Chapter 10.

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Today was an Emotional day it was wrap day, the day they would all go their separate ways until the new year where they would begin Filming for Endgame. 

Everyone Stood around in a circle arms wrapped around one another as they said their goodbyes to the Cast and Crew before dinner tonight to celebrate Wrapping up another movie, then everyone would go enjoy the holidays with their family's. Chris and Sebastian would head up to Boston to be with their families and just have a break from celebrity life before the premier of Infinity War right before Christmas ( I know this isn't the actual release date But it works out for the story so lets pretend) then they would all reunite for Endgame where it would be official that Stucky it Cannon. to say Chris and Sebastian weren't nervous would be an understatement, they were announcing their marriage and relationship to the world by a small snippet right before the end scene saying that they are together and got married. 

JRusso" I would just like to say a few things before we go, thank you to each and everyone of you who have been a part of this journey soon we are wrapping up an end of an era, what comes after this we have no idea, but we do know that Steve and Bucky get their happy ending that they deserve along with the rest of the Avengers, and On behalf of Marvel we present this to Chris and Sebastian" The Russo's pulled out two things, the first thing was the Original Captain America Shield before it was even painted, a small tear slid down Chris's cheek 

Chris" Thank you really, I have been meaning to ask for this" and the Second thing, was Bucky's very First arm that they Created from the First Avenger, Sebastian held it in his arms as a tear slid down 

Seb" Thank you, this means a lot but why are you giving us these?" 

ARusso" These are your wedding gifts from Marvel since no one knew we didn't give you one but no that we know here you gentlemen are, The Shield in which Captain America was first given and The Arm the Changed Bucky's life to get him to where he is now" the two men smiled at the Russo's and pulled them both in for hugs thanking them for everything 

JRusso" Now lets have a small party just us cast and Crew to Celebrate quite a few things if I may add, First being Wrapping up this movie, Second to Stucky becoming Cannon, and three Chris and Sebastian Wedding, that we all knew would happen someday, Anthony and I both knew that something would happen between you two from the moment you guys met we knew there was something that changed you guys and for the better it seems, so Congratulations to Chris and Sebastian and Thank you everyone for making a wonderful movie" 

Cheers were shouted and hugs were given and a few kisses between Chris and Sebastian were shared as small tears ran down their cheeks 

Seb" God I love you" Chris chuckled wiping both his and Sebastian's Tears 

Chris" I love you too Seb, So damn much" Chris Pulled Sebastian into a big warm hug then pulled away as everyone headed for Craft Services for food and Drinks, only for them to be stopped by Mackie and Scarlett who held blindfolds in their hands 

Chris" look guys I don't know what you got planned but if you wanted to see me naked you didn't have to get out a blindfold and be all kinky about it" Scarlett Punched Chris in the arm as Sebastian rolled his eyes while Mackie just laughed 

Scar" That's not what's happening us Cast have a surprise for you so put on the blind folds and shut your mouth's" Chris and Sebastian carefully tied on the blindfolds while the held hands as Scarlett Dragged them towards Craft Service, when they finally stopped they were given the go ahead to take off the blindfolds and there they were met with the Entire cast and a table full of Presents as well as another full of food and a cake in the center with two Grooms on top but they were Dressed as Captain America and Bucky 

Sebastian and Chris both stood there completely speechless as tears welled up in their eyes 

Seb" You guys didn't need to do this, we had a wedding party already" 

Robert" That is true but we weren't there and you guy's are our second family so this is the least we could do" 

Chris" Well I-Uh thank you guys really and I love the Cake toppers very unique" Sebastian looked at them and laughed slightly 

Holland" Well sit down and enjoy we worked hard" 

Seb" Mackie, did you get juice for Holland we don't need him complaining" 

Mackie" Of course I did, even though I hate him, I still got juice so I don't have to listen to Him" 

Chris" Sebastian! Apologize to Tom" Sebastian slumped his shoulders and sighed 

Seb" I'm sorry Tom for making fun of you and your juice" Everyone stared at Sebastian completely shocked that he actually apologized to Tom 

Robert" Did Seb just apologize to Holland?" 

Seb" yes I did" He said with a sigh 

Mackie" Dude who are you and what have you done to My Sexy Seabass" 

Chris" Mackie your turn, Apologize to Tom as well" 

Mackie" Fat Chance in hell that is happening" Chris narrowed his eyes and stared at Mackie until he cracked under the pressure

Mackie" Fine, Fine just stop looking at me like that. I'm sorry Tom, There happy now?" 

Chris" very" Chris leaned back in his chair and Brought his drink to his lips 

Holland" How the hell did you do that Chris" 

Chris" I got Sebastian wrapped around my finger and as for Mackie just give him the right look and he'll crack" Sebastian smirked slightly 

Mackie" How are you okay with this Seabass" 

Seb" hey I'm a changed Man since I got married, Chris has got me under lock and Key he knows how I work" 

Scar" Funny, I don't see any hand cuffs" Sebastian Smirked 

Seb" He doesn't need Handcuffs when he has his Hands and god that body, I would stay with him for that if I didn't love him as much as I do" 

Chris just smirked as Sebastian bit his lip and looked over at him with lust in his eyes 

Robert" Okay that's enough of that, how about some presents from all of us" Sebastian and Chris smiled as they all brought gifts over one by one, some were Gag gifts some where useful things while others were things that got them in tears like a Photo album of picture from the First Avenger all the way up to now with room left to put more in

Seb" wow thank you guys really" he said wiping away a tear as Chris began to throw away the wrapping paper as well as organize the gifts to take them home.

Soon enough everyone was giving one last hug and kiss on the cheek before leaving to go home to their families for the holidays and telling everyone they will see them at the Premiere. 

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