Chapter 12.

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Thanksgiving 2017- this chapter is going to have a series of Instagram posts to them Btw.

Today was Thanksgiving and it was gonna be a fun one this year 

ImSebastianstan: @ Scottevansgram I told you not to do it and what did you do you initiated a scare war and just so you know I am not helping you scare him

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ImSebastianstan: @ Scottevansgram I told you not to do it and what did you do you initiated a scare war and just so you know I am not helping you scare him. 

User: Is it true you and Chris got married?
User: Are you actually gay and married to Chris?

Imsebastianstan: when His niece and nephews got here he ran outside and made me take a picture when he saw Miles was wearing a Captain America hat he said and I quote " Sebby look He's wearin' Captain America Merch take a picture so I can prove I ...

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Imsebastianstan: when His niece and nephews got here he ran outside and made me take a picture when he saw Miles was wearing a Captain America hat he said and I quote " Sebby look He's wearin' Captain America Merch take a picture so I can prove I am a cool Uncle" I am not sure how that makes him cool but whatever floats your boat @Chrisevans

Chrisevans: God this man I swear my own Neice and Nephews like you more than they do me what's your secret, I bet he is secretly bribing them to like him more with candy

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Chrisevans: God this man I swear my own Neice and Nephews like you more than they do me what's your secret, I bet he is secretly bribing them to like him more with candy. @Imsebastianstan 

ImSebastianstan: Stella forced Chris to do her hair before bed she said and I once again quote" Uncle Chris will you please do my hair Uncle Sebby sucks at it" Well apparently I suck at doing hair and apparently she wouldn't let her mom or aunt do...

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ImSebastianstan: Stella forced Chris to do her hair before bed she said and I once again quote" Uncle Chris will you please do my hair Uncle Sebby sucks at it" Well apparently I suck at doing hair and apparently she wouldn't let her mom or aunt do it, it had to be Chris who did it. 

Real Life

After Thanksgiving dinner, Sebastian and Chris lay on the couch  Sebastian's head rested on Chris's shoulder/ chest as the two men had their eyes closed ready to fall asleep but only to be woken up by the sound of a camera clicking Peeping an eye open they found Lisa and Georgetta taking a photo of them on the couch with their phones

Chris" What are you doing?" 

Georgetta" we are taking pictures of our boys obviously" 

Seb" and why may I ask?" 

Lisa" because it was too cute to resist I mean look at you boys" She turned her phone to show them the image 

Lisa" because it was too cute to resist I mean look at you boys" She turned her phone to show them the image 

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Chris" Awwww Sebby look at you, you look so cute when you are sleeping" 

Seb" What! not I don't, what are you talking about I don't look cute"

Chris" Seb, you don't need to get defensive I still love you all the same" Sebastian pouted his lip slightly and glared at Chris, Chris responded with a laugh and a kiss on his forehead, Sebastian's face flushed red with embarrassment 

Chris" Aww Sebby it's okay we are just admiring you and your cuteness" that just made Sebastian flush red even more if that was even possible, the moment was interrupted when Miles came down the stares sucking his thumb, blankie in arms, and tears in his eyes, he walked over to Chris and crawled into his lap 

Seb" Hey Buddy what's wrong?" 

Ethan" I had a Nightmware" 

Chris" Oh well Buddy you need to go lay in your bed Uncle Sebby and I were just about to head up so is Grandma and baba were too" 

Ethan" Will you and Uncle Sebby tell me a story and stay with me pwease" Chris looked at Seb who smiled and nodded softly 

Chris" Alright come on bud let's go to bed" Chris picked Miles up in his arms and carried him up the stairs with Sebastian following in tow all the while Georgetta and Lisa were smiling so big you would have thought their faces were stuck like that. 

Chris and Sebastian Put on their pajamas Miles said he wanted to sleep in bed with them so being the nice Uncles they are they let him. Miles laid between Chris and Sebastian snuggled closely holding his blanket 

Miles" Will you tell me a story pwease" 

Seb" Sure... There once were two Princes, both from different worlds but were in the same work, One was Tall, Blonde, and shaped like a Dorito( That earned a laugh from miles and Chris) While the other was Shy, Tall, and Brown-haired When they first met on their first day of work it was like a switch was flipped for them, both of the princes have had their fair share of Princesses who they have dated but they weren't the princess they were looking for. The two Princes quickly became friends both Denied that they had feelings for one another that they would feel for a princess it was as clear as day that they loved one another all of their friends could see heck even their families could after a few years of being friends they came to work with each other again when the time came they both kissed each other for the first time and that was the moment that they knew they would be together forever." 

Sebastian finished telling his story, he looked down at Miles to find him passed out and drooling on Chris's tee shirt, Chris and Sebastian laughed softly at their nephew 

Seb" Chris?" 

Chris" Yeah?" 

Seb" Do you ever think about having kids" bucky paused for a minute nervous about approaching the sentence, he knew Chris wanted kids but does he want them with him. 

Seb" You know with me" Chris's face softned from shock when he heard how small Sebastian sounded after him asking If he wanted kids with him.

Chris" there is nothing more than I would want than to have kids with you, I love you so damn much it hurts and I have always wanted that big Boston family but I am happy with just two kids if that's what you want" Chris smiled softly at Sebastian as his free hand tangled in his hair playing with the soft locks in a soothing way

Seb" Yeah?" 

Chris" yeah" Sebastian softly kissed his husbands lips but quickly pulled away when Miles began to stir in his sleep, both let out a breath of relief when their nephew remained asleep, both men then also let out a small laugh before falling asleep

Heyyyy I'm back I finally got more ideas..... again all it took was downloading like 60 pictures of Sebastian, 50 of Chris and like every Evanstan manip I could find but low and behold I will do it I am determined to get to the good stuff AKA the drama and angst but this is a fanfiction about our two precious beans and I don't have the heart to make the ending super sad so a happy ending it is. 

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