Loud Cloud

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(Present Mic's pov)
It's raining today, nothing good comes from rain. Luckily we had the concert two days ago. Crazy thinking about how it's almost been a year since I joined. I don't know something about today feels off. "Hey Mic feeling gloomy with the weather?" Bones walked in. I'm sitting in the kitchen looking out the window. "Yeah a little, I think I'm just tired" They pat me on the back. "I get it, rain does that to me too" They got a drink and left. Then Frankie and Axe walked in. "I'm telling you I've been hearing some bad things about this All for one guy!" Hm I wonder what Frankie's talking about?

"You heard that from the guy at the bar, I don't think you should trust everything he says" I look over at them, this seems interesting. "I know that but what if he becomes a problem! I know we're villains but this guy seems like a VILLAIN! I'm just saying I don't want him messing with any of the crew. He seems like bad news" All for one huh. I bet we could take him on. "I don't think you have to worry, I bet we're strong enough to take him on" He scoffed. "Mr cocky over here! I don't think we could take him on from what I've heard but Mic if you ever meet him just leave don't talk to him" Axe chuckled.

"Frankie we don't even know if this guy is who he seems, just cause you heard about him doesn't even mean he's real. If he is yeah we won't talk to him but geez calm down. This rain is really messing with people" then they left. Whatever, this All for one guy isn't my problem. Nerve is, I'm going to make him pay. I sigh then go to the living room where everyone is relaxing. "I'm turning on the news for a second, maybe we'll be on it!" Bones grabbed the remote from Sliver. "Ooo let's see!" I sat on the floor in front of the couch.

"That's the weather for today. We're back with breaking news! Earlier this afternoon a villain attack occurred, many heroes were on site the first were UA high students Nemuri Kayama, Shota Aizawa and Oboro Shirakumo. We received devastating information that Shirakumo Oboro died protecting a local daycare. How terrible for a young hero's life to be cut short.."Everything went blurry. No.. he can't be. Oboro...

"Mic? Are you okay?" I snap out of it and realize that I'm crying. "I'm going for a walk" I get up and leave with a jacket. It's still raining, no wonder it's raining, it's almost like that night. Oboro he always controlled the clouds. As I'm walking my tears get heavier and heavier. I stumbled by a park. I go up to a tree and just punch it, again and again. "WHY YOU?! I NEVER EVEN SAID GOODBYE!!" With that I fell to the ground. It doesn't even feel real. How did that even happen? Could I have done something? I thought keeping them away would make them safe. They are hero's.. fuck Shota and Nemuri. They can't be taking this easy.

I get up and walk to the arcade. It's a bit of a walk but it's for him. I made it, man this is a feeling I miss. I walk in and go to Centipede. He dared me to play this since I'm terrified of bugs. I got so good at it, I still have the high score. I see his name right under mine. "Loud cloud" just looking around reminds me of the hours we'd spend here. The whole group. I miss them.. leaving them wasn't easy I hope they all knew that. Sometimes I wish things were different but it's better that I left.

I leave and continue walking. I'm not far from Shota's house.. I want to see him, part of me needs to but I can't. I pause and think about pros and cons. "Screw it" I ran to his house. This isn't a good idea. I stop in front of the door panting. I calm down before knocking. I use my jacket to hide my hair and face a bit. "Nemi I told you I want to be alo.." He answered, that's really him. I uncover my face. He looks shocked. "No it can't be" I can't believe it's really him. "It is" He took a breath then pulled me inside.

"No one's home, it's just me" I took my shoes off and walked in, it's been a while. He stands there. "Out of all the days to show up you chose today. Do you even know what happened or did you really forget about us?" Ouch.. "I heard what happened and I don't know how to deal with it. I don't know why you'd ever THINK I'd forget about you guys! It was hard to leave you know. I didn't even see him before.." I could see how hard he was trying to hold his tears back.

"I DID! I SAW HIM LAYING THERE DEAD! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN HE DIED?! NOT THERE! WHERE WERE YOU WHEN HE WAS VOTED CLASS PRESIDENT?! I DON'T.. I don't." He started crying. I never wanted to hurt him.. he's the last person I'd want to hurt, he's my world. "Sho.." I slowly hugged him, he hugged me back. "I'm sorry that I missed so much. I'm sorry that I left you, you're the world to me and I didn't want you getting involved in any of my shit. I still don't but I never wanted to hurt you. I'm sorry that all of this is happening to you" He cried into my shoulder, I cried a bit too but tried to compose myself.

"I missed you, Oboro gave me hope that we could still find you. Things could be like old times" I wish they could be but I'm different. "I missed you so much Sho. Whenever I see a stray cat I think of you. I meant what I said on the call, I do love you Shota I always have" He pulled away from me. "Don't say that. I don't want to hear it, you know what Hizashi! You can't just leave for a YEAR without explaining anything to us and then come back when Oboro dies!! You can't say you love me because you're just going to leave again!!" He yelled.

What do I even say? I can't say anything after that because he's right. "You're right.. I'm sorry Shota. I didn't tell anyone anything because I didn't want you guys involved. I... I shouldn't have come, if I leave now I'll cause you more pain" He sighed. "You're such an idiot" I give him a confused look. "What.." his hair went up, it got longer.

"I've known you since middle school. We told each other everything, I met Oboro because of you. I applied to UA because of our dream, do you get it yet? You were there for me and everyone, do you really think we wouldn't want to help you?! We broke into your house to save some of your shit!! That hero that hurt you we could have stopped him together!" His hair fell. "Together.. like we always did" wait what!?

"You went to my house?! How- what! My parents, so you all know" Shota looks like he's cracking more and more. "Yes we know, I just can't believe you hid that from me all this time.. AGH WHY ARE YOU EVEN STILL HERE HIZASHI?! IF YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE ME AGAIN THEN JUST GO ALREADY" I shouldn't stay.. I walk up to hug him but he slaps me away. Without any words I put my soaked shoes back on and walked back into the pouring rain.

I feel so empty. I don't blame Shota but it still hurts. "Get in the car" I quickly looked beside me and it was Nemuri. "Wha.." she was standing outside the whole time, she heard.. "Come on, I don't have all day" we both got in her car. "You got your mom's car, told you" Nemiuri pulled out of Shota's driveway and started driving.

"You have some nerve seeing Aizawa after what happened, nice to see you again asshole"

1394 words

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