Chapter 4.

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Sebastian and Chris woke up from the nap they were taking to pounds on the door, But just before Chris could get up to open the door, their bedroom door was slammed open revealing a livid Scarlett Johansson, who on the sight of the two men cuddled up together in bed made her eyes go wide, then A large smirk spread across her face 

" Oh I knew it, I knew you two were so gay for one another" Sebastian leaped out of his bed from the sound of her coming in he then saw Scarlett and became a stuttering mess

" I -was, I mean- I do- What are you doing here?" he finally managed to ask, Scarlett just chuckled 

" well I was told to come get you guys because we are supposed to go out for dinner and it is now 7:30 so I was banging on your door when finally Kevin came back with the Master key and gave it to me before heading back to dinner, I thought I was going to find you guys not in one bed, but now I am so happy you guys aren't because you just made my entire day" 

Chris just looked at her while Sebastian was full on red in the face like a tomato 

" So you aren't upset about this?" Sebastian asked quietly, Scarlett's face softened at the sound of her friends scared voice as she turned to look at him

" What no, I am so happy for you guys, like unbelievably happy I have been waiting since Winter Soldier for this moment like for real the second I saw you guys together I knew there was something more than just friendship and I am pretty sure everyone else noticed it too over the years, we constantly talk about it when you guys aren't around, and honestly I am pretty sure the majority of the cast has bets placed on when you guys would come out and another saying you were together and another that you would get married, but judging by the rings on your fingers you guys already are" 

the two men looked down at their left hands to look at their rings a faint blush coming onto their cheeks and necks as they looked back at one another 

" Awww you guys are so cute" 

" Thanks Scar, you know your support means a lot to us, especially Seb he has been all freaked out since that article about him wearing his ring came out" Sebastian nodded his head embarrassed 

" Seb, I love you just the same and honestly no one actually believed you were for real straight based on how many gay roles you have played" Sebastian Chuckled shaking his head with a smile

" thanks Scar it means a lot" Scarlett nodded

" So how long has this been happening?" 

" Well we confessed during winter soldier and got married in September 2016 up in Boston just our Families knew and our PR's" Scarlett Smiled and practically tackled Sebastian in for a hug while Beckoning Chris to Come join the hug 

" I am so happy for you guys" She pulled away with a big smile on her face 

" thank you Scar really" 

" So when are you guys going to tell everyone?" 

" We don't know, I mean we have been hiding for three, four years about this, but this is also about what Seb wants to do, if he is ready then we will but if he's not then he's not" Scarlett furrowed her brows as if she was deep in Thought 

" Chris, are you ready to come out?" 

" well I only really wanna tell our friends the world doesn't really have to know yet"

" What are you thinking?" 

" What the hell, let's do it tell everyone even the world" 

" you sure?" 

" Yeah, I'm tired of hiding, I wanna be able to go out in public with you and not have to worry about Hiding from the Paps I wanna kiss you in public and hold your hand, go on dates, tell people how amazing you are and I want it all I don't care anymore as long as I got you nothing else matters, who cares what other people I mean half of our Fandom wants is to be together they have a name for us' Evanstan' or something so yeah Lets do it" 

" Alright lets do it, Next week we announce our relationship Status when we do the Late Late Show" Sebastian smiled at Chris, while Scarlett watched the Exchange Interrupting their moment with a Sniffle 

" Aww guys, I am so happy for you" The two men embraced Scarlett into a big bear hug then pulled away all wiping their own tears 

" Alright lets get ready for dinner, we got some news to share with out friends" Sebastian Nodded and dove into their suitcase to pull out some Fresh Jeans and nice shirts for them to wear then headed down to the Hotels restaurant. 

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