Chapter 17.

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Two weeks later, Chris and Sebastian were released from the hospital but weren't cleared to fly home. Having decided to drive back to Boston to stay with their Families for a while, Sebastian and Chris are in the car. Dodger was in the back seat sleeping soundly while music softly played through the radio as Chris held onto Sebastian's hand as they drove home. Chris absentmindedly ran his thumb over the back of Sebastian's hand, brushing his knuckles, just needing to feel his husband in some way; ever since the Premiere, Chris, and Sebastian have been closer to one another than ever before if it was even possible, just the thought of losing one another scared the life out of them they loved one another and never wanted to feel like that again. Sebastian turned his head to look at his husband, who was driving. 

" Chris?" 

"Hmm, what?" Chris responded, turning his head briefly to look at his husband 

" I- uh uhm, I don't know. I think I am still trying to process that we are okay." 

" I get that, and I understand. I think that's what we both are trying to do because none of this feels real. This is the kind of thing you see in the movies, not in real life, and what we went through was traumatic, and technically we both died in surgery. Our hearts stopped, so seeing as that happened, I get it." 

" Yeah, what I guess I'm trying to say is I don't want to waste our lives anymore; I want that family we have talked about. I want a real family, biological or not, I want it, and I want it with you" Chris smiled at his husband while keeping his eyes on the road. 

" trust me, Sebby, I want that too, so how about this? Once we are completely healed, and we all get to a somewhat normal, we explore our options, and then we can get that family we both want; what do you say?" 

" I think that is the best idea you have had in a while" Sebastian leaned across the console to press a kiss to his husband's cheek. Both men blushed slightly. That's the thing they love. After the years they have been together, they still can make one another blush like a madman. 

After a few more hours of driving, Chris Pulled into a hotel to rest for the night. They were about halfway through the trip, and Sebastian would drive since he knew the streets of New York the best. Once they were checking in, Chris was walking dodger around the lot to let him use the bathroom while Sebastian began grabbing their smaller bags that had the few things they needed, such as a change of clothes and toiletries. 

Once in the room, the two crashed on the bed while dodger jumped up onto the couch to lay down, exhausted from the long drive home. 

When they woke up the next morning, they were up and at em both having coffee in their hands as they checked out and got back in the car. Sebastian is now Driving since he navigated New York Streets better than Chris could due to him living there the majority of his life. But that's beside the point. Chris was on his phone reading various articles on different options for Same-sex couples to have children; he never said that they couldn't do any research; that's when he stumbled across an article, ( By the way, this isn't technically a real way but it is in testing stages, but for the Sake of the story lets pretend it's real and people do it often, I mean this is a fanfiction soooo yeah) pretty much a female donated her eggs and doctors removed her DNA from the eggs and took on the of men's DNA modified it and made it work with the eggs from the female then implanted the egg back into the Female the eggs came from, and she carried the baby to full term while having no relation to the baby in anyway , This intrigued Chris this means him and Sebastian would be able to have a biological child, it's not that they didn't want to adopt but they wanted a biological child and rather than having an invitro pregnancy with another woman that had no biological relation to one of them this seemed like a good option, keeping the tab in mind he quickly copied the websites information and saved it to his notes on his phone to show Sebastian later when they were in the right frame of mind and they were healed and getting back on track with their lives. 

Chris Didn't even realize he closed his eyes until Sebastian was Gently shaking his shoulder

" Chris, Iubi, Wake up we're home" Chris's Eyes fluttered open his lips curving to smile fondly at his husband before wiping the sleep away from his eyes and proceeding to step out of the car and stretch out his tight muscles and shake out the feeling from sitting in the car for hours on end. He then got Dodger out of the backseat and let him run around the yard to burn out any energy he may have while letting him use the bathroom. Sebastian came up behind Chris resting his chin on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around his midsection, to which Chris responded by grabbing Seb's hands in his own. The pair smiled fondly not doing anything special just taking the time to appreciate everything around them. They had taken the rest of the year off to sit back and heal and pull themselves together so that means no press tours, no movies to film, and no premiers to go to they had all the time in the world to be together and they wouldn't have it any other way, this way they could spend time with their families and just take a breather, maybe go on vacation somewhere. 

Chris then turned in Sebastian's hold and faced him smiling at one another as they met each other's lips in a sweet and gentle kiss which then was interrupted by Dodger wanting attention as well, Chris let go of Sebastian and knealt down to give his dog a nice good rub down and lots of love. Sebastian stood their smiling at how much his husband loved their dog. Finally the two men gathered their things and walked through the front door only to be met with the Marvel cast and their families welcoming them home, it was a timid greeting a small yell of Surprise and welcome homes, this brought smiles to their faces 

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