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I feel the sun hit my face. "Ugh" I sit up and look around. "Shit.. it wasn't a dream" I said under my breath. I get up and feel sore, I mean after yesterday I'd be surprised if I wasn't. I go and peek outside. I step back with shock. On a big screen was a description of me for arrest charges for four counts of aggravated assault and multiple counts of vandalization.

"Oh fuck.. I didn't mean to do any of that" I start panicking. "I can't go to shota now! What do I do.. UGH" I started pulling my hair. I feel someone coming up the stairs. FUCK! There isn't anywhere to hide! "Hello, who's up here!" Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I grab the blanket, the person comes up and I throw it at them startling them. I try to run past them but they grab my sweater.

I look up and it's a cop. "Hey where do you think you're going!" I'm so scared. "Please let me go, please let me go!" I squirm to try and run away. "Hey, HEY STOP MOVING" he throws me across the room. "Why are you in such a rush! Wait" he looks at me, I start shaking. " you're that kid that's wanted for arrest, aren't you. That's why you're in such a hurry to run" I heard everything very faintly.

I get up and go to make a break for the window. He tased me. "NICE TRY! You're coming with me" he handcuffed me and dragged me into his car. He didn't ask about any of the bruises. He just looked at me like I was a monster when he didn't know what happened. "We're here, don't squirm and I heard about that voice of yours" he grabs something out of his compartment then gets out to go over to my door.

"Stay still" he rips out duck tape. "No no no no no please don't please I'll be quiet!" He takes a piece off and slaps it on my face. "Can't take any chances" he drags me into the station and throws me into a private cell. No no! Dad did this to me. When I was younger he put tape on my mouth to shut me up and when I tried to take it off around him he'd slap me. I can't handle this!! I'm still cuffed. I tried to get up but I couldn't, I gave up and just laid there.

I was in there for maybe two hours till two cops came in and grabbed me and brought me to an interrogation room. I was cuffed and tied to a chair that was connected to the ground. They both left then one came back with that pro. "So is he the one that assaulted you and the others yesterday?" I look up with disgust. "Yes he's the one, you know who he is?" So I'm the bad guy.

"We don't know yet, we didn't know what he really looked like till now. Have you seen him before?" I try freeing my hands. "I think he's a runaway, why else would he be so violent and keep trying to flee. All I did was try and help" I snap. I start moving around and try dying the truth. "See it must be a hard topic, he's a danger to not only to others but himself" the cop agrees.

"Thank you for keeping us safe Nerve, guards put him away!" Nerve, that's his name. Two cops came in and took me off the chair and I quickly pushed through them and past the door as I was making a run for the main entrance I felt my body cramp up and fall. "Don't even try it!" I look up and see him. So that's his quirk. He can cause nerves to "shut down" in a way, like a taser. He picks me up and throws me himself in the cell. I hear him getting applause. APPLAUSE!

I have to get out of here. My arms are cuffed behind me and I have tape on my mouth. There's a metal bench in here. Maybe it can help me. Maybe if I put enough pressure on the bench it'll break the cuffs, or at least one to help me. I slide over and get up to the bench. I brace myself then put all my strength down. I look down and see a part came off the cuff leaving it on one arm.

I wait to see if anyone heard it, everyone's busy celebrating that faker. I rip the tape off and look at the window above me. The bars look weak, I'll just rip them off. I jump from the bench and grab them. Using my legs I push on the wall and pull them off, even though I fell right on my back. Luckily it wasn't too far of a fall. I lightly put it down and quickly jump back up and see that no one's looking this way.

I jump down and start sneaking away. "HEY!" I look back and see a cop. I start running. I don't know how much longer I can go. Then right as the cop catches up to me he's stopped. "Hey you!" I look in front of me and see this guy. "Let's get out of here before they catch us! I know a place to hide" I nod and run away with him. We had to jump a couple fences but we made it to a van with cop cars not too far behind us.

"Get in!" I jump in and the driver speeds away. "Geez Axe that was close, don't risk anything like that ever again" I sat and took a breath. "Sorry Frankie but I couldn't watch you or the others get taken it was a tough call okay" Frankie? Sighed. "I know.. anyways who's this" Axe was it? He looks at me. "Hm, who are you?" I hesitate. "My name is Hizashi-" I get cut off.

"We don't really do actual names, how about a code name" I think. Code name.. "Present mic or I guess Mic for short" Axe smiled. "Awesome! So I'm Axe and this is Frankie. If you don't mind me asking why were you there? I saw how they treated you" I hug my knees.

"It's a long story okay, just look outside you'll see what I'm being accused of" I wonder if they'll hurt me to. "Holy shit that's you, look I don't know what you're going through but I can tell you've gone thru some shit in the past couple days. You don't have to tell me anything about what happened but I'm here even if you don't know me" I sigh.

"My parents beat me for being born and having a quirk that hurts them. My quirk is voice . I can make my voice really loud without much control, I made my mom deaf when I was born. Since they both hurt me I've acted happy go lucky at school and with my friends though, they just think my family's strict and poor. Last night I ran away because my mom tried to kill me. So I ran in the rain till I found a hero because Hero's will always help you. He thought I was scamming him, and since I'm going deaf I couldn't hear him that well. I told him I needed help and that I was scared, but he didn't take me seriously. So I yelled.. I don't mean to hurt or damage anything" I take a breath.

"Then he yelled and I ran away when these thugs pushed me to the ground. I think they were the pro's friends. Anyways, I defended myself and beat them up, I was scared and they hurt me, or were going to. So the pro saw me do that so I ran again then lost him. That's when I found an abandoned building and slept there where a cop found me and I tried to run and he threw me and tased me. That damn hero Nerve told a fake story making me the bad guy and well you know the rest" Axe hands me a bottle of water. I take it and quickly start drinking it.

"Hey slowly. Mic what happened to you isn't fair, you wanted help you needed help and you got nothing. Fuck, this is why hero's are so flawed. People only see them as great, nothing more, even if they've done something wrong. Mic you did nothing wrong don't ever think you did anything wrong. I mean my life story isn't a treat either but that's for another day" I hug him. "Thank you" he hugs me back.

"If I wasn't driving I'd join this hug" we let go. "So what did you do, what did you get caught doing?" Axe sighed. "You heard of the killer band?" I nod yes. "That's us, something went wrong at the end of our last show so I got caught. As you can tell I escaped pretty easily. Anyways yeah, we give people a great show" holy shit they're the killer band. I've heard about them, they kill by just singing songs.

"Listen I know you won't sell us out, so where do you wanna go Mic?" I have no where, I can't risk getting Shota involved. "I want to join you. I always thought a hero would save me from that house, I waited years but they never came. When I went to a hero for help I was laughed at. Why did he get praise for doing the wrong thing? The only thing I'm leaving behind is my friends, trust that's hard enough but if I go back they'll get in trouble. I can't be a hero if that's how they treat people"

"I understand, sure you can join us. Just know that you're gonna have to build the trust of the rest of the crew. We're family, if you want to be a part of that we have to trust you and you have to trust us" I want to be part of that. "Thank you Frankie. Is it okay if I sleep till we get there? I've had a rough day" Axe nodes. "Hey before you do let's get that handcuff off, can't imagine it's comfortable" he pulls out a pick lock set from a compartment and picked the cuffs.

"There! That should feel way better. Now you can take your nap and don't worry we won't let anyone hurt you like that again alright" I feel more safe with them then I ever did at "home." Axe started talking with Frankie so I fell asleep. I hope they'll trust me like I'll trust them.

Nemuri, Oboro, and Shota. I know they're not going to take this news well. I just hope they'll understand, I already miss you guys. Especially you Shota.

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