Chapter 3.

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Today was the Day, the Day Sebastian and Chris left for Filming Infinity War. The Day Sebastian got home there happened to have been an article the next day about him wearing a wedding ring and to say Sebastian wasn't freaking out would be an absolute and utter lie he was majorly freaked out about what the press was going to say and how people were going to react if they ever found out if he was married to another man( By the way I am very sorry for this terrible Manip, this is the one I made and pretty much just drew on a ring with a app)

 The Day Sebastian got home there happened to have been an article the next day about him wearing a wedding ring and to say Sebastian wasn't freaking out would be an absolute and utter lie he was majorly freaked out about what the press was going ...

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ENEWS: Well it looks like our very own Winter boo Bear has found love, Walking out of the airport Sebastian Stan( Best known for Bucky Barnes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe) was reportedly wearing a ring on his left ring finger that looks a lot like a wedding band, has The Winter Solider found love or is it just some ring and if it is a wedding band we wonder who the lucky lady is. 

After seeing the article Sebastian was all kinds of stressed out but Chris found it hilarious

" It's bold of the to presume you are straight" After hearing Chris's comment Sebastian rolled his eyes trying not to laugh 

" I mean can you blame them we both have been linked to a lot of Hollywood women and honestly we haven't even come out yet none of our friends even know, but I am pretty sure Scarlett has an inkling idea that maybe we aren't completely straight" 

" I mean I wouldn't put it past her, she is like the real life Natasha if their is a secret or something she will find out, the same goes for Downey, if they suspect something they are gonna find out" Sebastian cocked head to the side doing the Natasha head tilt as if saying that he's got a point 

Fast forward to the next day the Couple were now waiting to board their flight to Atlanta to begin filming scenes for Infinity war, it was late at night and all Sebastian wanted to do was crawl back into bed with his husband and never come out of their room 

Once Sebastian and Chris finally got on the plane and begun the trip to Atlanta or better known as Hotlanta, Sebastian finally got the nap he so desperately needed that the next thing he knew Chris was nudging him awake letting him know that they would be landing soon. 

The Two Grabbed their bags from the compartment above after they landed  and began moving their way to baggage claim to grab their suitcases and make their way to their hotel then they would meet up the the Others for Dinner and drinks before filming begins tomorrow 

as soon as the pair got into their Hotel lobby they were immediately greeted by Anthony Mackie who had also just gotten there

" So Seabass what's this that I heard about you having a wedding ring" Anthony asked  Chris and Sebastian, Chris Bit down on his lip to hide his smile as Sebastian became a stuttering mess 

" I-uh well you see- I... don' t know?" 

" You my man are weird as Hell, so did you get married or not?" 

" Uh let me get back to you, I really need a nap so yeah see ya bye" Sebastian began walking away towards the elevators Chris Following after him leaving behind a very confused Anthony Mackie. 

As soon as the pair were in their hotel room Chris Burst with laughter completely while Sebastian was completely red in the face 

" Seb, honey you are so adorable, I love you so much" Sebastian face just got redder if it was even possible 

" I love you too I guess" Sebastian Mumbled under his breath, completely stressing out about how to approach the subject of his marriage even his sexuality. Chris noticed his Husbands Distress and grabbed his my his face to force Sebastian to meet his eyes 

" Sebby, it's going to be okay, I promise we will figure everything out and it will all be okay I promise" Sebastian nodded the tiniest bit trying to quiet his brain that was going into over drive thinking about all of the negatives and what if's 

" Okay Lets go lay down before dinner okay, I think we both need a rest" Sebastian nodded and let Chris guide him to the bed where they both laid down to relax. Sebastian Curled into Chris's side resting his head on his chest as his nimble fingers traced the tattoos on his chest in hopes to calm his mind. Chris on the Other hand just ran his fingers around his Lovers back and arm as he held him close to him, staring off into Space Chris let his worries get the best of him and began trying to figure out ways to make this all go away or thinking of solutions to keep people out of their business or even just what to say when his friends question him since they both knew they were very close and talked on the daily as far as they knew. He just had to keep Scarlett and Downey off their backs, if they suspected anything they were going to get the truth and Sebastian wasn't ready for any of that, Nor was himself, they were afraid of what the world may say, there are so many judgmental people out there and they were not ready to face that scrutiny and attention it honestly scared the crap out of them, the thought of their friends not accepting them and their relationship terrified them to their core's but they knew they would be okay with it they would still love them and care about them it was just the world that scared them more and the thought that one of them may slip up about something then the next thing they know they are in the Tabloids exposing their relationship and they just were not ready for that. Not. One. Bit. 

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