Chapter 8.

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The Next morning seemed to whiz by faster than Chris and Sebastian Expected they were both Nervous about talking to the Russo's but it was something that has to get done if they wanted to do this

Chris and Sebastian walked to the car and drove to Set both lost in their thoughts both thinking of worse case scenario, In Sebastian's head he was freaking out about what if they knew they were gay 

" What if we are fired for being actually gay" What if we are outed to the world before we both are completely ready" what if this film completely flops because of Stucky" 

while Chris was just worried about Sebastian

" He must be going crazy I can see it in his eyes he is overthinking everything" I hope he realizes that I am here no matter what and I do not plan on leaving" what will Seb do if everything falls apart and he's outed before he's ready" Will he push me away" Will he want to not be with me anymore" 

before they knew Chris was parking the car in his spot and he put it into park, Taking a deep breath Chris looked over at Sebastian who was looking at him with Worry in his eyes 

Chris" Sebby, everything will be okay I promise" Sebastian swallowed hard and nodded, Gathering his things he turned to look at Chris one more time and kissed his softly, the two then got out of the car and walked into Set 

Chris" Hey Joe, Anthony could we talk please?" The Russo's looked at the men in front of them and nodded allowing Sebastian and Chris to follow them to an office on set 

JRusso" have you made your decision?" 

Seb" yes and no, we just have a few questions" 

ARusso" Ask away" 

Chris" So why do you want to put Steve and Bucky together?" 

JRusso" Marvel has noted that many  we mean many of the fans want Steve and Bucky romantically together so we are actively going against Disney and going ahead with the Story line" 

Seb" Okay so how do we know this wont fail in the box office and ruin Marvel and our careers" 

ARusso" Kevin and Marvel Reps have made a poll online a few weeks back asking if they rather see Steve and Bucky stay together or have Steve go back to Peggy in some way and the majority said Steve and Bucky should stay together they even had fans enter in short essay's one why and lots of them said because they deserve to be with each other and Steve only just got Bucky back and fans have noticed how close the pair are and how much they care about each other even going on to say it would be selfish for Steve to abandon Bucky when he said that he would be with him till the end of the line, so Marvel Reps all came to  a vote to add Stucky into this somehow"

Chris" Okay that's makes us feel better about it, I have one more what will our scenes be like?" 

JRusso" as of right now For Infinity war Bucky and Steve are reunited in Wakanda for the battle against Thanos so when they Hug each other Steve will grab the base of Bucky's neck and smile at him before on last hug when Thanos' army attacks so when Bucky dusts away we are gonna have a crying Steve, and say quietly ' I only just got you back' before picking up some dust in his hand then in endgame we aren't quite sure yet where we want to do this" 

Seb" Okay I got one last thing, why did Stan say it was clear that we have a deeper connection?" The Russo's looked at one another with small smiles 

ARusso" Because we know that you guys got a thing for one another, don't think we didn't see the small looks here and there and the eyes all over one another even sneaking away on set you guys aren't as subtle as you think you are" the two men ducked their heads with a slight blush creeping up on their cheeks from embarrassment. 

JRusso" and before you ask no we do not care, I personally find it very cute" this only made the two blush even harder 

Chris" well you see we just don't have a thing for one another, we are technically married" The Russo's eyes went wide with shock 

JRusso" You for real?" 

Seb" Yep for two years"

ARusso" does the cast know?" 

Chris" we told them at the dinner before filming" The Russo's nodded and smiled 

JRusso" I assume you two haven't come out to the world based on your names aren't trending what if we announce your relationship through the movie like a wedding announcement when the movie is over just before the credits and we say something like to Our real life Steve and Bucky congrats on the wedding all the best from Marvel or something like that" 

Seb" you guys would do that for us?" 

ARusso" Yeah you're family that's what we do for Family" Sebastian and Chris looked at each other then smiled this was probably the best way for them to do it both mutually agreeing with their eyes both turned to the Russo's 

Chris/Seb" lets do it" 

ARusso" So that's a yes to doing Stucky?" 

Chris" Yeah we were just worried about what other's would think and how it might mess with Marvel" 

JRusso" Well don't we wouldn't be doing this unless we were sure, so we will get to work on this" 

Chris" thank you for this really, you guys are the best" 

JRusso" It's out pleasure and for your information we always knew you guys had a thing for one another we had our suspicions" the two men blushed a bit while smiling 

Seb" We'll see you later guys thank you for putting our worries and questions to rest" 

The Russo's nodded and Chris and Sebastian as they left the Office and heading to hair and Makeup to get ready for whatever Scene they had Sebastian didn't have any until later in filming but he stuck around because of Chris so he just kind of followed him around so he could talk with him and the cast it was better than sitting at home doing nothing and who knows what the Russo's and Kevin may want to change around. 

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