Terrible truth

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(This chapter is Shota's point of view)
It's been two days since Hizashi called me. I told Oboro and Nemuri everything, they didn't know how to take it and honestly I don't either. All these things he's accused of are things he'd never do. I just know he wouldn't, it's Hizashi. He's not a Villain..

I haven't told my parents about the call. They would just go to the police and from what he said I shouldn't trust them. The last thing I want is to put him in more danger. I don't even know if he is okay! He wouldn't tell me!! I THOUGHT HE TRUSTED ME! Calm down.. I don't know what he's going through, I just have to find out.

Oboro invited Nemi and I to his house. "So guys. Can we talk about what's going on with Hizashi, we talked about it a little bit but I mean ACTUALLY talk about it" Nemuri sighed. "He's been gone for three days, the only word we've heard from him is that call that Shota got" That's not all. "Listen, when he escaped from the police it said in the report that he ran off with one of the members from the killer band" they looked shocked.

"How do we even know that's him! Sure the description sounds like him but we all know he wouldn't do anything like that. That call doesn't help anything! He didn't say he was the guy but he didn't say he wasn't" Oboro snapped. "As much as I don't want to think that's him I know it is. He told me he was framed, I don't know how he would even be in a situation like that but it happened. Maybe the police might help us so we tell them who he is and they use it against us putting him in more danger, I don't know" there's a silence.

What can we do? I want to find him, make sure he's safe. I can't because he didn't tell me where he is. "What if we went to his house. Maybe his parents will know what happened" Oboro suggested. "Is that a good idea? None of us knows anything about his parents other than they're strict and have money problems. What if he ran away?" Nemuri chimed in. "You have a point Nemi but what if we get answers by going. I can't think of anything else we can do to help" I don't know what else to say.

"Okay.. but even if we want to we don't know where he lives" shit.. WAIT! "My parents got him a phone, so that means we could track his phone with my parents account. I have a feeling he didn't bring it with him because when he called his name didn't show up on my phone so it might still be at his house" I go on my phone and log into my parents account. I go to the track phone option. "Here! This should be it" it showed a place closer to my place.

"That's not far from your house, Shota. So should we go now, it's still bright" I look at the time, it is still kind of early. I look at Nemuri, we both nod. "Okay, let's go" we got up and went to my car. I drove to the place. "This is it '' it looks run down. We get out and start walking to the door. "I'm going to wait in the car okay" Nemi went back to the car and watched. Oboro and I walked up and knocked, I heard yelling from inside.

A man opens the door, he looks at us with pure anger. "What do you two brats want?" I felt a shiver down my spine. "Does someone named Hizashi live here?" he paused. "Oh that deaf piece of shit! He ran off three days ago when that bitch tried to teach him a lesson. What are you his friends!" He laughed. "Listen he's not here and if you do see him tell him not to come back or else, that means you never come back or else!" Then he slammed the door then went and started yelling at someone.

"Oboro.. that wasn't real right. We came to the wrong house" We're in shock, we go back to the car and process what happened. "Guys what happened?! That guy was he Hizashi's dad!" We both take a second then explain what happened. "Holy shit.. Hizashi was abused... no way he would have told us. Right?" I sigh. "There are a lot of things he could have told us but he didn't. Fuck he must have been so scared" I ended up driving back to Oboro's place. We all went back to his room.

"That guy was his dad.. he talked about Hizashi like he's something you just throw away.. and what he said about someone I assume his mom was teaching him a lesson, that's why he ran away. To save himself" I spoke up. "Who knew that he was going through all this for years on end" he gave signs. Why didn't I see them?! "I should've seen the signs.." tears started streaming down my face. "I could've helped him.. now look" Oboro put his hand on my shoulder.

"None of us caught on, he didn't want us to know so he hid everything or tried to. Don't blame yourself for any of this Shota, it's his parents fault for treating him the way they did. All we can do now is keep looking for him, we can't be the rooftop gang without him. So we'll find him okay guys" we group hug. I don't know what I'd do without them, I don't know. We let go.

"Guys I need you to hear me out, I know this sounds crazy but what if we went back and got some of Hizashi's stuff. Listen who knows what his parents will do to it, please" they look at each other than back at me. "Fine, but we have to be extra careful and we can never go back after okay. I don't know how much we can handle going to that hell house" I nodded. "Okay deal, we'll leave once it gets dark. Here's what we'll do, Oboro will check which room is Hizashi's. Nemi if anything goes sideways please use your quirk to save us and help me gather some things while Oboro is lookout" for an idea that just came to me this isn't a bad plan.

"Sounds good but we bail if it gets too out of hand" I agreed. We waited a couple hours till it got dark. We went to the car and went to Zashi's place. "Okay let's go" Oboro go's on his cloud and looks in each window. He comes back and tells us which window. "Second floor" we all get out and he brings Nemi and I to the window and we go in quietly. We start looking around and see the dust flying through the air. We look around and see stuff in the closet. Something caught my eye on his nightstand.

It's a picture of us on my birthday.. I miss that. I grab it and I grab a journal I see under his bed. "Let's get out of here" she whispered. As we went back to the window I tripped over the lamp cord near his bed. "Shit!" Someone stomped inside. "YOU BRATS! I TOLD YOU" I get up and push Nemi to the window. "GO!" Oboro takes Nemuri down and I'm standing not far from this monster.

I quickly ran to the window but he grabbed my leg. I throw my scarf at a pole and kick him in the face throwing myself outside. I get down and get in the car, speeding away. "Is everyone okay physically? '' I ask. "Are you okay! You didn't have to do that Shota'' Nemuri I'm just glad you're okay. "I'm fine, he didn't hurt me, I couldn't let him hurt you guys so I did what I had to" we calmed down after a bit and went back to Oboro's for the last time tonight.

"So what did you two grab?" I show the photo of Hizashi and I. Then I show the journal. Nemi pulled out a box full of photos of times we've all had together and his favourite headphones he called his "DJ headset" he said that he'd wear them at his future radio studio. We started looking through the photos and laughing remembering fun times.

"Look at this one! We posed like cool kids! You guys laughed at how cool we were" Oboro laughed. "Woah! That's when I did his hair all fancy!" Nemuri smiled. "Here's when we went to the cat cafe for my birthday" looking at it made me feel cozy, just thinking about how much fun we had is amazing. Our smiles slowly faded. "If only he was here.." we put everything away and get ready to sleep. "We had a long day, let's just go to sleep" Oboro said, turning off the lights. We say our good nights then sleep, I couldn't sleep. I look at that photo that was on his night stand.

I miss you Hizashi, do you miss me

1552 words

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