The news

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(Shota's pov)
"UGH SHUT UP" I hit my alarm clock. I get up and see I'm wearing his DJ headset, he always said it in a certain way. Not now.. I take them off and look at my phone, it's noon! I'm lucky it's Sunday. I look at my phone and see Oboro and Nemiuri texted me. I'll read them later. I'm still tired.. ever since we found out about Hizashi's home life I've uh.. been a wreck. Everyone has, none of us has gotten a call from him since the last one so I don't even know if he's safe now. All I know is he escaped with a killer band member. Oboro, Nemi, and I have been trying to figure out where he is.

I walk downstairs to have lunch. "Sorry for sleeping mom, my alarm was set wrong" she passed me a plate of food. "No worries, I know that it's hard for you right now" I know she's trying. "Thanks mom" I sit and eat while she watches the news. "Breaking news!! Hero Kamui Woods is dead! During his party honouring his work at the recent robbery the killer band came and ended this up-coming hero's life along with others.." What! I quickly stand up and stare at the tv.

"Pro hero Shield came on the scene after the massacre and caught one of the members but was stopped by what he claims to be a new member. Shield was deafened by this person's quirk; police say this is the wanted boy that attacked Pro hero Nerve. We're still getting details from the police, we'll keep you posted" No.. no way. He didn't join them. He.. FUCK! "Shota? Are you okay? I know what they're saying about the quirk but that can't be Hizashi, he's not like that" I run to my room.

"Did he kill people? No! He didn't! He's not like that!!" I throw the picture of Hizashi and I at the wall. Then my phone starts ringing. "WHAT?!" I yelled. "I'm guessing you heard.. Yeah, I'm not taking it well either. So I thought I'd call and check up" It's Oboro. "I just woke up Oboro!! I wake up to see the killer band strike again with a sighting of a 'new member' a MONTH after Hizashi ran away! So yeah I'm GREAT" I sigh. "Sorry, I shouldn't yell at you. You know what this looks like.. Hizashi joined them, didn't he" I look at the broken glass on the floor.

"It's okay and I don't know what to think about this. Why would Hizashi run from the cops if he was innocent? Why would he join villains? There's just so much that doesn't add up to all this. He told you not to trust the cops, something happened but they won't tell us. Plus do we even want to expose his identity?" I've asked myself all this before. "I don't know.. I don't think we should. We've talked a bit about this, for his safety. Something happened with the cops but if Hizashi said they're lying then they don't want anyone to know let alone us" Neither of us know what to do. We just want our friend back.

"You think Nemi will have any ideas? I talked to her a bit but not much. Listen Shota I really called because I'm worried about you, Nemi is too. You've been distant and training more after school. I know this whole thing is crazy but we have to stick together. We're all in pain" I haven't been answering their calls.. Man I'm stupid, I'm not the only upset about this. We all are but they don't know how I feel about.. him. "You're right, I've just been stressed and upset not seeing him in class with his stupid smile and stupid hair with the stupid notes he'd pass.. me" I start tearing up.

"I know. I miss trying to beat his high score at the arcade, I did beat it once then he beat it again after. I don't even try anymore, I like seeing his name on the game" we were both tearing up behind the phone. "I'm adding Nemi to the call." Couple seconds later she joins. "Hey guys, you hear the news?" Guess we've all been keeping up. "Yeah we were talking about it, we were just talking about things we missed doing with Hizashi" A small chuckle came from her.

"That reminds me of when Hizashi and I would go into stores and draw moustaches on any cardboard face we could find!! We can proudly say we're banned from the corner store down the street! Yeah that was fun, ha I miss that..'' We all let out a small needed laugh. "So Nemi do you think Hizashi joined the Killer band?" She went quiet. "I'm going to be honest here. We know that his home life was shit and something happened the night he ran away. Then whatever happened and he escaped with the Killer band member, I hate saying this but I think he did"

"You know maybe he did join them but I know Hizashi is still in there even with all this going on" Oboro has more hope then I do at this point. "What are we going to do? We could die trying to look for him. What if the band finds us before he does? They'll kill us" They are called the killer band. "I don't know.. but we need answers! How do we just sit here while our friend is still out there?! I know we can't do much but we can still try!" I smile a little.

"You're right Oboro! We should keep looking, he'd do the same for us, what do you say Nemi?" I can't give up this easily plus I have Oboro and Nemuri. "We'll find him no matter what!" I missed this, I won't avoid them anymore. I shouldn't have in the first place but now we're going to find Hizashi. "Hey why don't you guys come to my place this Friday? It can just be a movie night, I'll even let you Shota Aizawa pick the movie!" I laugh. "Haha! Finally, you guys never let me pick" we all ended up hanging out to go do stuff. I have to clean this glass..

"Why you out of everyone, why did you have to leave? Why did you have to impact me so much?" I picked up the photo of us and looked at it then placed it flat on my desk. I went and got the broom to sweep up the glass. "I hope Oboro's right" Fuck Zashi just tell me you're okay! I can't keep living off false hope.

Do you ever think of us? Or did you just leave and forget about us. I need to know

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