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I groggily awoke to the urge to pee, huffing and pushing Taylor off my body before scooting out of the nest and shuffling off to the bathroom. I was washing my hands when I heard Taylor getting up, the soft swishing of sheets telling me as much "Daniil?" he called softly- though I could still hear the fear in his voice. I opened the bathroom door and peered out at him "In here" I called gently, drying my hands and making my way back over towards the fluffy bed. 

He was groggily sat up and ruffling his messed up hair, glancing over my form before reaching over to pull me down onto him, I hissed at first and all but jumped out of his arms in fear for our- MY- pup but was soon reassured as I was set ever so gently on the plush pillows. I curled into myself, nosing into the blankets with a sigh as Taylor hovered over me, leaning in a bit too close and sniffing gently. "You worried me.." he said, a bit displeased, earning an eye roll from myself "I was in the bathroom..?" Taylor only  growled and trapped me in his arms, scenting me lazily when a knock sounded at the door, and the scent of breakfast wafted in from downstairs. 

"Young master, breakfast has been set out-" Taylor snarled at him before stammering and nodding in apology "Yes.. thank you" the butler quickly shut the door hurrying off. Taylor helped my pregnant form out of the nest and helped me dress into pajama pants and his t-shirt, earning a few raspy purrs from myself and a few kicks from the pup. Taylor's hand rested against my abdomen, chuffing in pride at the pup he'd already claimed, gasping in awe as the baby wriggled around. 

I chuckled and allowed him to help me out of the room, brushing him off with a smile as we headed down the stairs, I was part of the way down when my foot slipped- the stairs had been newly oiled and were quite dangerous to my tubby pregnant form- and I felt dread take my body as I tumbled down, Taylor's voice yelling for help. I curled around my body best I could but felt the dreaded jolt of pain through my lower back and abdomen, blood pooling at my legs. 

I lay at the bottom of the stairs, heaving and holding my belly, distress and blood in the air as on-call doctors swarmed to me. I vaguely heard muffled shouts- "There's still a chance to save the pup.." "blood loss..." "....omega...."- but it didn't pass through my head, I heard loud sobs before realising they came from me, my surroundings flashing by as I was sat in a fancy hospital bed, before oh so elegantly passing out. 


When I came to, Taylor was there, rubbing my hand and looking worn down "Hey" he rasped, his shaky hands pulling my own to his lips, before he could speak again, I sobbed "My pup? Please?" Taylor nodded "He's hanging in there" he managed out, leaning in and rubbing my back, which I oh so greatly appreciated, trying to calm myself and gently petting the top of my still-swollen belly. 

The doctor came in and said the same thing, our pup was hanging in there, but barely, I had to stay at the hospital (that I had apparently been airlifted to) until we both were cleared, Taylor utterly refusing to leave my side, nor the pups. 

With my worries partially soothed and an alpha there, I dozed back off into a tearful sleep. 

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