Oboro a true hero

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Hizashi's pov
"You have some nerve seeing Aizawa after what happened, nice to see you again asshole" I'm not surprised she's mad, she has reasons to be. "I'm guessing you heard everything?" She nodded yes. "You're smooth Yamada or should I say Present Mic. Which should I use" ouch. "Don't be like that, come on Nemi you have to understand why I left" she stepped on the break. "You can call me Kayama and you didn't tell us anything" she started driving again.

"All I've heard about you within the past year is the mass murders you've been a part of, killing big time hero's. Aizawa's in denial about it but we both know you've killed people" To think that we were getting kicked out of stores for having dumb fun and now here we are. "Yeah. I have, but these hero's Kayama have hurt people! They get away with it because they're heroes'' she sighed. "No matter what either of us say we won't agree" I see tears streaming down her face. She pulled over.

"Listen Hizashi, I want to be so mad at you I am mad! Even after everything part of me can't be, I've missed you so much and things haven't been the same. Oboro still had hope that you were out there and needed our help, he wanted answers but he mostly just wanted his best friend back. Aizawa, well you heard him. He wanted to keep up hope but it doesn't get easier for him, he pushes me away even though I.. I just want to help him. I wish things could go back to the way it was but I know it can't, we're on different paths" she wipes her tears away.

"What about you Nemuri? You care so much about us that you forget about yourself" she looked at me with a sad smile. "I'm graduating soon, I'm confident in myself when it comes to that. Although I'm stuck with our cat, kidding I love Sushi but he's a tough reminder. Maybe I'll get Aizawa to come over and see him. Honestly, I feel like I could have saved him.. I miss him, it's so hard without him here!" We lean over and hug.

"I'm sorry Nemuri, I really am. After that night I was so mad and scared. The band understood what I went through. I don't want any of you to get involved so I pushed you away thinking it would be for the better, I guess it sucked for all sides" Silence fell over us, not awkward or comfortable. Just silence. "At least I know you're not dead in a ditch somewhere, I can't stop you from doing anything but don't kill us haha! Really don't!" She punched my arm.

"I won't, don't worry. Just.. watch over Shota for me, I think I might have hurt him more" Nemi pat me on the back. "He'll be alright but don't expect forgiveness. Not from him or me" I nodded with a smile. "Thank you Nemuri" She sighed and put her head on the wheel. "What a fucking day. So, where am I dropping you off?" It has been a day. "You won't snitch?" She leaned back. "Not this time hon" she winked.

"Awesome, you know the side of town teachers would say is haunted so we wouldn't go there cause of how dangerous it was?" She nodded. "Go there" Nemi smirked and stepped on it, catching me off guard. Weird since I'm a part time getaway driver.

Once we got to the neighborhood I led her to my place. By then the rain died down a bit but not by much. We both got out. "Come here" she hugged me. "Don't die okay? I'll call out any hero that treats an innocent person badly, for you" I hugged her tight. "Love you Nemi" she chuckled. "Love you too Gel master" we let go. "Oh wow, haven't heard that in a while! I'm okay with that" Nemuri waved bye then drove off. I walked back inside still soaked, I might get sick.

"You sure he's going to be okay? Do you see how hard it's pouring?! Without an umbrella too" Right as I walked in they all looked at me. "Hey guys" Axe ran off with Forest while the rest checked on me. "You scared us Mic! Are you okay?" Sliver is such a mom. "I'm sorry.. I just went to see some old friends" Axe and Forest came back with a towel and blanket. "Here we'll talk after, go change and warm up" Frankie told me handing me the things.

I went to my room and changed out of my wet clothes. "I hate the way he looked at me.. Sho you're in so much pain and I just made it worse" After putting the new clothes on I went downstairs with a blanket around me. Everyone was there waiting for me, they were worried. I pulled up a chair in front of the couch and sat down. "What's going on?" Forest asked. "That student who died today in that villain attack.. he was my best friend when I was a hero in training"part of me doesn't even fully believe he's really gone.

"His name was Oboro Shirakumo and he was one of the nicest people you'd ever meet, of course he'd go out saving people. Oboro was always looking for me, he was the one that brought everyone together. Oboro was a true hero. I couldn't handle the fact that he died, so I went to our favourite place then went to.. someone really important to me's house and it didn't go well. He was a mess and I made it so much worse" my head fell into my hands.

"I know the feeling.." Bones spoke up. "I won't get into it but I got in a stupid argument with my best friend, I wanted to patch it up saw him get ripped into two by a hero in the alley. I got away but I hate that that was my last memory of him, he was all I had at the time" I can't even imagine going through that. "I'm sorry that happened to you, if Shota died I don't know what I'd do" Part of me would die if he died, part of me is already dead with Oboro.

"How did you get back here? I wouldn't think your friend would live close by" Frankie curiously asked. "After I left his house my other friend heard everything and offered a ride.. in a way. She was pissed about everything. We talked and it went well, as well as it could've gone I guess. She's a good person, she cares even after everything. It's complicated but that's fine" Everyone seemed happy that I was okay, for the most part.

"We all know what it's like to lose someone important, it sucks so much. So take the time you need to grieve him. We'll be here whenever you need us Mic" Forest hugged me then left, she gives great hugs. "Yeah, plus you're most likely sick so go upstairs. If you need anything, call us" I smiled at Frankie then went back to my room, Bones hugged me before I left. They really are something else.

I fell on my bed and looked at the ceiling. "What am I going to do Oboro?" I slowly drifted off with a few tears leaving my eyes.

(Frankie's pov)
Hm, somethings not right. "What's on your mind babe?" I look at Axe and realize I was zoning out. "Sorry it's just.. Can you ask Forest to look into the death of this Shirakumo kid. Something feels off about it I don't know, I've been a bit on edge since this morning" he nodded. "Yeah I'll ask her and don't feel crazy because you're usually right about this kind of stuff" I smiled at him, he makes me feel sane in this fucked world.

I really hope this Shirakumo kid wasn't targeted..
I've seen it too many times

1348 words

It wasn't meant to beTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon