Chapter 7.

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I'm not sure how good it is but hey I tried, I read other Stucky/ Evanstan fan fictions to kind of get some idea's so here's what I got I'm not sure how much I will continue to do.

Sebastian and Chris decided to crash in their hotel room tonight so they could spend all night together so as soon as filming for the day was over they immediately took the car and drove back to their hotel 

Crashing onto their bed both Chris and Sebastian let out a deep breath of air tired from the long and tiring day they had. Both looked to one another and smiled softly 

Chris" So lets think about what happened today just start throwing things out there" 

Seb" Well pretty much my main concern in what if this ruins the movie" 

Chris" Yeah I get that, but I was thinking what if they aren't changing infinity war like we are thinking they are what if it just body language no kissing not yet at least so when Steve and Bucky are reunited you can see the love for one another but they don't physically show it" 

Seb" Like they look at each other with love in their eyes like you and I do?" 

Chris" yeah Exactly and maybe they will add in a slight scene where Steve and Bucky are hugging or whatever" 

Seb" yeah maybe, but then my other worry is what people will think about it" 

Chris" yeah I mean it's our careers on the line but maybe Kevin and Marvel did their research maybe they think this will make the more money because of how close Steve and Bucky are and that you can clearly see they love one another whether it's platonic or not" 

Seb" I think we just need to talk to them some more and find out what they are doing with the Story line and so that we can put our worries to rest, so tomorrow when we go in we pull the Russo's aside before filming starts and we discuss why and how they are going to do this" 

Chris" I agree there I think we just need to get out of our heads and see what Kevin and the Russo's say then we can make a definite decision" 

The two men Smiled at one another love for one another clear in their eyes, Chris leaned into Sebastian Pressing his lips to his, soon enough the kiss became heated. Chris rolled over Straddling Sebastian's hips as his hands slowly worked around his body wanting to feel every inch of his lover. slowly  but surely Chris's hands hooked under Sebastian's tee shirt bunching it up and pulling it off to toss across the room. Sebastian's hands quickly ripped off Chris's shirt and flung it in some direction as the two of them carried on their heavy make out session. Chris's hands slid up Sebastian's body and gripped his face in his large hands to deepen the kiss the two were exchanging while Sebastian worked on Chris's belt to help him out of his clothes. Sebastian who has had enough of Chris's teasing flipped the pair over so he was now in control. with Sebastian in Control he could now easily get Chris's pants off which he did his boxers only left and were straining against his hard. Chris now breathing heavily as Sebastian pulled away from the kiss gripped his belt and helped him shed his clothes now the two only in their boxers both hard for one another. 

Hands were everywhere touching whatever they had access to both desperate for one another, their hands quickly moved to their respective Underwear to pull them off wanting to feel one another

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Hands were everywhere touching whatever they had access to both desperate for one another, their hands quickly moved to their respective Underwear to pull them off wanting to feel one another. Sebastian Momentarily pulled away from their heated kiss to admire the true beauty of his husband 

Chris" Everything okay?" Chris asked seeing his husband staring at him, Sebastian smiled in response 

Seb" Never better" Sebastian quickly pulled Chris back in for a kiss to continue their make out session, Sebastian's hand ran down Chris's toned body and landed right on his dick gently fondling his lover in his hand which in response earned Sebastian a moan from Chris as he tensed from the feeling of Sebastian playing with him 

Seb" God I love the sounds you make" Sebastian practically moaned upon hearing Chris moan 

Chris" Come on Sebby give me more" Sebastian Smirked and pulled away from Chris with one last kiss before heading to his suitcase in Search of their Lube and condoms, Chris was pretty stretched already from the amounts of time they had done this but they like the feeling of the Lube it made everything more pleasurable.  Sebastian Passed the bottle to Chris who applied a good amount to his hands and grabbed for Sebastian, he applied a generous amount to Sebastian's covered cock. Once Sebastian Was ready he and Chris positioned themselves, Chris was desperate to feel his husband like this again, Sebastian Slid in forcing  moans from both of the men's mouths. Once Sebastian was fully in he pulled out and thrust back in both men moaned as Sebastian continued his thrusts bring himself and Chris to their climaxes, reached his hand over Chris's back and grabbed ahold of his Cock and began pumping to match his thrusts which only caused Sebastian to moan more and more at the pornographic sounds coming from his husbands mouth and the praises from his lips 

Seb" Feel good Baby?" 

Chris" Yes- Don't stop... God I love- you" Chris gasped between his moans. Sebastian bent over to press kisses along Chris's back as he continued thrusting and pumping, Chris Tensed as he felt his orgasm wash over him shooting his load into Sebastian's hand the tensing squeezed Sebastian which brought on his Climax which brought a guttural moan from deep in his throat as he filled the condom with his seed bringing his hips to a stop. Both breathing heavily caught their breaths as Sebastian Pulled out of Chris and disposed of the condom before joining his husband in bed 

Chris Wrapped his arms around his lover as Sebastian rested his head on Chris's tattooed chest carefully tracing them just as he always did, 

Chris" I love you Sebby So damn much" Sebastian met his partner's gaze and smiled tiredly at him 

Seb" I love you too, I don't know what I would do without you" Chris brought his lips to meet Sebastian's in a sweet kiss 

Chris" So tomorrow we are gonna talk with the Russo's and figure out what they are writing first before we make a decision Correct?" 

Seb" Yep, and whatever they tell us we go with out heart and our gut" 

Chris" Right" Chris smiled down at the Romanian placing one last kiss to his lips then to his forehead before drifting off into a sleep with Sebastian following behind. 

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