Chapter 6.

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Today would be the Official first month  of filming Infinity war and the cast was very excited, and that was true it's just Sebastian and Chris were a little sad because they wouldn't be able to be themselves on set, well they could but they couldn't be completely open they had to hide a side of them and that hurt them, they would have to sneak kisses in behind closed doors and sneak into each other's trailers if they wanted to be with them. at first they were happy and excited but as time went on it got harder and harder they couldn't touch each other like they usually do, they couldn't kiss each other good luck or even hold hands, and if they hugged to much it would definitely raise some questions and with the two men being people who showed their love through touch definitely took a toll on them, they just became sadder and sadder which the cast could all see especially the Russo's. Sure they would go to their hotels if they wanted to or they would sneak into one another's trailers at night to sleep but one would have to get up and leave early before any else was up and looking for them and with them spending such long days awake on Set they couldn't touch each other as much as they usually did and it hurt not just emotionally but it physically hurt their hearts, they loved one another so much it physically hurt that they had to hide this, the only thing that would get them through the day was that at the end of the Day they could touch one another all they wanted and that this was only temporary and that at the end of filming they would go back to New York and be able to touch all they wanted.

But that all came back to bite them in the ass when the Russo's approached them and asked them to meet them in their office on set, the two Actors looked at one another and followed them both going into over drive thinking worst case scenario. when they got to the office Kevin Feige And Stan lee( I googled this and Stan was alive for infinity war) Chris and Sebastian looked at one another obviously nervous as to why Stan was here of all people. The Russo's gestured for Chris and Sebastian to sit down, both men sat down quickly eyes shifting between the men infront of them

Kevin" Now as you may have heard the Fans of the MCU likes no loves the Idea of Steve and Bucky being together rather than Sharon and Steve, at first we were going to find another woman to Play caps new love interest because people want to see him happy but the Russo's mentioned something to me it's obvious you two have a deep connection just like Steve and Bucky, best friends till the end of the line so I approached Marvel representatives and we all agreed Cap and Bucky both deserve a happy ending and that would be them together and not our original idea for Endgame so if you two are up for it we are wanting to alter this movie slightly to incorporate Stucky" 

Chris and Sebastian Stared at everyone in front of them mouths open in shock 

Stan" We know this quite a shock, but it's obvious there is something more between the two of you" the two swallowed hard and met Stan's gaze who wore a smirk 

Chris" Can we think about it please, we'll let you know at the end of the week" The Russo's, Kevin and Stan all nodded soon after Chris and Sebastian were dismissed for their break, when out of the office they quickly ran to Sebastian's trailer. locking the door Chris pulled Sebastian in for a deep kiss 

Chris" Seb did you here them in there?" 

Seb" Yeah I did, they want Steve and Bucky to be together" 

Chris" What should we do?" 

Seb" I don't know I mean Kevin is right though the majority of Cap and Bucky's fans want them to be together they even want us together which is already real but still I have read fans accounts and a lot of them are saying it's so obvious that Steve and Bucky love Each other and they and I quote ' need to suck it up kiss and fuck then get married' and that was for real" Chris laughed softly 

Chris" I think we should talk to Scarlett she's out best friend and we should also get the other's inputs" Sebastian nodded his head 

Seb" Yeah" Sebastian met Chris's bright blue eyes and bit his lip 

Chris" God you Fahkin Tease" Chris groaned his Boston accent coming in thick. 

Seb" I don't know what you are talking about, now lets go talk to the others" Chris smirked at Sebastian shaking his head as he followed his Husband to Craft services where the cast was for lunch  break 

Mackie" So what did the Russo's want?" Chris and Sebastian looked at one another 

Chris" They want to make Stucky Cannon" was all he simply said resulting in the dropping of their friends jaws

Robert" What now?" 

Seb" they want Steve and Bucky to be romantically involved" 

Scarlett" why do you guys seem less excited about it?" 

Seb" I don't know, we just... well I'm not sure what Chris thinks but if this does become Cannon what would be said about us outside the movie and in the tabloids it could potentially expose us before I am ready to be out" 

Chris" I agree, I mean I am kind of ready to be out but Sebastian has to have a say in it, it's his life too and I don't want to do anything unless we are on the same page, when I heard that they wanted to do this my first thought was hell yeah lets do it, but then it hit me what of the media and honestly I am just curious to how Disney is okay with this " The others nodded 

Scarlett" Do you guys wanna do it?" 

Seb" yeah it would make the fans happy the majority want Steve and Bucky together but what of those people that don't want them together this could ruin the movie and all of our images and end our careers because of how people are in this world and I for one don't want any of that to happen" 

Chris" yeah, there are so many people in this world that are homphobic and if we do this what will it do there are so many bad things that could happen, we could all lose our jobs and careers or this movie fails because people are homophobic and stuff like that" 

Robert" okay look at it this way there are fans out there who desperately want Steve and Bucky to be together, and if the Russo's and Marvel are wanting to make this cannon what does that tell you?" 

Chris" that people want it to happen?" 

Robert" Exactly now what does your gut telling you, don't listen to your brain listen to your heart and gut what are they telling you?" 

Chris/Seb" To do it" 

Robert" there's your answer, from us at least I think I speak for all of us when I say that and we are all here backing you up and if the movie fails it fucking fails at least the people who want this to happen will be happy" Sebastian and Chris looked at one another 

Robert" Go home tonight and think about it, list out the pro's and con's maybe do some research on fans accounts to see what they would say or some how come up with a way to ask fans what they would think but get clearance before you do it though I am sure the Russo's would understand your concerns about this" the two men nodded, silently going through their heads trying to figure out a way to approach this without spoiling anything 

Seb" thank you guys really, you guys are truly our family" the others smiled at them 

Scarlett" I would do anything for you boys I love you two you are my best friends" 

Mackie" Seabass, Captain little ass, I got you I got your backs till the end of the line at you two so famously put it" Chris and Sebastian laughed loudly at Mackie shaking their heads

Chris" thanks, we told Kevin and the Russo's as well as Stan to give us the till the end of the week so we got time to think about this, we both agreed that we would ask your guys' opinions and what you thought and it looks like we got your support" the others all smiled and laughed a bit raising their drinks and toasting as they finished up their food and drinks before heading back to film again. 

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