First concert

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Today's concert! We're all ready, somewhat. I mean everyone is pumped it's a concert right! I don't know what happened last time but it ended with Axe at the police station. Anyways, Axe got me a cool outfit to wear even if I'm outside the whole time. I went and got changed after Sliver went over the plan one more time. It's ten at night right now so we have to go soon.

"Yo Mic you ready yet?" Bones yelled from outside my room. "Yeah!" I open the door. "Damn! Looking ready for your first concert! Ooo hey I like how you do your hair, ever think of growing it out?" I joked about it with Oboro a couple times. "No, I haven't think I could rock it?" They punch my shoulder. "Dude you'd look sick!! But hey we gotta go" maybe I should. Bones grabbed my wrist and brought me downstairs.

"There's Mic, now that everyone's ready let's go. Hands in" they all put their hands in. "Just put your hand in then yell killer crew!" I put my hand in then Frankie counted down. We all yelled "KILLER CREW!!" That was awesome! "Okay let's go" we all go to the van with our equipment and I start driving. "Hell yeah!! This is going to be so sick!" Frankie shouted. "You know it! Mic and I have worked on this song for a while so I know it's gonna be good!" Thanks for the credit Bones.

"You two are right! It's gonna be great, plus Mic's bass line is fantastic!" Crews really out here feeding my ego! "Haha guys! Thanks I couldn't do it without your help" I turn on the radio and we start jamming out, gotta get hyped! The place we're going to is half an hour from our base. Don't worry Present mic it'll be great! No worries here! No stress NOTHING!!

I pull into the back alley of the centre. "Okay we're here, get into positions and keep Forest and I posted" The three nod and bring their stuff inside with the help of Axe. "So do we wait here till the shows over? How do we know if anything's wrong?" She pulls out her second laptop to show the cameras of the place. "Damn that's impressive" she had another one where she does her hacking? I dunno how tech shit works.

"Thanks, we can watch it here. Don't worry about getting hypnotized Frankie has control over his quirk, he knows who not to affect. I'll warn you concerts are graphic, I mean we're not called the killer band for nothing" yup yup I know why they're called that, just never seen what they do. "Okay cool thank you for the heads up" I look around to make sure no one's nearby.

"Hey it's starting, a bit earlier than what was planned but that's fine. These songs are actually catchy" I peek at the screen still trying to stay on the lookout. "Hellooo everybody! Let's get this party started!!" Then the music started. Oh shit! The hero's can't fight back, Frankie already has them. Damn.. he's making everyone kill the heroes. I see what Forest meant now. Fuck, I'm trying so hard not to throw up. Yes Present mic there are VERY dead people on the screen but the hero's deserve it! So it's fine, plus it only gets easier, Bones is up there and they're fine!

Whatever, just enjoy the song. "I don't know how I feel about seeing people kill each other, like it's just seeing their insides gross it's not really the reason that grosses me out just ugh guts" Forest chuckled a bit. "I remember being like that but it's okay to throw up, guts are gross" She taps my shoulder. "Hey hey get ready it's over, short show tonight" I look and see them running back. "EVERYONE IN!" Frankie yelled. Axe got everything in and everyone got in but before I went I saw someone missing. "Where's Bones?!" Frankie started panicking. I look at the cameras and see someone has them.

I get out and run inside. "Let go of me!! Help!!" Fuck a hero! "BONES NOW!" I yell letting them know I'm going to use my quirk. "YEAHHHH" I screamed, the hero let go of them. I grabbed Bones's arm and pulled them to the van. Frankie pulled them in while I got in and drove away. "Holy shit are you two okay?!" I'm so out of breath, I haven't used my quirk like that for a while. "Mic saved me! It was insane to see his quirk, kinda hurt but he totally stopped that damn hero!" I didn't kill the hero but I did enough to save my friend.

"Great job Present mic! You really did good today, along with everyone!! This was our quickest show ever and it went amazing! Let's celebrate when we get back!!" I did good.. I mean I wasn't as stressed as I thought I'd be. I didn't care about that stupid hero, I just wanted to save Bones and make sure everyone was okay. You know I think I could get used to this. I pulled into the base and we all went inside. Frankie, Bones, and Sliver went to shower and change since they were I'd say covered in blood.

"Soo Mic, how was the first show? We usually have longer ones but we wanted to be careful" Now that I think about it, it was pretty cool! "You know I was stressed at first not wanting to let everyone down but after I saved Bones and drove off I was okay! Seeing the dead people was weird cause guts are gross but that's fine" Frankie messed up my hair. "That's fair! I mean your first show isn't going to be the best, we're going to have so many better ones right? Soo try not to stress too much! Let's just celebrate!! We got rid of that shit hero!" I smile and grab a soda from the fridge.

"Hey boys let's not celebrate just yet Bones is getting cleaned up and the others are.. somewhere?" I think Forest is making sure we weren't followed, I let that hero live so he called back up. "Here I'll go find Axe" Frankie got up and left. "Yeah go find him, lover boy!" She laughed. "Huh?" Wait! "Oh right you probably don't know, Frankie and Axe are dating" WHAT! How did I not know?! I missed so many signs! "That's cool, I can't believe I was that oblivious" Am I always that oblivious?

"It's fine, you've only been here only a month" Forest and Bones walk in from different rooms. "Hey! Let's party, I'm all clean now! Are we in the clear Forest?" She nodded yes. "Awesome so where are Frankie and Axe?" Bones realized what they just said and sighed. "Really? They can do whatever later!" They go to the door frame and yell for the two. They both came in. "Sorry! We're here, let's party!" We all laughed. I passed everyone a drink and she cheered.

"FUCK YEAH!! You all did so great today!! I'm so proud of you crew!" Axe yelled. "Yeah!!" We all yelled. We played games and told funny stories as the night went on. We all started getting tired eventually, I mean yeah long day. "Frankie's sleeping plus I'm tired so we're going to bed, night crew!" It's cute to know they're dating. I wonder if I could've had something like that.. "You know I'm tired too so I'm gonna crash, thanks for the help today" I tell them, they say their good nights and I go to my room and change.

"Man, what a day. I had fun, knowing the crew has my back I know I'll be okay" I laid down and tried to sleep. "You're going to be okay.. Hizashi" I smile at the thought of today. Everyone was so excited and pumped, they did so good and all the work paid off. That hero is dead as he should be, that's what he gets.

I'll get revenge on you Nerve, sleep with one eye open.

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