Chapter 5.

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As the Three walked into the Restaurant Sebastian's nerves started getting the best of him he began thinking of every worst possible case scenario Chris seemingly noticed his partners distress and grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze to let him know he is their and everything will be okay before letting it go again as they walked to their seats at the Casts table. After taking their sets next to each other Sebastian's hand immediately clasps into Chris's underneath the table out of habit, Chris could practically feel the nerves coming off of Sebastian, to help sooth his nerves he gently traced his thumb over the knuckles of his lovers he could visibly see Sebastian Relax a bit. 

Soon enough drinks were brought, Chris and Sebastian may or may not have knocked back a few shots before preparing to tell the people they considered their second family their deep dark Secret but before they  could get to it Mackie Did 

Mackie" So Seabass, ready to discuss why you had a wedding ring on?" All eyes turned to Sebastian as if asking the same question, Sebastian swallowed hard 

Seb" I uhm so yeah I am married, got married in secret only people who knew were my PR and my family"

Robert" Uh huh so who's the lucky lady we know her?" Sebastian knocked back on more shot 

" Uhm well she's a he" Everything seemed to stop, Sebastian began Shifting in his seat

Mackie" So are you Bi or...?" 

Seb" Uhm No, I am gay about as gay as they get" 

Mackie" Well then who's the lucky guy that's got our Seabass to settle down" 

Lizzie" Yeah who is it do we know them?" 

Seb" yeah you could say that" 

Hemsworth" you gonna tell us who it is" Secretly under the table Chris and Sebastian slipped on their rings onto their fingers, giving one another a quick squeeze on the hand just before raising up their left hands, after seeing Chris's hand all eyes went wide 

Robert" no fucking way, Evan's got married?" Scarlett was just smirking in her seat sipping on her red wine 

Chris" Yup I did about two years ago" 

Mackie" Whoa whoa whoa what?" 

Seb" we have been together since Winter Solider" 

Mackie" Pics or it didn't happen" Chris and Sebastian Chuckled as Chris pulled out his phone to show off their pictures

Mackie" Pics or it didn't happen" Chris and Sebastian Chuckled as Chris pulled out his phone to show off their pictures

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Mackie" Oh shit you for real" 

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Mackie" Oh shit you for real" 

Seb" Yup two years in September and four years together in august of next year" 

Robert" so Chris you are also Gay?" 

Chris" Yup just about as gay as my Brother" Everyone chuckled softly with soft smiles when Lizzie turned to Scarlett

Lizzie" Scar you have been awfully quiet...... You Knew! didn't you?" 

Scarlett" I found out when I went to get them, I busted into their room with the master key Kevin gave me and found them cuddled up in bed, honestly cutest thing I have ever seen next to my daughter" Both Chris and Sebastian Flushed bright red as they avoided eye contact with the group 

Lizzie" Awww look at them all embarrassed" that just made Sebastian and Chris blush more and more, Chris then finally cleared his throat and looked to the cast with a small smile 

Robert" So are you guys going to tell the world?" 

Seb" I have actually been thinking about it, with our jobs what if we come out and no one want's to hire us ever again because of who we are, there are so many people who are Gay in our world and they often have a hard time getting jobs and we all know how Homophobic Disney can be, that's one of the main reason's we kept this to ourselves and I personally am just afraid of what they might do if we do come out because we work for Disney everything we make is Disney and what if they fire us what happens then" 

Scarlett" I didn't think about that when I gave you an idea to come out, I mean Chris you are the lead they can't get rid of you" 

Seb" but they can get rid of Bucky, they can kill him in Endgame or infinity war and I know they have plans to do something with Sam and Bucky I have heard Kevin and the others talking about, but if Disney were to find out about me that wont happen and who knows if I would ever be able to get another job because of my Sexuality" 

Lizzie" Seb, you don't get it, if they get rid of you they lose Chris too and he's the lead I am sure the will Lose Scar hell they are gonna lose me and I think I speak for everyone we would back you up, if you go we all go they can't fire you or else they would lose every single one of us and they would have no movies to make" 

Seb" You guys would really do that" 

Jeremy" You bet your fucking ass we would, there is no Cap without Bucky and I am pretty damn sure Steve and Bucky are in love, and have been since the 40's" the group chuckled and smiled 

Seb" thank you, but I think I wanna wait until at least filming is done, I was thinking about doing it when we go on the Late Late show but I can't risk my job or my relationship, I love Chris too Much to fuck all of it up" Chris just stared at Sebastian with so much love in his eyes for the man next to him, he smiled at his husband as Sebastian looked over at him 

Chris" I love you too Sebby" Sebastian smiled back with just as much love for the man the rest of the group just smiled at the men's exchange with Bright smiles on their faces 

Mackie" So what are you guys gonna do what's you game plan?" 

Chris" I agree with Seb we can't risk our Jobs when we never know what could happen, So lets keep this between all of us at the table for now" 

Seb" Agreed" Everyone else nodded 

Chris" and that goes for you too Holland and Ruffalo lips sealed no spoiling okay" the two put their hands up in defense 

Mark" our lips are sealed" Tom nodded back in agreement 

Robert" Okay good, Now a Toast to the happy Couple" Drinks were all passed around, laughter filled the table of the private room they had it was a good night, that is for sure. Every single worry of Sebastian's about coming out to their friends seemed to disappear, he was truly happy he had what he considered his family backing him up and he couldn't have been more grateful.

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