Chapter 9.

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the Holidays were approaching fast it has officially been 6 months of filming and they had a little more than two months left with it being September filming should end Just before Thanksgiving where Chris and Sebastian would be heading up to Boston for the holidays while they also go on hiatus for a bit just to be able to spend time together. 

Ever since Chris and Sebastian Agreed to do the Stucky parts and since the Russo's found out about them they were more closer on Set, they would give quick goodbye and good luck kisses and were giving more subtle touches and ever since then Everyone could see a change in  their behavior the men  needed to touch on another to show their love the were touch affectionate and now they could to that and it was as clear as day to everyone on set could see that they were happier and loved one another. So with them being much happier things went smoothly, as the Scene where Bucky Dusted away approached Sebastian and Chris were having a hard time with the Scene even though on the Set it looked like Sebastian Just fell to the Ground and laid there to be edited out it was still hard to watch his husband ' die' even though it wasn't real and it was meant to be an emotional Scene it still took it's toll on them so Sebastian and Chris sat in there chairs in silence preparing for the scene. Sebastian had to Prepare himself for watching his husband cry in front of him while Chris had to pretend to watch Sebastian Die in front of him and cry over him it was going to be a hard scene and soon enough they were called to places Sebastian walked to his spot as Chris's face was caked with fake blood and dirt, Chris Nodded to Sebastian as he took his spot and they called action 

Steve looked at the damage around him his friends disappearing, he turned his head as he heard his best friend call his name only to see him turn to dust, Steve Quickly dropped to his knees where his best friend last stood as tears dropped down his cheeks

" I only just got you back" Steve grabbed some of the dust in his hands while crying softly  

 Sebastian Broke character with a snort 

Seb" Chris Babe that's my ass, I mean I know you like it but this is a workplace" Chris tried really hard not to laugh or break character because Sebastian's voice could be edited out but he ultimately failed shaking his head and laughing 

Chris" you are right I do love your ass. It's a great ass" the whole Set broke out into laughter 

JRusso" Okay everyone please lets get this take done" Chris and Sebastian calmed themselves and Repeated the Scene over again finally getting it done after two more takes because Chris's couldn't stop laughing because of what Sebastian had said moments earlier but they finally got it done and moved on. 

For the rest of the day things went smoothly and they eventually finished for the day, ending with Chris and Sebastian heading back for their hotel room wanting nothing more than to fall asleep in one another's arms and that's exactly what they did, they laid in bed talking about anything that came to mind as Sebastian had his head rested on Chris's chest listening to his heart beat as he traced the tattoos on his chest as well while listening to Chris talk occasionally adding his own input, in this moment it felt like it was just the two of them in the world and nothing else mattered this was there favorite time above everything, the point in time where they could just be free and not worry about anything and just love on another and be there for one another as well as just be free and happy, it's time's like these that they cherish the most. 

Yooooo what's up people it's your author here, well I just wanna say thank you for reading and thank you for the almost 100 reads I think we are at 89 as of right now and I am so grateful for each and everyone of you guys that read's this I really enjoy writing this story and I love EvanStan these boys just fill my heart with love  and please don't forget to Like, and vote but only if you want and feel free to comment I love hearing from people but over all thank you to each and everyone of you interweb people out there who read this it makes me very very happy. whelp that's all I got Thank you, love you all be safe and make good choices- Annaxxxx

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