How it started

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(This is the point of view of present mic/ Hizashi)

I wake up to the sound of a bottle smash. I get up and get ready for school grabbing my bag and sunglasses Shota got me for my birthday. "Hizashi why are you still here" all I want is lunch. I can tell she's yelling at me, cause I could hear her. "I know you can hear me" I can't deal with this, I just walk past her and leave.

I walk to the train where I see Oboro and shota. I sigh and put my face on. "Heyyy guys!" They look over. "Hey hizashi! You're lively as usual" I look at Shota and he's holding a kitten. "Woah Sho that's adorable!" He smiles softly. "I found her on my way here, I'll bring her to a shelter before school" Shota is well known at the animal shelter, he does love cats!

"Don't be late Shota! Remember last time" we burst out in laughter. "Oh come on guys it was one time!" Our train pulls up and we get on. "Sorry sho but you're never living that down!" He sighs. "So are you guys excited for training today!" Oboro chimed in. "Sure, I've been improving with my scarf" I stayed silent.

"You excited Hizashi?" I wish I was. "Uh yeah! Just a little nervous you know haha!" I could feel Shota's glare. "Anyways! Our stop is coming up so let's go! Or Nemi will end us again.." we all shudder. "Yeah, never again" Oboro said. We get off and meet up with nemi, Shota quickly goes to the shelter and runs back.

"Ok well see you guys later!" Nemi walks off. "Allright guys! Let's go!" Love Oboros enthusiasm! We all get to class and sit down. I sit next to shota, Oboro sits next to Iida. During class Shota passes me a note.
(Do you need money for lunch?)
I passed it back.
(I'll be fine sho but thanks)
He passed it back.
(you know it's fine)

I put the note in my pocket and nodded at him. I hate lying to Shota but he does so much for me that I can't take free lunches from him. I don't deserve it anyways. After hours of classes I have one more till I leave.. It's training. We get our costumes on and the teacher picks who fights who. He picked everyone but me.

"Sir, can I go!" Everyone flinched. I spoke too loudly again. "Yamada..... that's.... No control... quirk.. ARE YOU LISTENING" I couldn't hear him.. "sorry sir I couldn't hear you" he just pointed for me to go to the back. I look over, Oboro and Shota are talking to the teacher. This wouldn't be happening if I didn't have this dumb quirk.

Class ends and I grab my things and walk with the gang to the train. "Zashi the teacher he was wrong you know, you're great don't let him get to your head" Shota sat next to me on the train. "Thanks sho.. but I could barely even hear him. I can barely hear anymore, it's getting worse" my parents could care less. He leans on me.

"You could come over to my place tonight" I lay my head on his and sigh. "I wish I could but my parents wouldn't let me" I don't want to leave Shota, yeah I have a crush on him. "It's fine, just know you can come over whenever" He's one of the few things that make me truly happy anymore.

"Thanks sho" our stop comes and we all split ways. I don't want to go home, it's not home. It's never been home to me. I go back anyway and walk in. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU'RE DEAF ITS THE BOYS '' it's always my fault isn't it. I go up to my room without them noticing.

I sit on my bed and snap my fingers... nothing. I do it again... nothing. Again... nothing. Nothing. Nothing. NOTHING! I can't hear it anymore. I clap, I can barely hear it. It really is getting worse. I can't help but cry.

Without realizing dad came in. "Hey Hizashi!" I look over quickly, wiping all the tears. I see him mouth words, he's asking why I'm crying. "HEY! IS IT CAUSE YOU CANT HEAR LIKE YOUR FUCKING MOTHER" what do I do. He grabs my arm and pulls me up pushing me to my desk. "DO YOUR HOMEWORK DEAF PIECE OF SHIT" I hit the corner of the desk, that hurt.

He left after that. I did all my work, should I pretend like last time? I get up and start writing ideas for songs. I still listen to music even though it's difficult. I enjoy writing my own. I wrote some about Shota but only one is good and I wrote some about the gang. It's what I do when I have to do work.

Hours later I peaked downstairs. Looks like they left for the night. I go downstairs and get immediately  pushed to the ground. "What are you doing down here!" He yelled. "I-I'm hungry" I hear laughing. "You can STARVE! You made me horrible Hizashi. We would be a good family if it wasn't for you!" She came from behind.

"YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!" He grabs me by the throat. I use my training to get free and I run out the door as fast as I can. It's pitch dark but I kept running. With my luck it's raining, so I ended up slipping. I frantically looked behind me to see if she was following me. I waited and nothing. I got up and went for my phone but I didn't grab it.

So I just kept walking in the dark rain. Where's a hero? They're supposed to help people right? I need help. Where is anyone.. hero's help I should find one. I found myself on a more "busy" side of town. It's not that busy this side of town at night but I'll find a hero here. I look around and see someone in a costume. I go up to them and tap their shoulder.

"Excuse me, are you a hero, I need help" they turn to look at me. "What kind of scam is this kid..." that's all I heard. "I'm not scamming you, I'm scared, lost, and need help" they laughed at me. "Just go home and cry to mommy" I feel like I can't breathe. "I CAN'T OKAY" I quickly cover my mouth. Their ears are bleeding and windows shader around me. The hero is pissed.

"I'm so sorry.. sorry I didn't mean to" I whispered. "YOU BASTARD! I'M BRINGING YOU IN FOR THIS" I heard that clearly. So I ran, but was shoved to the ground by some thugs. "Why are you running from a hero kid!" There's three of them. I can't handle this but if I don't I might die. So I use my training. I uppercut the guy in front of me and then quickly side punch the guy beside me in the face. I duck knowing the guy behind me will go for a punch then I uppercut him. For a safe measure I kick all of them in the stomach.

I look up and see the pro. "ASSAULTING PEOPLE ISN'T HELPING YOU BASTARD" I continued to run, I ran in an alley where I lost the pro. I sit on the side of a wall and cry. The one time I need help, the one time I actually escape of course something like this happens. Is the world really out to get me? I'm not a criminal.. Am I? I was defending myself.

After sitting there for a little bit the injuries started to show their colours. Everything hurts.. I want to call Shota. I get up slowly and start walking. Keeping a look out for that pro. I found an abandoned building, so I went inside and saw some old blankets. Better than being in the rain. I grab a blanket and sleep here. I wonder what I'll do tomorrow.

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