Getting ready for the concert

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It's been really busy at the hideout recently, getting ready for the concert and everything. Driving lessons have been going well considering I've never driven in my life! Shota was the one who drove us places... nevermind. I'm practicing with Axe right now, trying to beat my high score.

"Alright Mic, you've made a lot of progress but let's put what you've learnt to the test" I grip my hand on the wheel and keep the other on the stick. "Ready.. GO" I quickly put it in drive and stepped on it. Axe uses his quirk to make obstacles. Damn this is stressful!! The way it works is I just drive around the building. I come up to the last turn where I stop right in front of Axe. He clicks the stop watch. "13.7" I stare wide eyed. "No way.. I DID IT" I got out and high five him.

"You did! Great job, even on dodging. I made it a bit harder but you did good. I think you'll be ready!" He pats me on the back then we go inside. I go to the kitchen for some water cause fuck do I need it. "Soo how'd you do?" I look over and see Bones also taking a break. "13.7 seconds! Last time was 20.4 seconds!! I swear it just gets earlier every time. How about you was practice?" They sat up straighter. "It's usually a bit hard not long before show but it's harder during show, maybe not all the time. It happens but you never know if something will go wrong like last time"

Sometimes I wonder how they ended up here, I couldn't have handled this at their age yet I don't know if I can even handle it now. "You'll have Axe with you, plus I'm a great getaway driver! So I'll make sure everyone gets back safe" I can tell they eased up a bit. "Yeah you are, thanks Mic" The concert is next week so yeah stress is building. "Is this the break zone? Cause I sure need one" Sliver walks in and I give her a water bottle.

"Thanks" she chugged that. I mean I did too so I get that. "Welcome to the stress of preparation. Oh shit that reminds me!" She walks to the stairs and yells. "Crew meeting!! Crew meeting!!" Everyone came into the kitchen. "Okay thank you, crew the concert is in a week. I know everyone is working hard especially after last time, that's why the song is a bit shorter. So I'm going to go over the plan more than once so we all know this by heart"

"There is a celebration for the hero Kamui Woods on his recent battle with robbers. They didn't put on the news that one of the hostages died, they gave hush money to the other living hostage. Not to mention how reckless he is in the field. So we'll give him and everyone there a show. We'll show up around eleven pm and get into place. Axe is on backup, so you'll find anyone trying to flee and stay out of sight. Forest is in the van tapping the building with Mic as the driver. We'll start pretty much after we get there then Frankie sings I'll bass with Bones on drums. We'll be in and out. Cops shouldn't even see us leave" we all nod in agreement.

"Great job Sliver, but I want to add that there are heroes that will get us any chance they get so don't let them have that chance. Get them first, show no mercy, we know they won't" I've never killed anyone before.. What if I can't do it? How would I even kill someone? "Mic? You good?" I snap out of it and see they're all looking at me. "Yeah! Yeah. I'm okay" Fuck I'm obvious. "Okay then glad everyone understands, we'll go over this again tomorrow" I look at Frankie and he nods, we go to another room.

"What's on your mind" my head falls into my hands. "Frankie, what did you do when you first killed someone?" He sighed. "That was a long time ago, I was scared. I was with Sliver and a hero had her pinned down so I grabbed my knife and stabbed him till he stopped moving. It's hard, plus you're a kid. Killing someone isn't easy but when it comes to people you care about you know what to do trust me, it comes to you" I sit up and lean my head back.

"In school people say that murder is bad, hearing that plus hearing things on a hero's point of view is weird. At home my parents would hurt me and each other without a doubt. People making me think that murder is bad yet at home my mom tired to murder me. I don't want to be like my parents" A silence falls.

"Listen to me, you're nothing like them. You'll never be like them. Present mic you're a nice guy that wasn't treated fair, you are standing up for yourself. They didn't care but you do, I know that and everyone else knows that. I understand if you need time but we're your family" I've never had a family I guess now I do.

"Thanks for giving me a chance, I'm happy to be a part of this family" he pats me on the back. "You're one of us now, let's get back out there" we go back to the kitchen where only Forest sits. "Where'd everyone go?" She shrugged. "All left to do their own thing plus Axe wanted to talk to you" Frankie smiled then left. "How are the hearing aids working out?" I sat down next to her.

"Really good! It meant a lot that you and Axe did that for me" She nodded, happy they're working out. "Are you ready for the concert? Don't want you to get too stressed" I sigh. "Yeah, I mean I am ready I just can't fuck it up so I'm trying to stay chill you know?" Of course she knows! "Yeah but I'll be in the van with you" I held my fist for a fist bump. She didn't leave me hanging. "Thanks Forest" I'm glad that I'm friends with her. I was worried she wouldn't ever talk to me but I guess I'm good with quiet people..

The concert. I need to be ready for the concert.

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