go lay in my nest, which was covered in torn fabrics and unstuffed pillows, all scented with my strange mix of scents. Since my 'heat' my scent had become sweeter, like honey and rain, and my body was a bit softer around the edges, I looked more and more like an omega each day. 


Time passed quickly and I was already 7 months pregnant, I had fallen in love with my little pup and no longer was stuck on Keagan. I'll admit, he was still a sore spot for me, but I had managed to move on. I clicked through an online test, my sore back propped up by pillows and my computer teetering on the edge of my knees as I felt a few bumps and kicks from my little pup. I smiled and rubbed a hand over my belly, my heart swelling with utter joy. I finished up the test and closed the laptop, rubbing my eyes and deciding to do a bit of baby shopping- I had gotten many (and I mean MANY) gifts from my parents, which consisted of nearly a whole baby room. My dad had come over and helped me paint the walls a pretty shade of blue with butter cup yellow stars, hanging up a large moon mobile over the fanciest crib I'd ever seen- tears were shed that day. 

I wobbled out of bed and shuffled to my closet, sliding on a pair of maternity legging and a large fluffy sweater. My hair hand grown longer since I was pregnant, now reaching a little past my shoulder blades- I didn't mind too much. Once dressed I shuffled my swollen feet into some slip on vans, not bothering to take off my fuzzy socks, I didn't care much about others opinions anymore. I snagged a mask just in case to block scents if I was overwhelmed and headed out. 


Upon arriving to the mall, I made a b-line right for a baby store, picking up various soft toys and rattles with a smile. There was a soft yellow star huggy that I didn't hesitate to put in my basket, and a few cute little baby jumpers as well, I had no idea what my baby's gender was and I didn't care to know. I checked out and wandered around a bit before trotting over to an ice cream booth, loading up a small sundae and resting my feet at one of the provided tables. I glanced around while I ate, and my heart nearly stopped. 

Keagan was there, eating ice cream as well with a shy omega girl who was giggling and all over his arm. My heart throbbed a bit but I minded my own business- Keagan was no longer a part of my life. However, he seemed to notice me as well, his head whipping around to look at me, eyes wide as he took in my belly and turned back around, stammering to the omega girl who had also looked at me. Keagan tried to leave but she forced him back into his seat, angrily huffing and marching over here. 

"Hey can you not? You're making my boyfriend uncomfortable" I shrugged "I didn't do anything though? I'm just eating" I replied, scooping the last bit of sundae goodness into my mouth. Keagan slowly approached behind her "Hey let's just go- uh... sorry Daniil" I glared at him and she shook her head "No! What the hell's going on?" I stood up and supported my belly, grabbing my bags and tossing away my sundae trash "He knocked me up and ran away" I dead panned, ruffling my hair and walking away towards another shop. 

I frequented this baby store rather often and smiled at the worker before heading towards the toy aisle. I was debating between to soft plushies when I smelt an amazing scent that made my knees buckle. I braced against the shelf and fumbled for my mask, but not before it got stronger, the person now right next to me. I glanced to the side and bright green eyes bore into my own, he was tall and oozing dominance, his hair a dark tousled chocolate with bronze skin. "Are you alright?" I all but whimpered and struggled to unlock my knees, nodding and backing up, there was a pregnant omega behind him and this time I did actually whine, earning a raised brow from the woman and an excited look from the alpha. "Hey bro you good? I'm gonna go-" oh- so they were siblings? That made me happy as I had finally managed to stand without the help of the flimsy shelf. 

The tall alpha moved towards me and supported my waist which made me tear up for whatever reason- perhaps I was scared of being left alone again, and confused about my sudden pull to him. I rested my head on his chest 'just a bit' I tried to tell myself, before melting entirely into his arms, this entire pregnancy I had longed for an alpha- for a lover- to snuggle with and scent, but I was alone and though I didn't let it bother me... it was hard. I sniffled and held back tears as he rubbed my back "I'm Taylor, you are...?" I looked up at him and felt my pup kick and wriggle around, making me smile tearfully "Daniil." 

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