Chapter 11.

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Chris and Sebastian landed in New York at around midnight and headed back to the apartment where they could sleep before making the Four-hour drive to Boston Since they were bringing Dodger they didn't feel like taking a plane so why not make the drive it gave them the chance to talk to one another and to belt out song lyrics while they ate Junkfood also they didn't have to deal with the Busy, Smelly, noisy and Paparazzi filled airport and that's what they did the two men put their luggage away called over Dodger, Stripped their clothes and walked to the shower to wash away the stink of the airport. As they showered together they held one another close just relishing in the warmth of each other and basking in the feel of each other's hands rubbing the loofah around and the feel of their hands massaging in the shampoo and Conditioner. 

Chris" I love you, Seb, I probably say that so much but it's nothing but the truth" 

Seb" Don't worry I love hearing you say it and I love you too more than you know" they smiled at one another as they kissed softly and Turned off the water wrapping towels around their waists and gathering clothes from the drawers then slipping into bed Snuggling into one another with Dodger at their feet as they slipped into an easy sleep. 

When the two men woke up the next morning it was a struggle to get up since they decided to leave early in the day to be able to get to Boston between lunch and dinner as well as have enough time to pack up. They were going to spend the entire time in Boston from November to January except for when they had to leave for the premiere of Infinity War and that is exactly what they needed, they needed to spend the holidays with their family and not filled with Paparazzi.

Finally, when they managed to get out of bed, they packed up their clothes for the next three-ish months and loaded their things into the car. once everything was situated and Dodger was in the back seat laying down like the good boy he is, they locked up the house and were on their way to Boston.

Belting out song lyrics and Listening to Dodger howl along during certain points was exactly how Chris and Sebastian wanted to spend their drive. After switching off at the Two hours mark Chris was now driving as Dodger played with his stuffed lion in the backseat all the while Chris had his hand clasped with Sebastian as he ran the pad of his thumb over his knuckles while Sebastian Sang his heart out to Hungry Eyes knowing that it would get a reaction out of Chris because of the video he posted to Instagram of him singing to it while being drunk on wine, Did Sebastian post it.. yes, Did he regret that Decision. No, Why didn't he.. well because Chris died with Laughter and that's all Sebastian wants is for Chris to be happy he would do anything just to see a smile on his Husband's face for the rest of their lives. As the Song ended Sebastian Looked into Chris' eyes and Saw nothing but Love and adoration for him 

Chris" Sebby, you sure are something else, and I never want you to change one bit" 

Sebby" I don't plan on it" Sebastian smiled back at his Husband only for him to get overly excited when Wannabe by the Spice Girls came on and immediately began singing along as Chris laughed at him for being himself and being the man he loves

When they finally pulled up at Chris's mom's house in Boston Sebastian's Mother's car was already there the Two men looked at one another and Sighed heavily they finally had a break from celebrity life where they could just be themselves 

They stepped out of the car while Chris opened the back seat door to let Dodger out, Dodger got out and ran around the yard recognizing the house he was at, and got very excited all the while Sebastian pulled their luggage from the trunk. Chris walked over after wrangling Dodger to grab his suitcase and backpack, just as they were about to knock Chris's mother opened the door with a huge smile on her face 

Lisa" My Boys" She smiled and pulled the both of them into a big hug squeezing them as hard as she could 

Chris" Ma can't.... breath" Lisa quickly let go of Chris and Sebastian with a sheepish smile 

Lisa" Sorry, I just missed you both so much" Sebastian Smiled at his mother in law 

Seb" Don't worry Lisa we missed you too, I saw my mom's car she here?" 

Lisa" Yeah she's in the kitchen" Sebastian smiled set his bags to the side and walked to the kitchen where his mom was prepping for dinner

Seb" buna mama" ( Hello Mama) Sebastian said as he came to his Mother's side

" Sebastian Copilul meu, mi-ai fost dor de tine, unde soțul tău frumos cu fundul drăguț." (Sebastian My baby, I missed you, where that handsome husband of yours with the cute ass.)

Sebastian chuckled softly as he was about to say something but was interrupted by Chris

Chris" I'm right here Gerogetta and thank you" 

" De când poate înțelege limba română" (Since when can he understand Romanian) 

Chris Chuckled softly as Sebastian rolled his eyes with a shake of his head 

Seb" Mamă, l-am învățat, a vrut să învețe" (Mama, I have been teaching him, he wanted to learn) 

Georgetta smiled and walked over to Chris pulling him in for a hug 

Seb" Sometimes I think she likes you more than me" 

" That's because I do, mainly for this cute ass of his" 

Seb" Mama!" 

Chris" Don't worry about it Sebby, I don't mind but thank you Georgetta that's very kind of you" Georgetta smiled at her Son and her son in law while Sebastian rolled his eyes with a huff of air and Chris squeezed his mother in law one more time before walking to Sebastian's side 

" Don't roll your eyes at me Sebastian I am the only person who knows your very first crush and how you asked them out and I am not afraid to use it" Sebastian's eyes bulged wide 

Seb" I'm sorry Mama" Georgetta smiled and went back to prepping the food, Chris and Sebastian walked out of the kitchen to grab their bags to carry upstairs. Dodger was outside chasing Lisa's Dog Cooper around the back yard playing with each other as they unpacked their bags they laughed at the two dogs chasing one another in the cold November air as soon as that was Done Chris and Sebastian went back downstairs where their mothers were gossiping and cooking 

Chris" Awww look at the bonding and all" Chris smiled with a laugh as the two women turned around giving him that mom death look that all children are afraid of

Chris" Don't worry Ma I love you very much and I am very grateful for you, and you too Georgetta" 

Seb" Lisa Where is Shana, Carly, Scott, and the kids I figured they would have been here already?" 

Lisa" I sent them out to get some last-minute things for dinner tonight they should be back soon" just as she said that the door opened and you could hear the sounds of the children running in shouting for Uncle Chris

Chris let the three kids jump into his arms as he gave them all big hugs just after that the kids listened as Chris whispered something in their ears when all of a sudden the three of them tackled Sebastian into a hug and he fell on his butt to the ground,  Sebastian laughed loudly as he gave each kid a big hug and ruffled their hair 

Seb" hey kids how are you guys," Sebastian asked as the three of the, began talking all at once and Sebastian being the sweetheart he is listened to each of them talk about school, pets, you name it they talked about it, Sebastian just listened to them talk and talk and talk as Chris watched him with a smile on his face admiring how good Sebastian was with Stella, Miles and Ethan, he wondered if he would have that someday with Sebastian his own kids that's all he ever wanted a big Boston family. 

So, Guys, it's been a minute since I posted, I have just been so busy With School I'm a Senior in High School so I am trying to pass my classes so I can graduate and shit but anyway I also started working so I work from after school till 9 at night so I don't really have the time and when I do I am so tired and I have also had really bad writer's block and I haven't been able to find the write words for this chapter but I did it and I got some good ideas finally so I should be posting again by later tonight or tomorrow so there is that. Enjoy. Stay Safe, I love you and make good choices. 

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