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"Hey Mic wake up" I slowly sat up and looked around. "We're here! Come on" Axe opens the door and we get out. This place looks like a really old condo, basically looks abandoned. I walk in with Frankie and Axe. "So Frankie bailed you out Axe!'' Some lady walks in, she's kind of intimidating. "Oh come on Silver! Lay off me" they laughed then she looked at me.

"Who's the kid" just introduce yourself! "Hi, I'm Hiz- Present Mic. Mic for short, I'm uh joining the crew" I can tell she's confused. "Here let's get everyone in here so we can introduce our newest member. Can you go get them Sliver, please" Frankie tells her, she nods and leaves the room. "Soo who's Silver?" Frankie puts his hand on my shoulder. "Everyone will introduce themselves, try not to be too nervous okay" I take a breath. "I'll be okay" he smiled and pulled his hand away.

Silver walks back in with two other people. "Woah who's that guy Silver!" A kid asks. "Don't worry Bones I'll tell you. Okay now that everyone's here I'd like to introduce our newest member Present Mic! I bet you're wondering why he's here, he has nowhere to call home. He wanted help but the hero's treated him like was nothing, he wants to join our cause. So we took him in. So want to properly introduce yourself Mic '' they look a bit shocked I'm here, I can tell they don't fully trust me, which is fair.

"Like Frankie said I'm Present mic but just Mic works too. My quirk is voice, I can amplify my voice to go really loud. I can't control it that well but I'm working on it. Also I can't hear very well due to my quirk so sorry if I can't hear you that well" what if I'm too much! They might think I'm useless! "That's a cool quirk! Hi I'm Bones" oh wow they like my quirk, ha that's a first! Other than..

"So my quirk is I can read minds! I can read someone's mind from miles away, cool right. Also I play instruments for the band" that's really cool! That means they can read my thoughts whenever. "Thanks! And don't worry I don't read minds all the time, I can control when I use it. Still working on it though!" Oh wow. "Haha good to know Bones" they seem young.

"I guess I'll go next, hi I'm Forest. My quirk is electric control, I can create and manipulate electricity at will. Also I can see where my spark goes. So if I'm hacking into security cameras I can use my spark to see through the camera. By doing that I can control it too. I'm a hacker if you couldn't tell" that's a really useful quirk, complicated but awesome! "Nice to meet you! Your quirk is interesting, I've never heard of anything like it! It's cool" she seems a bit standoffish but she's still cool!

"Hey Mic, you know me kind of. I'm Axe and my quirk is telekinesis. Pretty self explanatory, a drawback to my quirk is the bigger the thing I'm stopping or holding the more it drains my energy! Yeah, usually what I do around here is make support items or other things like that, I invent stuff. Also I'm a get away driver" he makes things? I wonder if he can make me hearing aids, I should ask later.

"I'm Silver, one of the founders. My quirk is sound amplifier. I can make anything I touch louder whether it's a person or a thing. It just had to make a sound. Not too different from your quirk. I do a bit of everything around here but mostly combat and instruments" she had a quirk like mine! That's so cool for someone to have a similar quirk to me. "That's so cool that we have similar quirks!" She smiled. "Yeah it is"

"Best for last I guess, I'm joking! I'm Frankie, the other founder. My quirk is sing hypnosis, I can mind control anyone when I sing. It's way more effective when there's music. I can pretty much make anyone do anything when they're under my control, so that's why I'm the lead singer for the band" so this is everyone in the band. They all have powerful quirks that help the band.

"It's nice to meet all of you! I know I'm new but I'll help out as much as I can around here" I feel like I'm going to like it here. "Awesome, okay everyone we have a new face here so help him out when he needs it, he'll do the same too. Anyways I'll show you to your room Mic. Then I'll let you be" I follow Frankie to a room upstairs. It's a spare room, has a big bed with a dresser and a closet.

"Here's your room Mic! It's not the fanciest but it's best not to have that high of standards" it's perfect.. "I love it. This is great! Thank you so much, I still can't thank you for taking me in" I look around the room. "Glad you do and I know I'm not going to regret taking you in, you seem like a kid with a lot of gut" I smile. "No one's ever told me that" that reminds me. "We believe in each other here, well I'm going to let you be" I don't know if I should.. just do it!

"Hey wait, Frankie, do you have a burner I can borrow? I want to call someone, I just want to tell him I'm okay. I won't tell him where I am" he pulled a burner out of his pocket and tossed it to me. "Here, I trust you. Just give it back after" I nod, then he left. I sigh, I don't know if I can do this. I dial Shota's number. It's ringing.

"Hello?" He answered. Keep your cool. "Hey Shota, it's Hizashi" there was a silence. "Why.. didn't your number show up and why weren't you at school. Also why are there posters of someone fitting your description wanted for arrest. Hizashi what's going on" I sigh, I'm not surprised he's asking all these questions. "Listen I can't tell you everything but I was framed, that hero is lying he framed me. The cops are believing his lie. Please Shota you have to believe me" he's basically all I have left.

"So that is you.. what happened yesterday, please Zashi '' stop making this so hard Shota. "I can't, all I know is they're after me and you can't trust the cops or the hero's. Shota I don't know when or if I'll ever see you again but know that what happens next is my choice. I'm going to be okay, just know I did nothing wrong" I start tearing up. "You're scaring me, please Hizashi wherever you are just come to my house I can help you" no you can't. "I love you Shota" then I hung up.

I sit there crying to myself. Why did I call him?! FUCK! I don't know what he'll do, he might tell the police my identity! No, calm down.. Shota wouldn't do that. I lay back wiping my tears away. "He'll get over me someday... it's for the best he does. The gang should forget too but I don't know if I'll ever forget them. Either way they won't get in the way of what I do now.

I get up and look around for Frankie, I run into Bones. "Oh hey Mic! How's things so far" it'll be okay. "Going okay, just settling in. I don't know my way around this place so I'm kinda lost" Bones can help me find Frankie. "I'll show you around, so you can get around easier" I'll just give it to Frankie later. "Yeah that would be awesome! Thanks Bones" then they start showing me around.

Shota, please understand.

Hi everyone!
I just want to give some add-on info about the new characters.

-Frankie is currently 26 years old and uses he/him pronouns.
-Silver is currently 27 years old and uses she/her pronouns.
-Axe is currently 25 years old and uses he/they pronouns.
-Forest is currently 23 years old and uses she/her pronouns.
-Bones is currently 14 years old and uses they/them pronouns.

I which character do you like so far?
Also if you have questions about any of them ask me!

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