Missing them

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(Hizashi's pov)
It's been a week since I ran away. Shota didn't tell anyone, the public still doesn't know me plus I know my "parents" won't say anything. It's been a bit rough but the crew is really nice, I was talking to Axe and Forest about making me hearing aids. They said of course, so I did some tests to help them out and Forest told me it should be really soon. I'm so excited to be able to hear normally! Other than that I've been practicing bass with Bones, they play drums I know that though. I just ugh.. I know I made the right choice.

I'm sitting on my bed just thinking of the gang, the crazy times we had. Then a knock on the door. "Come in!" Frankie walks in and gestures if he can sit next to me, I nod he can. "Hey Mic, I wanted to check up on you. I'm glad that you've been getting comfortable with the crew but I know that this is hard. Bones told me about how they heard you crying when you were on the phone. Leaving people we care about behind is shitty, I know how much your friends meant to you" I start tearing up.

"It is hard.. they were the best you know? I did everything with them. Having to leave them behind, having to leave him behind is- do you know what it's like to leave someone you love!" He sighed. "I do, maybe not the way you're thinking but my younger sister Kokomi, she meant so much to me I loved her so much but a hero killed her when she was coming home from school. She took the long way home because she missed the bus and I was running late. I told her to wait but she went anyway. Long story short, the hero "mistook" her for a villain that was on the loose, that's what he told me. Our parents weren't around so I took care of us. They didn't do shit about her death, it was the hardest thing that ever happened to me"

"Not long after I started this, Mic I know how hard leaving loved ones can be. We're here for you whenever you need I mean it. Sorry for ranting like that. I just want you to know that you're not alone, especially here. It's okay to feel our feelings but we can't let that hold us back" wow.. I can't believe he lost his sister. It's nice knowing I'm not alone in the feeling. "Thanks Frankie, it means a lot that you care. Also don't worry about talking too much. I do that too" he smiled. "We're a family here, never forget it" he messed up my hair. "Not the hair!!" We laughed.

"I'm going downstairs, come down whenever" then he left. I stood up and looked at myself in the dirty mirror. "You can't go back to them without getting them involved so Hizas- Present mic make something out of yourself, the people here are your new family" I breathed in and out. "It's going to be okay" I go downstairs and see Axe and Frankie laughing. Axe noticed me and lit up. "Mic! Just the guy I want to see, I have something for you" "Actually we have something for you" Forest walks in from behind me with a small box.

"Yes of course we, sorry! Well, give it to him!" She hands me the box. "It's from us, let us know what you think" I opened it and there laid two hearing aids. My tears came back, I can't even express how much I love this. I put them on. Forest helped me turn them on. "There it should be on, how is it?" I heard her so clearly! "Yeah it works! I heard you so well" hearing so much almost felt weird, hearing all the little sounds like the floor creaking. "That's awesome! So glad it works, we tried our best. If you have any issues with them tell us" I nodded.

"I can't thank you enough for this, this means so much to me you have no idea" Forest hugs me, her hugs are so comforting. "Of course, anything to help you out" she let go. "Wait where's Bones?" They all point to the band room. I walk into the band room and get caught back by how loud the drums really are. "Woah sorry dude. YOU GOT THE HEARING AIDS!!" They run over and look at them. "Really cool right! I'm still getting used to hearing things so clearly" Shota would be so happy too. "Yeah understandable, glad to see you here! I wanted to show you the improvements I've made to the song" They go to the drums and play their part.

I hear the change they made and it's so much better! We're making instrumental for the next concert. Frankie writes the lyrics. "That's so awesome dude!! It matches the bass much better" we play together to just hear it and we both agreed it sounds better. I haven't talked to anyone about the next concert, will they even let me go? I know Sliver can play my part so what will I even do? "Sounds awesome, Frankie's going to have fun with this one" we look over and see Sliver at the door. "Thanks! We've been working hard!" Bones is right, in the short time we came up with something great.

"I can tell! But I wanna have a word with Mic real quick" I put the bass down and walk out with her. "Sorry to interrupt but I bet you've been wondering about the next concert. Frankie and I were talking and we'll let you come as a getaway driver for now. Forest and Axe are usually in the van during the show but if you drive Axe will be in with us as backup. I want to make sure you're safe so I want to train you, one day you can join us if you want. In the meantime Axe will teach you how to be a pro getaway driver!" I'm okay with that! Right? I'll figure it out. "Sure! Yeah anything to help out the crew. Oh yeah I trained at UA high so I have a bit of training already" she pats me on the back.

"I know you'll do great! I see the hearing aids are working out, that's good" I smile. "Yeah it is! It's amazing" she clears her throat. "Cool, well I just wanted to let you know about plans for the concert next month. You can go back with Bones" I thanked her again before going back to Bones.

After a couple hours we stopped for the day and I took a shower. "Today was awesome! So much was great but Frankie's right I can't let missing the gang hold me back. I need to keep moving forward" I ate dinner with the crew later that night then went to bed early. It was a long day.. I still miss them even if I'm trying not to. It's only been a week but one day I'll realize that they're better off without me. I need to focus on getting ready for the concert, I can't fail the crew.

I just can't..

Sorry for not updating in a while. I'll try to more often but no promises. I already have an idea for where this is going so it's not ending anytime soon. Next chapter will be longer, just wanted to update again.

Also the music I imagined Bones and Mic playing is Surprise by the Garden. You can imagine whatever music you want for this band that's just where I was going with it

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